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Review Notes TMR

Medulla oblongata brainstem, BP, HR
hypothalamus homeostasis
rectus abdominus origin inf pubis, insertion xyphoid process
sternum manubrium, sternal body, typhoid process
integumentary system epidermis, dermis
dermis glands sebatious, sweat
epidermis layers corneum, lucidium, granulosum, spinosum, basale
epidermis layers acronym baby spilled grandma lucy's corn
superficial sensory receptors meissners merkels
deep sensory receptors pacinian ruffinis
deep pressure receptors pacinian ruffinis
sudoriferis sweat glands
ITB muscle attachment TFL
Muscles that cross 2 joints rectus femoris, gastrocnemius, long head of bicep, long head of tricep
striated muscles voluntary skeletal muscle
smooth muscle visceral involuntary
involuntary and striated muscle cardiac muscle
sympathetic neurotransmitters norepinephrine, inc HR, inc BP, sweat,
parasympathetic neurotransmitters acetocholine
what is considered 4th hamstring add magnus
hip extensors hamstrings and 1/2 add magnus, gluts
hip flexor acronym TRIPS
TRIPS Hip Flexors:TFL,rectus femoris,iliacus, psoas major, sartorius
Hip aBductors All gluts(upper of max), TFL, sartorius
what is 4th glut TFL
hip adductors acronym GAAAPL
GAAAPL gracilis, adductor L, adductor B, Adductor M, pectineus, lower glut max
SIC origin of glut max, sacrum, ilium, coccyx
insert of glut max Femur, ITB
indicis index finger
Extensor/ Flexor longus muscles insert distal phalanx
digitorum digits 2-5
superficialis does not go to distal phalanx but does flex fingers
action of interosseous abduction and adduction of fingers
DAB dorsal interosseous abducts fingers
PAD palmar interosseous adducts fingers
interosseous acronyms DAB, PAD
Trunk Flexors Acronym RIPE
Ab muscles Acronym TIRE
RIPE trunk flexors rectus abdominis, internal obliques, psoas major, external obliques
TIRE transverse ab, internal oblique, rectus ab, external oblique
trunk extensors Paraspinals and QL
Paraspinals extend the trunk, erector spinae group and transverspinalis group
ES group extend trunk, med to lat:spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
ES gourp acronym SLI
SLI ES group med to lateral: spinals, longissimus, iliocostalis
transverspinalis group superficial to deep:semipsinalis, multifidis, rotatores
glycogen glucose energy stored in liver and muscles.
carpals wrist bones
DJD osteoarthritis
muscles of mastication 4 muscles, masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid
parathyroid hormone elevates calcium in blood released by parathyroid
calcitonin amino acid decreases level of calcium in blood, released by the thyroid to oppose parathyroid hormone
antidiuretic hormone ADH released by the pituitary gland at base of brain but made in hypothalamus, used to stop sweating and stop peeing
muscle spindle muscle sensory nerve receptors that detect change in length of muscle
osteoblasts build bone
osteoclasts destroy bone
what ion is needed in muscle contraction calcium ion
what is made in bone marrow RBC, most WBC and platelets
appendicular skeleton pelvic girdle and shoulder girdle
pelvic girdle ilium, ischium, pubis
shoulder girdle scapula, clavicle
axial skeleton skull, vertebrae and rib cage, includes hyoid bone
where do spinal nerves exit the spinal column intervertebral foramen
how many cervical spine nerve pairs 8, C1-C8
which bone has the ear opening temporalis external meatus
best position to stretch hamstrings hip flexion and knee extension
tool to measure ROM goniometer
complete T2 spinal lesion results in flaccid paraplegia
which vertebrae is dividing line for spinal lesion T2
which spinal nerve does the brachial plexus end T1
Brachial plexus spinal nervees C5-T1
paraplegia paralyzed half the limbs, LE's
brachial plexus innervates the UE, start C5 = fingers ends at T1=arm
UMN damage spasctic
horizontal walking muscles hamstrings and glut
vertical walking muscles quadriceps
head trauma or stroke spastic hemiplegia, UMN
muscles used with 15 degree incline hamstrings
muscle used to put drink down brachioradialis eccentrically
which muscle is weak with scapular winging serratus anterior
which muscles do you strengthen and stretch with APT strengthen glut max and stretch iliopsoas
gastrocnemius actions flex knee and plantar flexion
stretch gastroc dorsi flexion and knee extension
stretch trunk extensors knees to chest
