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World History Sem. 1

This is the vocabulary for world history....Chapter 4

Epic Poem long poem that tells the deeds of great heroes
Arete excellance strived for by greek heroes
Polis greek city-states
Acropolis fortified area on top of hill that includes palaces that served as a place of refuge during attacks and religious center where temples and public buildings were built
Agora open area that served as a place where people could assemble as a market below acropolis
hoplite heavily armed infantry soldier
phalanx militart formation where rows of soldiers close togerhter with shields forming a solid wall in front and above
democracy government by people, rule of many
oligraphy rule by few
helot captured people and made to work for spartans
ephor group of 5 men elected each year and were responsible for education of youth and coduct of all citizens
Age of Pericles period of Athenian and Greek History, height of Athenian power and brilliance
Direct Democracy people participate directly in government decision making through mass meetings
Ostracism process of temporarily banning abitious politicians from city by popular vote (Athens)
rituals ceremonies or rites
oracle sacred shrine where a god or goddess revealed the future through a priest or priestess
tragedy form of drama that potrays conflict between protagonist and superiour force and having protagonist brought to ruin or sorrow, especially as a result of a fatal flaw
philosophy organized system of thought
socratic method teaching using a question-answer format to lead pupils to see things for themselves using their own reasoning
hellenistic era age that saw expansion of greek language and ideas to non-greek world of southwest asia and beyond
Epicureanism philosophy founded by epicurus in Hellenistic Athens; hapiness is cheif goal in life and the means to achieve it was pursuit of pleasure
Storcism most popular philosophy of Hellenistic world, created by zeno, people achieved happiness when people gained inner peace by living in harmony with will of God
Created by: Samanthas1583
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