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Surg Tech Quiz 2

Fundamental Knowledge - I. Basic Sciences - B. Anatomy and Physiology

Which radiographic procedure has the ability to make images in multiple planes? MRI
The absence of a normal body opening, duct, or canal is called atresia
Blood gas analysis is called ABG
A ganglion is a collection of nerve endings
The lungs are covered in a serous membranous sac called the Visceral pleura
The passageway for foods and liquids into the digestive system, and for air into the respiratory system, is the Pharynx
The vocal cords are located in the larynx
The function of the trachea is to conduct air to and fron the lungs
The nasal cavity is divided into two portions by the septum
The bones of the palm of the hand are referred to as metacarpals
The muscles important in respiration are intercostal
The thick, fan-shaped muscle that lies on the anterior chest is the pectoralis major
The triangular muscle of the shoulder that abducts the arm is the deltoid
Which of the abdominal muscles originates at the pubic bone and ends in the ribs Rectus abdominis
One of the principal muscles of the pelvic floor is the levator ani
The gastrocnemius is the chief muscle of the Calf of the leg
A connective tissue band that holds bones together is called ligament
The two bones that forn the side walls and the roof of the cranium are the Parietal bones
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is located Along the side of the neck
The medial bone of the forearm, which is located on the small-finger side of the hand, is called the Ulna
The bone that is chaped like a butterfly and forms the anterior portion of the base of the cranium is the sphenoid
The bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the occipital
The lower jawbone is the mandible
The bone located in the neck between the mandible and the larynx, which supports the tongue and provides attachment for some of its muscles, is the hyoid bone
The adult vertebral column has how many bones 26 bones
How many cervical certebrae are there? 7
The bone in the axial skeleton that does not articulate with any other bone is the Hyoid bone
The number of pairs of ribs is 12
A slender, rodlike bone that is located at the base of the neck and runs horizontally is the clavicle
The nucleus pulposus is the Cushioning mass within an intervertebral disk
The upper, flaring portion of the hipbone is the ilium
A large opening at the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes is the foramen magnum
The larger, weight-bearing bone of the lower leg is the tibia
The bone that fits into the acetabulum, forming a joint, is the femur
Another name for the kneecap is patella
The membranes that line closed cavities within the body are called serous membranes
The longes bone in the body is the femur
A rounded protuberance found at a point of articulation with another bone is called a condyle
An infection of the bone is osteomyelitis
The epiphyses are the Ends of long bones
Oil glands of the skin are called sebaceous
the periosteum is the membrane that covers bone
A transparent structure that permits the eye to focus rays to form an image on the retina is the lens
The purpose of the iris is to regulate the amount of light entering the eye
The structure that is seen from the outside as the colored portion of the eye is the retina
The nerve that carries visual impulses to the brain is the optic nerve
The white outer layer of the eyeball is the sclera
A jelly-like substance is the eye's posterior cavity is called vitreous humor
The structure that connects the middle ear and the throat, allowing the eardrum to vibrate freely, is the eustachian tube
The conjunctiva is the Covering of the anterior globe except the cornea
The number of pairs of spinal nerves is 31
The great sensory nerve of the face and head is the trigeminal
The cranial nerve that contains special sense fibers for hearing as well as for balance is Cranial nerve VIII (acoustic nerve)
The part of the brain responsible for maintenance of balance and muscle tone, as well as coordination of voluntary muscle, is the cerebellum
the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes are divisions of the cerebrum
The area of the brain that controls the respiratory center is the medulla oblongata
The largest part of the brain is the cerebellum
The outermost covering of the brain and spinal cord is the dura mater
Cerebrospinal fluid circulates freely in the subarachnoid space
The brain contains four fluid-filled spaces called the ventricles
Which of the following structures transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear tympanic membrane
The winding, cone-shaped tube of the inner ear is the Cochlea
Which of the following is not an auditory ossicle Cochlea
Cross-matching of blood determines suitability of donor by mixing donor RBC's with recipient serum
The highly specialized blood cell whose function is oxygen transportation is Red blood cell
A differential count provides an estimate of the percentage of each type of white cell
Mixing of incompatible blood may result in agglutination
Platelets are essential for coagulation of blood
In the normal adult, the average number of leukocytes per cubic millimeter of circulating blood is 5,000-10,000
A large superficial vein in the lower extremity, which begins in the foot and extends up the medial side of the leg, the knee, and the thigh, is called the greater saphenous
The vein in the bend of the elbow that is commonly used as a site for venipuncture is the median cubital vein
The artery at the back of the knee is the popliteal
The superior and inferior mesenteric arteries supply the intestines
The vein that drains the veins of the chest wall and empties into the superior vena cava is the azygos