stretch rectus femoris hip extension and knee flexion
muscles that plantar flexes the foot 7=gastrocnemium, soleus, tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, peroneus longus and brevis
strong plantar flexor deep to gastroc soleus
hip adductors Gracilis, adductors magnus, longus and brevis, pectineus, lower glute max
muscle stretched in plantar flexion tibialis anterior
has largest percent of fast twitch (phasic) muscle fiber rectus femoris
muscles that have fast twitch phasic fibers power muscles
characters of fast twitch phasic muscles UE, LE, superficial and multijoint
muscles in upper bank involved in lifting objects in front of the body tapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboids
RA in acute phase local contraindication
stretch biceps brachii elbow and shoulder extension
test strength of muscle contracting a muscle in same direction as its action against resistance
length testing a muscle passively moving muscle in opposite direction of its action
local contraindication for massage acute injury trauma or conditions, blood clots, cancerous growths, inflammation (except chronic) and infection
synarthrosis no movement in joint, sutures of cranium
amphiarthrosis slightly moveable joint, symphysis pubis and IVD (intervertebral discs)
diarthrosis moveable joints,
IVD intervertebral disc, out portion annulus fibrosis, inside nucleus pulposus
TMJ joint hybrid joint slightly moveable, symphysis and hinge joint
6 types of joints saddle/sellar, condyloid/ellipsoidal, hinge/ginglymus, pivot/trochoid,plane/gliding/arthrodial, ball and socket/enarthrodial
name saddle/sellar joint CMC of thumb
name condyloid/ellypsodial joint witst, MCP digits 2-5, atlanto-occipital jt (yes jt)
name hinge/ginglymus joint elbow, knee, pips, dips, ip
name pivot/trochoid joint radioulnar jt, atlanto-axial joint (no jt)
name plane/gliding/arthrodial joint carpals and tarsals
name ball and socket/enarthrodial joint hip and shoulder
why is heat modality contraindicated for uncontrolled diabetic patients decreases nervous system function/sensation and decreased arterial function
inflammation characterized by redness, heat, swelling, and pain
DJD disease characterized by deterioration of articular cartilage, overgrowth of bone and impaired function osteoarthritis
technique that would aid venous and lymphatic return to the heart in cases of edema lymphatic drainage
soft tissue technique picked up, rolled, squeezed or rung petrisage
wry neck torticollis
can you massage fracture no local avoidance
not contagious skin disease scleroderma, mole, psoriasis
contagious skin disease scabies
massage for constipation indicated
RICE rest, ice, compress, elevate
best treatment for acute cervical muscle strain RICE
massage with high fever contraindicated
massage for low back pain indicated
massage for fatigue indicated
massage for muscle spasm indicated
modality to use with acute conditions and trauma ice
fibromyalgia characteristics chronic pain syndrome with related sleep disorders, tenderness and stiffness, endocrine and neurotransmitter imbalances and depression, CFS, insomnia
dupuytren's syndrom vikings disease, flexion contracture of the hand, starts at ring finger
most affected RTC muscle torn supraspinatus
massage for myocardial infarction contraindicated
bells palsy damage to facial nerve Cranial nerve VII
deep work for controlled HTN indicated
condition that could cause bone spur osteoarthritis
best massage technique for edema lymphatic drainage
muscles affected by TMJ dysfunction temporalis and masseter
massage technique contraindicated with pre-natal massage deep abdominal work
purpose of draping ensure safety, comfort and privacy
dating a client violated code of ethics
how many years maintain records of clients 18 years and older 7
massage genital area of client immoral conduct
local effect of cold therapy vasoconstriction
ABCDE of melanoma Asymmetrical, borderless, colorful, diameter greater that a pencil eraser, elevation
kneading petrisage
skin rolling petrisage
best position for pregnant client left side
hiatal hernia protrusion of stomach into the mediastinal cavity above the diaphragm
muscles affected by whiplash SCM, scalenes and traps
Created by: mloft
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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