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Medical Terminology/Child Health and Oncology
Question | Answer |
**active acquired immunity | A form of long-term acquired immunity that protects the body against a new infection as the result of antibodies that develop naturally after an initial infection or artificially after a vaccination. |
apical pulse | The heart rate as heard with a stethoscope placed on the chest wall adjacent to the cardiac apex(top of the heart). |
**apnea _ a-=without,not; pne/o=breathing | An absence of spontaneous respiration. |
axillary temperature | The body temperature as recorded by a thermometer placed in the armpit. (0.5 to 1.0 degree less than oral). |
**congenital | Present at birth. |
crackles | A common abnormal respiratory sound; discontinuous bubbling noises. |
**cyanosis _ cyan/o=blue, -osis=condition | Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. |
deciduous teeth | Baby teeth; first set of teeth known as primary teeth. |
**dentition | The eruption of teeth. This occurs in a sequential pattern, with 20 primary teeth erupting between the ages of 6 to 30 months. |
**development | An increase in function and complexity that results through learning, maturation, and growth. |
febrile | Pertaining to or characterized by an elevated body temperature, such as a ____ reaction to an infectious agent. |
friction rub | A dry, grating sound heard with a stethoscope during auscultation. |
growth | An increase in the whole or any of its parts physically. |
grunting | Abnormal, short audible deep, hoarse sounds in exhalation that often accompany severe chest pain. |
**child growth is measured by | acquiring the child's weight, head circumference, length or height, and dentition. |
*weight | measured at every well-visit and sick-visit. |
*head circumference | the measurement of the greatest circumference of the head; plotted according to normal growth and development patterns for the infant's head. |
*length(height) | measured from crown of the head to the heel while child is in a recumbent position(lying on back with legs extended). Compared to head circumference for overall indicator of physical growth. |
**hydrocephalus _ hydr/o=water, cephal/o=head | A pathological condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid(CSF), usually under increased pressure, within the cranial vault and subsequent dilation of the ventricles. Resulting in increased head circumference. |
*immunity | The quality of being insusceptible to or unaffected by a particular disease or condition. |
**immunization | A process by which resistance to an infectious disease is induced or augmented. |
infant | Child in earliest stage of life = first month of life to approximately 12 months of age( able to assume erect posture). |
lumbar puncture | introduction of a hollow needle and stylet into the subarachnoid space of lumbar portion of the spinal canal to optain specimens of cerebrospinal fluid. |
microcephalus | congenital anomaly characterized by abnormal smallness of the head in relation to the rest of the body and by underdevelopment of the brain, resulting in some degree of mental retardation. |
*natural immunity | A usually innate and permanent form of immunity to a specific disease. |
neonatologist _ne/o=new, nat/o=birth, -logist= on who studies | A medical doctor who specializes in neonatology |
neonatology | The medical specialty concerned with the diseases and abnormalities of newborn infants. |
nomogram _ nom/o=of or relating to usage, -gram=a record | A graphic representation, by any of various systems, of numeric relationship. |
omphalitis | An inflammation of the umbilical stump, marked by redness, swelling and purulent exudate in severe cases. |
**omphalocele _ omphal/o=navel, -cele=swelling or herniation | Congenital herniation of intra-abdominal viscera through a defect in the abdominal wall around the umbilicus. |
omphalorrhea _ -rrhea=drainage | Drainage from the umbilicus(navel). |
oral temperature | The mean body temperature of a normal person as recorded by a clinical thermometer placed in the mouth. |
**passive acquired immunity | A form of acquired immunity resulting from antibodies that are transmitted naturally through the placenta to a fetus, through the colostrum to an infant, artificially by injection of antiserum for treatment or as a prophylaxis. |
pediatrician | A physician who specializes in pediatrics. |