The veins of the head and neck are drained by the Jugular veins
Which arteries supply the heart coronary
The atrioventricular (A-V) node causes ventricular contraction
Why would an aspirated foreign body be more likely to enter the right bronchus rather than the left bronchus The right bronchus is more vertical, shorter, and wider than the left
The spleen filters blood
Circulation that is established through an anastomosis between two vessels supplying or draining two adjacent structures is called collateral circulation
Which artery supplies the head and neck carotid
The serous membrane that covers the heart is the pericardium
The circle of Willis is located At the base of the brain
The branch of the external iliac artery that is loacted in the thigh is called the femoral artery
The descending aorta terminates at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra, dividing into two common iliac arteries
The contractions of the heart are synchronized and regulated by the pacemaker of the heart, called the sinoatrial node
Tiny blood vessels that permeate and nourish tissue are called capillaries
The wall or partition dividing the heart into right and left sides is called the septum
The heart valve that closes at the time the right ventricle begins pumping, preventing blood from returning to the right atrium, is the tricuspid
The inner linging of the heart, composed of smooth, delicate membrane, is called the endocardium
The spleen is located in the left hypochondriac region
All of the following are parts of the lymphatic system EXCEPT the: thyroid, tonsils, spleen, thymus thyroid
The s-shaped bend in the lower colon is called the sigmoid
The reabsorption of water and electrolytes is the main function of the large intestine
The terminal portion of the large intestine is the anal canal
Which structure lies retroperitoneally: sigmoid colon, spleen, liver, kidney Kidney
The first portion of the large intestine is the cecum
The appendix is attached to the cecum
the promary function of the gallbladder is storage of bile
When the gallbladder contracts, bile is ejected into the duodenum
The area in the duodenum where the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct empty is called the ampulla of Vater
Which structure is also known as the "fatty apron" greater omentum
The common bile ducts is the union of the cystic duct and hepatic duct
The yellow tinge in the skin symptomatic of obstructive jaundice is caused by the accumulation of what substance in the blood and tissue bilirubin
The head of the pancreas is located in the curve of the duodenum
The sphincter at the junction of the small and large intestines is the ileocecal sphincter
The portion of the small intestine that receives secretions from the pancreas and the liver is the duodenum
The region of the stomach that connects to the duodenum is the pylorus
The mesentery is a double-layered peritoneal structure shaped like a fan
The large central portion of the stomach is called the body
The muscle serving as a valve to prevent regurgitation of food from the intestine back into the stomach is known as the pyloric sphincter
The digestive passageway that begins at the pharynx and terminates in the stomach is the esophagus
The point at which the esophagus penetrates the diaphragm is called the hiatus
Adenoids are also called pharyngeal tonsils
The function of the molar teeth is to crush and grind food
Mumps occur in the parotid glands
The salivary glands located under the tongue are the sublingual
The liver has how many lobes 2
The glomerulus is a cluster of capillaries
The tubes or cuplike extensions that project from the renal pelvis are called Calyces
Urine is transported along the ureters to the bladder by peristaltic waves
The smooth, triangular area at the bottom of the bladder that contains three openings is called the trigone
The kidneys are positioned retroperitoneally
The kidney structure that filters blood, returns useful substances to blood, and removes substances from blood that are not needed is the nephron
Blood is supplied to the kidney by means of the renal artery, which arises from the abdominal aorta
The indentation in the kidney through which all structures must pass as they enter or leave the kidney is the hilus
The outer layer of the kidney is known as the cortex
The portion of the male urethra that passes through the pelvic floor is called the membranous portion
A lack of voluntary control over micturition is called incontinence
Urine empties from the bladder through a tube called the urethra
Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes
The perineum is the area between the vagina and the anus
The small, sensitive structure of the female homologous to the male penis is the clitoris
Ova are swept into the fallopian tubes by small, fringelike extensions on the distal ends of the tubes called fimbriae
The inner lining of the uterus is called the endometrium
The ligamenmt that attaches the ovaries to the pelvic wall is the suspensory
The supporting structure of the male reproductive system is the spermatic cord
The loose skin covering the glans penis like a sheath is called the prepuce
The distal end of the penis is slightly enlarged and is called the glans penis
In a male, the structure surrounding the entrance to the urethra just below the urinary bladder is the prostate gland
Which structure is not a portion of the male urethra: membranous, prostatic, vas, penile vas
This structure stores sperm and propels them toward the urethra during ejaculation vas deferens
The long, coiled tube in which sperm mature is the epididymis
Created by: bright1lilli
Popular Medical sets




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