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Mr. Stickler's Liberty Christian WRLD CIV Islamic Empires & World Religions 2022

What does the term "Allah" mean/ refer to? This is the Arabic word for God. (Pg. 188)
What is the sacred site of the Islamic religion and why do Muslims hold it site as sacred? The city of Makkah (Mecca). This is a sacred site because the "Black Stone" - the cornerstone of a house of worship built by Abraham & Ishmael - still stands at this spot. (Pgs. 188 & 189)
What happened to Muhammad and how did he become an important prophet in the Islamic religion? The angel Gabriel visited him and and revealed God's word to him. He wrote down what Gabriel said to him as he was told to do. His writings became the basis for the Quran. (Pgs. 189 - 190)
Who was the first convert to the Islamic religion? (Pg. 189) The 1st convert to Islam was Muhammad's wife, Khadija. (Pg. 189)
What does the term "Islam" mean? This term means "submission to the will of Allah". (Pg. 190)
What is the name of the pilgrimage to Mecca? This pilgrimage is called the "hajj". (Pg. 190)
What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? 1.) Charity & alms-giving; 2.) Making a profession of faith; 3.) Fast during Ramada; 4.) Make the pilgrimage to Mecca (if possible); 5.) Prayer 5 times a day. (Pgs. 190)
What does the term "shari'ah" mean/ refer to? This term refers to the law code developed by Muslim scholars. (Pg. 191)
What does the term "caliph" mean? This term means "successor to Muhammad". (Pg. 192)
What does the term "jihad" mean and how is it practiced by Muslims? This term means "holy war". Muslims use this term to refer to bad habits that they want to get rid of so that they can become better Muslims. (Class notes.)
What are the names of the two (2) branches of Islam? The two (2) branches of this religion are: Sunni & Shia. (Pg. 194)
What is the difference between the two (2) branches of Islam? The Shia accept "only the descendants of Ali - Muhammad's son-in-law - are the true rulers of Islam. The Sunni agreed with the Umayyads and accepted caliphs as Islamic rulers. (Pg. 194)
What does the term "sultan" mean/ refer to? This term means "holder of power". The term came into use in 1055 when a Turkish leader captured Baghdad & took command of the empire. (Pg. 197)
Who were the Mongols? This was a group of pastoral, horse-riding people who conquered most of the Gobi Desert and surrounding regions in the early 13th century.
What does the term "minaret" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "the tower of a mosque from which the muezzin calls the (Islamic) faithful to prayer".
Why do Muslims believe that the only way to recite the Quran aloud is to chant or sing it?` Muslims believe this because they believe that the Quran contains the direct words of God as they were reveled to Muhammad through Gabriel, the Archangel. Singing the words is the proper way to show respect for God's word.
When did the 1st Crusade begin? This began in 1096 C.E.
What does the term "muezzin" mean/refer to? This term refers to the "crier" who calls the Muslim faithful to prayer five times a day from the minaret.
List two (2) things that were invented by Islamic scholars/ inventors that we learned about during this chapter. 1.) The Astrolabe; 2.) "Arabic" numeral system.
What does the term "Hijrah" mean/ refer to? This term refers to an important event in the life of Muhammad. This was when Muhammad and his followers were forced out of Makkah in 622 C.E. They ended up settling in Madinah.
What does the term "vizier" mean/ refer to? This was the name of the prime minister of the government during the Abbasid Dynasty.
What does the term "dowry" mean/ refer to? This term refers to an amount of money paid to a bride by their fiance or his family prior to marriage.
What is one (1) of the sacred sites of Hinduism that we learned about? One of their sacred sites is the Ganges River.
What is the Islamic sacred book called? This book is called the Quran.
What does the term "Dar al'-Islam" mean/ refer to? This term means "Territory of Islam".
What does the term "jizyah" mean/ refer to? This term means "poll tax" and was a tax paid by non-Muslim populations to their Muslim rulers in order to vote".
When was the Umayyad Dynasty formed? This was formed in 661 C.E.
Where was the Arab military aristocracy centered during the Umayyad Dynasty? This group of people was centered in Damascus.
Who was Harun al' - Rashid? He was the best known "caliph" during the Abbasid Dynasty. He supported artists & writers and was known for his charity.
What does the term "House of Wisdom" mean/ refer to? This term refers to a grand library in Baghdad.
What does the term "ulema" mean/ refer to? This term refers to a body of Muslim scholars with a specialist in Islamic sacred law being among them.
What does the term "qadis" mean/ refer to? This term refers to judges in a Muslim community.
What is the Muslim statement of faith? This states: "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger."
When are people allowed to make the Muslim "Statement of Faith"? People are allowed to do this when they wish to convert to the Islamic religion and have completed a lengthy period of study about the religion and its practices.
What does the term "imam" mean/ refer to? This term refers to an "Islamic holy man".
In what year was Muhammad killed? This event occurred in 632 C.E.
What is the basis of the "Quran"? This is the Muslim holy book and is based on things that the angel Gabriel revealed to Muhammad. He wrote down what Gabriel said, and this became the "Quran".
Why do Muslims sing the words of the Quran when they read from it aloud? They do this to show respect for the "direct words of God".
What does the term "mosque" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "a Muslim house of worship".
What do Muslims believe about Jesus? They believe that he was "an important prophet" (like Abraham & Moses), but they believe that Muhammad was the last prophet.
What is one (1) difference between the way Christians think about Jesus as compared to the way Muslims think about Muhammad? One difference is that Muslims believe that Muhammad was a mortal person, whereas Christians believe that Jesus was both God and man.
Who was Omar Khayyam? He was the author if "The 1,001 Arabian Nights".
What does the term "arabesques" mean/refer to? This term refers to "decorations in Islamic art that consisted of Arabic letters, natural plants, & abstract figures repeated in geometric patterns."
Who was Abu al'-Abbas? He led a Persian rebellion that ended the Umayyad Dynasty in 750 C.E.
What city was the Abbasid Dynasty centered in? This dynasty was centered in Baghdad (modern day Iraq).
Who was Saladin? He was a Muslim ruler who took control of Egypt in 1169 C.E., ending the Fatimid Dynasty. His army invaded the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187, defeating Christian forces. Was merciful & allowed them to leave instead of killing them.
List three (3) facts that we learned about the "Battle of Tours". 1.) Arab forces were defeated her after having won many previous battles; 2.) This battle ended Arab expansion in Europe; 3.) This battle occurred in Gaul (modern day France).
Who were the "Seljuk Turks"? This was a group of nomadic people from Central Asia. "They had converted to Islam & prospered as soldiers for the Abbasid caliphate".
Where is the world's "single largest Muslim population" located? This population is located in Indonesia.
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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