pediatric nurse practitioner _ pedi/a=child, -iatric=medicine, the medical profession, or physician | A registered nurse with advanced study and clinical practice in pediatric nursing. |
pediatrics | Pertaining to preventive and primary health care and treatment of children and the study of childhood diseases. |
primary teeth | Baby teeth; deciduous teeth. |
prodromal | Pertaining to early signs or symptoms that mark the onset of a disease. |
pyrexia | Fever. |
rectal temperature | Temperature as measured in the rectum. |
recumbent | lying down. |
retraction | The displacement of tissues to expose a part or structure of the body. |
stature | Natural height of a person in an upright position. |
stridor | An abnormal, high-pitched, musical sound caused by an obstruction in the trachea or larynx. |
toxoid _ tox/o=poisons, toxins; -oid=resembling | A toxin that has been treated with chemicals or with heat to decrease its toxic effect, but that retains its ability to cause the production of antibodies. (vaccines have small portion of disease). |
tympanic temperature _ tympan/o=eardrum | The body temperature as measured electronically at the tympanic membrane. |
vaccine | A suspension of attenuated or killed mircroorganisms administered intradermally, intramuscularly, orally, or subcutaneously to induce active immunity to infectios disease. |
vertex | The top of the head; crown. |
well-child visit | Routine health visit in which health professionals assess the current health status of the child, the progression of growth and development, and the need for immunizations. |
wheezing | A breath sound, characterized by a high-pitched musical quality heard on both inspiration and expiration. Associated with asthma and chronic bronchitis. |
blast/o | embryonic stage of development. |
**cephal/o | head |
**crypt/o | hidden |
epi- | upon, over |
**esophag/o | esophagus |
hydr/o | water |
hypo- | under, below, beneath, less than normal |
**-iatric | relating to medicine, physicians, or medical treatment |
micr/o | small |
**nat/o | birth |
**neo- | new |
**omphal/o | navel |
pedi/a | child |
pyr/o | fire, heat |
rose/o | rose colored |
tetr/a | four |
tympan/o | eardrum |
SG-Newborn | birth to 1 month |
SG-Infancy | 1 month to 1 year |
SG-Toddlerhood | 1 to 3 years |
SG-Preschool age | 3 to 6 years |
SG-School age | 6 to 12 years |
SG-Adolescents | 12 to 18 or 21 years |
Immunizations | Medication administered as a vaccine; causes suspension of infectious agents or some part of them; given to establish resistance to an infectious disease. |
Childhood Immunizations | Hepatitis B, DTaP, Polio (IPV), MMR, Varicella, and PCV. |
**Varicella-Zoster virus (chickenpox) | Viral disease of sudden onset with slight fever, successive eruptions of macules, papules, and vesicles on the skin, followed by crusting over of lesions whith a granular scab; itching may be severe. Immunization: varicella vaccine. |
**erythema infectiosum | A viral disease characterized by a face that appears as "slapped cheeks," a fiery red rash on the cheeks. Infectious agent: human parvovirus. |
**Pertussis (whooping cough) | An acute upper respiratory infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Immunization: one of components of the DPT vaccine. |
**Rubella (German measles; 3-day measles) | Mild febrile infectious disease resembling both scarlet fever and measles; characterized by rash of macules and papules that fades, disappears in 3 days. Diff.: Koplik's spots and photophobia are not present. Immunization: MMR vaccine. |
**Rubeola ("red measles," 7-day measles) | Acute, highly communicable viral disease that begins as an upper respiratory disorder, followed by rash 4-5 days after onset. Diff.: diagnosis based on presence of Koplik's spots in mouth. Infectious agent: measles virus. Imminization: MMR vaccine. |
**Scarlet Fever (scarlatina) | An acute, contagious disease characterized by sore throat, abrupt high fever, increased pulse, strawberry tongue, and pointlike bright red rash on the body. Infectious agent: Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. |
**mumps (infectious parotitis) | Acute viral disease characterized by fever, swelling, and tenderness of one or more salivary glands, usually the parotid glands. Immunization: one component of MMR vaccine. |
**DPT | diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (vaccine). |
**Cleft lip | A congenital defect in which there is an open space between nasal cavity and lip due to failure of soft tissue and bones to fuse properly during embryonic development. |
*Cleft palate | Failure of the hard palate to fuse, resulting in a fissure in the middle of the palate. As result newborn has difficulty feeding and breathing. Surgical intervention necessary. |
