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Vital/Lab Test

Pathogen Disease producing
Micro-Organism only seen with a microscope
Normal Flora Normal Bacteria on skin unless moved to another area
aerobic with oxygen
anerobic without oxygen
superbugs MDRO- MRSA
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
acute Rapid, sudden
chronic lifetime, long time
Sanitization ultrasonic (Doesn't come in contact w/pt. or only touches pt. skin_
Disinfection 1:10 Bleach Big Items
Sterilization auto clave instruments kills spores and bacteria
Vital Signs T,P,R,BP
Temp Oral, Rectal, Temporal, Axillary, Tympanic
Oral 98.6 Most Used
Rectal 99.6 -1 Most Accurate
Axillary 97.6 +1 Least Accurate
Tympanic 98.6
Temporal 98.6
Tachycardia Fast pulse
Bradycardia Slow Pulse
Volume Strength of pulse
bounding pulse increase blood volume
thready pulse barely perceptible
rythm regularity or equal spacing
dysrythmia irregular rythm
intermittent pulse heart skips beat
Respiration rate 12-20
Bradypnea slow respiration
tachypnea fast respiration
Apnea absence of breathing
eupnea normal breathing
dyspnea difficulty breathing
stridor shrill, harsh sound (kids w/ croup)
Stertorous noisy, snoring crackles, formerly rales
Rhonchi Gargles (rattling)
Wheezes Asthma, COPD Abstract Airway wheezing sound
Cheyne Stokes Irregular breathing may stop and start new pattern
Normal BP 120/80
Korotkoff Sounds First sounds heard cause from Arterial wall distends under the compression of the bp cuff.
Systolic Highest pressure/first sound
Dystolic Lowest pressure/ Last sound
Hypotension/Hypotensive <90/60
PreHypertension 120-139-80-89
Hypertension Stage 1 140-159/90-99
Hypertension Stage 2 100+/100+
Hypertensive CRISIS 160/110
CBC Complete Blood Count
CBC Includes wbc, rbc, Hgb, Hct, Mcv Mch, McHc, Plt, Rdw
Anemia too low than normal level of rbc or hemoglobin within the rbc.
Polycythemia too high of number of RBC Over population
Hemalobin Normal Range Female 12-16 Male 14-18
Reticulocytes Immature red blood cells
Reticulocytes Mature 48 hours
Homeostasis Balace-Everything works together
Thyroid Tsh, T3, T4, FT3, FT4
Electrolytes Na, K, Cl, Co2
Sodium Na
Potassium K
Chloride Ci
Bicarbonate Co2
Where can you find Glucose Serum or Plasma
GTT Glucose Tolerance Test
Vein Choices Median cubital cephalic Basillic/ Brachial
Vein draw from Antecubital Fossa/ or Hand
CLSI Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
POC Point of care
POL Physician Office Laboratory
MCT Level 1 Moderate
HCT Level 2 High
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
FDA Food and Drug Administration
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
NIOSH National Institute of Safety and Health
Venous Problem Affect the Vein
Nonvenous Problem Affect the Tissue/Hematoma
Hematoma Bruise
Petechiae bleeding under the skin
Phlebitis Inflammation of the vein
Thrombophlebitis Clot in inflamed vein
Edema Swelling
AGB Arterial Blood Gas
RPR or VDRL Syphilis or SST
Heart Troponin, CPK, CKMB, LDH-Tiger Top
Trough Level Lowest amt. medication in body draw before next dose given
Peak level Highest amt. medication in body draw 30-1hr after dose given
Female Hormones FSH,LH,Estogen,Prolactin
Male Hormones Testosterone, PSA
Kidneys Renal Function Panel-SST BUN/Creat
Liver Hempatic Panel Profile
Temperature C to F c*9/5+32=F
Temperature F To C (F-32)*5/9=c
Pulse 60-100 Normal
Respirations 12-20
Hemolysis destruction of red blood cells
Lipemic excess of fat or lipids in the blood
Invasion Pathogen enters the body through portal of entry
Multiplication Reproduction of pathogens
Incubation Period Varies Several Days to months to years
Prodromal period first, mild signs and symptoms, highly contagious period
acute period signs and symptoms are evident and most severe
recovery period signs and symptoms begin to subside
Chain of Infection Reservoir Host Means of Exit Means of Transmission Means of Entrance Susceptible Host
Created by: Kimlamb15
Popular Medical sets




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