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Chapt.19 Key Terms

Genitourinary System

acute kidney failure commonly defined as an abrupt decline in renal function, clinically manifesting as a reversible acute increase in nitrogen waste products
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) an enlarged prostate gland . The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.
calculus a stone (a concretion of material, usually mineral salts) that forms in an organ or duct of the body
chronic kidney disease (CKD) progressive loss in kidney function over a period of months or years
chronic renal failure lower glomerular filtration rate and as a result a decreased capability of the kidneys to excrete waste products.
complete prolapse where the rectal walls have prolapsed to a degree where they protrude out the anus and are visible outside the body.
cystitis inflammation of the urinary bladder. It is often caused by infection and is usually accompanied by frequent, painful urination.
dysplasia the presence of cells of an abnormal type within a tissue, which may signify a stage preceding the development of cancer.
endometriosis a condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain.
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) the final stage of chronic kidney disease in which the kidneys no longer function well enough to meet the needs of daily life.
female genital prolapse characterized by a portion of the vaginal canal protruding (prolapsing) from the opening of the vagina.
female genitalia a procedure performed especially as a cultural rite that typically includes the total or partial excision of the female external genitalia
glomerulonephritis acute inflammation of the kidney, typically caused by an immune response.
incomplete prolapse uterus, or womb, is a muscular structure that's held in place by pelvic muscles and ligaments. ... Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus sags or slips from its normal position
kidneys each of a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, birds, and reptiles, excreting urine.
male genitalia male external genitalia comprise the penis, the male urethra, and the scrotum.
menopause the ceasing of menstruation the period in a woman's life (typically between 45 and 50 years of age) when this occurs.
micturate urinate
nephritis inflammation of the kidneys.
nephrons functional units in the kidney, consisting of a glomerulus and its associated tubule, through which the glomerular filtrate passes before emerging as urine.
nephropathy kidneys are damged
nephrosis kidney disease, especially when characterized by edema and the loss of protein from the plasma into the urine due to increased glomerular permeability
ovarian cysts a fluid-filled sac within the ovary. Often they cause no symptoms. Occasionally they may produce bloating, lower abdominal pain, or lower back pain
penis the male genital organ of higher vertebrates, carrying the duct for the transfer of sperm during copulation
perimonopausal of or in the period of a woman's life shortly before the occurrence of menopause.
postmenopausal having undergone menopause or occurring after menopause.
premenpausal n a woman's life in which she is fully fertile. It starts with a woman's first period and finishes with the first symptoms of menopause
prostate gland a gland surrounding the neck of the bladder in male mammals and releasing prostatic fluid.
renal colic a type of pain caused by kidney stones. Kidney stones (urolithiasis) are crystals that form from chemicals in the urine
ureters the duct by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder or cloaca
urethra the duct by which urine is conveyed out of the body from the bladder, and which in male vertebrates also conveys semen.
urethral stricture is a narrowing of the urethra caused by injury, instrumentation, infection and certain non-infectious forms of urethritis.
urethritis inflammation of the urethra.
urinary bladder is a hollow muscular organ that collects urine from the kidneys before disposal by urination
urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. Each kidney consists of millions of functional units called nephrons.
urinary tract infection (UTI) an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra
urine a watery, typically yellowish fluid stored in the bladder and discharged through the urethra
voiding to discharge or emit
Created by: K.Lindsey
Popular Medical sets




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