**Croup | Childhood disease characterized by a barking cough, stidor and laryngeal spasm. Stridor=high-pitched musical sound when breathing in. |
**hyaline membrane disease | Severe impairment of respiration in premature newborn; also known as respiratory distress syndrome of the premature infant(RDS). |
**erythroblastosis fetalis | Form of hemolytic anemia that occurs in neonates due to maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility, involving ABO grouping or Rh factors; also known as hemolytic disease of newborn(HDN). |
Reye's syndrome (RISE-SIN-drohm) | Syndrome marked by severe edema of brain, increased intracranial pressure, hypoglycemia, fatty infiltration, dysfunction of liver. Follows acute viral infection, occuring in children below 18, often fatal results(linked asprin use during viral illness). |
**Shaken Baby Syndrome(SBS) | Serious form of child abuse resulting from repetitive, violent shaking. Symptoms: irritability, vomiting, seizures, retinal hemorrhages, respiratory distress, and signs of swelling in the brain. |
**spina bifida occulta | Congenital defect of central nervous system in which back portion of one or more vertebrae is not closed. Dimpling over area. |
**Tay-Sachs disease | Congenital disorder caused by altered lipid metabolism due to an enzyme deficiency. Symptoms begin around 6 months of age. |
MMR | measles-mumps-rubella(vaccine) |
ASQ | Ages & Stages Questionnaire |
DS | Down syndrome |
HDN | hemolytic disease of the newborn |
HMD | hyaline membrane disease |
PNP | pediatric nurse practitioner |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome |
SBS | shaken baby syndrome |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
Tb | tuberculosis |
Td | tetanus and diphtheria toxoid |
adjuvant | A substance, especially a drug, added to a prescription to assist in the action of the main ingredient. |
adjuvant therapy | Treatment of disease with a substance, especially a drug, that enhances the main ingredient.(i.e. chemotherapy to radiation) |
**anaplasia _ana-=not,without; -plasia=formation,growth | a change in the structure and orientation of cells characterized by a loss of specialization and reversion to a more primitive form.(opposite of differentiation) |
antimetabolite | A class of antineoplastic drugs used to treat cancer. Most effective against rapidly growing tumors. |
**antineoplastic _ anti-=against, ne/o=new, plas/o=formation,development | Of or pertaining to a substance, procedure, or measure that prevents the proliferation of malignant cells. |
**benign | noncancerous and not an immediate threat. (opposite of malignant) |
**cancer | a neoplasm characterized by the uncontrolled growth of anaplastic cells that tend to invade surrounding tissue. |
carcinogen _ carcin/o=cancer, -gen=that which generates | A substance or agent that causes the development or increases the incidence of cancer. |
carcinoma | A malignant neoplasm. |
**carcinoma in situ(CIS) | A premalignant neoplasm that has not invaded the basement membrane but shows cytologic characteristics of cancer. |
chemotheropy _ chem/o=chemical reaction, -therapy=treatment | The use of chemical agents to destroy cancer cells on a selective basis. |
cytotoxic _ cyt/o=cell, tox/o=poisons | Pertaining to being destructive to cells. |
dedifferentiation | anaplasia |
*deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) | A large nucleic acid molecule found principally in the chromosomes of the nucleus of a cell that is the carrier of genetic information. |
**differentiation | a process of development in which cells become specialized and differentiated both physically and functionally from the parent cell.(opposite of anaplasia) |
encapsulated | Enclosed in fibrous or membranous sheaths. |
fractionation | in radiology, the division of the total dose of radiation into small doses administered at intervals. |
