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Unit 2 WHG

Tools of the Hisotiran

archaeologist scientist who studies about the past by digging fossils/artifacts
historian person who studies and writes about the past
geographer scientist that studies the earth, physical and human, maps
BC/BCE Refers to time before Christ was born
AD/CE Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, refers to time of Christ's life
Periods/era Blocks of time divided
Calendar Dating System
Decades Period of 10 years
century period of 100 years
prehistory period of time before writing was developed
middle ages middle time/medieval age from 500-1500 CE, began with fall of rome
modern age refers to time after 1500 CE to present, beginning of the Renaissance
ancient history period of writing to about 500 CE, the fall of rome ended this time
circa refers to approximate time "about"
chronology order of dates as events occur
timeline events placed on a "line" according to time blocks
primary source event recorded by first hand witnesses
secondary source sourced created by people who played no part in the event
analyze to examine primary and/or secondary sources
credibility truthfulness
point of view opinion general attitude of a person
bias unreasonable or emotional judgement
interpret to explain
effect what occurs/happens by the cause
cause what makes an event happen
cause and effect chain cause and effect that links over a period of time
Created by: jthigpen
Popular World History sets




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