infiltrative | possessing the ability to invade or penetrate adjacent tissue. |
invasive | Characterized by a tendancy to spread, infiltrate, and intrude. |
ionizing radiation | High-energy X-rays that possess the ability to kill cells or retard their growth. |
linear accelerator | An apparatus for accelerating charged subatomic paritcles used in radiotherapy, physics research, and the production of radionuclides. |
lumpectomy _ -ectomy=surgical removal | Surgical removal of only the tumor and the immediate adjacent breast tissue; treatment for breast cancer at early stage. |
**malignant | Tending to become worse and cause death(opposite of benign). |
**metastasis _ meta-=beyond, after; -stasis=stopping, controlling | The process by which tumor cells spread to distant parts of the body. |
mitosis | A type of cell division that results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells. |
mixed-tissue tumor | A growth of more than one type of neoplastic tissue. |
modality | A method of application(i.e. treatment method). |
morbidity | An illness or an abnormal condition or quality. |
mutation | a change or transformation in a gene. |
**neoplasm _ ne/o=new, -plasm=growth, formation | Any abnormal growth of new tissue, benign or malignant. |
oncogene _ onc/o=swelling, mass, or tumor; -gene=that which generates | A gene in a virus that has the ability to cause a cell to become malignant. |
oncogenesis _ onc/o=swelling, mass, or tumor; -genesis=production of, formation of | Formation of a tumor. |
*papillary | of or pertaining to a papilla(nipplelike projection). |
**papilloma _ papill/o=resembling a nipple, -oma=tumor | A benign epithelial(tissue) neoplasm characterized by a branching or lobular tumor. |
pedunculated | pertaining to a structure with a stalk. |
protocol | written plan or description of the steps to be taken in a particular situation, such as conducting research. |
radiation | The emission of energy,rays, or waves. |
radiocurable tumor | Pertaining to the susceptibility of tumor cells to destruction by ionizing radiation. |
radioresistant tumor | a tumor that resists the effects of radiation. |
radioresponsive tumor | a tumor that reacts favorably to radiation. |
radiosensitive tumor | A tumor capable of being changed by or reacting to radioactive emissions such as X-rays, alpha particles, or gamma rays. |
radiotherapy | treatment of disease by using X-rays or gamma rays. |
ralapse | To exhibit again the symptoms of a disease from which a patient appears to have recovered. |
**ribonucleic acid(RNA) | A nucleic acid found in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells that transmits genetic instructions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. |
sarcoma _sarc/o=flesh, -oma=tumor | A malignant neoplasm of the connective and supportive tissues of the body, usually first presenting as a painless swelling. |
scirrhous _ scirrh/o=hard, -ous=pertaining to | Pertaining to a carcinoma with a hard structure. |
**sessile | Attached by a base rather than by a stalk or a peduncle. |
*staging | The determination of distinct phases or periods in the course of a disease. |
*stem cell | A formative cell; cell whose daughter cell may give rise to other cell types. |
tumor | A new growth of tissue characterized by progressive, uncontrolled proliferation of cells. |
verrucous | rough;warty. |
carcin/o | cancer |
ana- | not, without |
chem/o | pertaining to a chemical |
cry/o | cold |
cyst/o | bladder,sac, or cyst |
epi- | on, upon |
fibr/o | pertaining to fiber |
meta- | beyond, after |
onc/o | swelling,mass,or tumor |
papill/o | resembling a nipple |
-plasia | formation or growth |
-plasm | living substance |
radi/o | radiation;also refers to radius |
sarc/o | of or related to the flesh |
scirrh/o | hard |
Bx, bx | biopsy |
Ca | cancer |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen |
DES | diethylstilbestrol |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
**mets | metastasis |
NHL | non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
Pap smear | a simple smear method of examining stained exfoliative cells; the Papanicolaou test. |
**PSA | prostate-specific antigen |
**RNA | ribonucleic acid |
**RTx | radiation therapy |
TNM | tumor, nodes, and metastasis (a system for staging malignant neoplastic disease) |