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Med Term Block 2


Parasites An organism that lives at the expense of another organism.
Pathogen Disease causing organism.
Yeasts Unicellular Pathogen
Molds Multicellular Pathogen
Protozoa Single celled animals
Lesion Wound
Necrosis Death of tissue
Prolapse Dropping of.
Hernia Rupture on body of tissue.
Neoplasia Abnormal and uncontrolled growth of tissue
Autoimmune In which the body makes antibodies to its own tissues.
Anabolism Build-up or construction of.
Catabolism Breakdown of.
Malnutrition Caused by inadequate intake of nutrients, or inability of the body to absorb
Diabetes Mellitus Underproduction of Insulin
Etiology Cause of Disease
Acute Sudden, severe, or short duration
Chronic Of Long duration and progresses slowly
Emergency Medical Technician health profession that deals with the immediate effects of acute disease
Pathogenesis The cause has progressed to the stage of the disease.
Lyme Disease tick borne bacterial disease for village of Lyme, Connecticut, New London, US
West Nile Virus mosquito-borne viral disease from Nile river, Africa
Rift Valley Fever viral disease from domestic animals for places in Africa
Hantavirus Fever viral for a river in Korea
Japanese Encephalitis Viral Infection causing inflammation of brain tissue
Cooley Anemia inherited blood disease
Thalassemia disorder of the hemoglobin
Crohn's Disease Inflammatory bowel disease
Hodgkin's Disease disease of the lymphatic system
Tuberculosis disease causing small lesions in the lungs and other tissues.
Skin Anthrax disease causing black lesions (___ Coal)
Sickle Cell Anemia RBC become distorted into a crescent shape
Bubonic Plague disease that causes painful and enlarged lymph nodes.
Lupus Erythematosus , a systemic autoimmune disorder, Latin term for ‘wolf’, because the red rash on the face gives patients a wolf-like appearance.
Chikungunya mosquito-borne virus that in the past year has been declared an epidemic in the Caribbean.
Ebola new respiratory virus whose infections in humans in the U.S. are currently on the rise.
Myalgia Muscle pain
Toxins Poisons released
Sepsis The presence of harmful microorganisms or their toxins in the body
Bacteria simple microscopic organisms, which can produce disease
Cocci Round bacteria, maybe in pairs, in clusters, chains, or other formations
Bacilli Rod-shaped bacteria
Vibrios Short curved rods
Spirochetes corkscrew-shaped bacteria that move with a twisting motion
Chlamydia extremely small bacteria that, like viruses, grow in living cells, but are susceptible to antibiotics
Rickettsia extremely small bacteria that grow in living cells but are susceptible to Antibiotics
Viruses submicroscopic infectious agents that can live and reproduce only within living cells
Fungi simple, nongreen plants, some of which are parasitic; includes yeasts and molds
Helminths Worms
Gram Positive Stain Purple
Gram Negative Stain Red
Calor Heat.
Dolor Pain
Rubor Redness
Tumor Swelling
Edema a swelling or accumulation of fluid in the tissues
Phagocytosis Process to get rid of invading microorganisms, damaged cells, and other types of harmful debris
Pus A mixture of fluid and WBCs
Immunity Defense against infectious disease
Adaptive Immunity Acquired Immunity
Benign Neoplasm Growth that does not spread
Metastasize Growth moving to other tissues
Malignant Neoplasm Cancer that metastasizes to other tissues, aka cancer
Carcinoma A malignant tumor that involves epithelial tissue
Adenocarcinoma The tumor arises in glandular epithelium
Melanoma a cancer of pigmented epithelial cells (melanocytes)
Sarcoma A neoplasm that involves connective tissue or muscle
Capsule Covers the tumor
Invasion intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues
Infiltration the diffusion or accumulation of substances which is not normal to it or in excess a mounts
Differentiation process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type
Anaplasia increased capacity for multiplication
Alg,algi,algesi Pain
Algesia condition of having pain
carcin cancer
carcinoid resembling a carcinoma
cyst filled sac or pouch
Lithiasis Stone Formation
Oncogenic Causing a tumor
Pyoderma pus-containing skin disease
Pyrexia Fever
Sclerosis Hardening of tissue
Endotoxin Toxin within bacterial cells
Bradycardia Slow heart rate
Dystrophy abnormal nourishment of tissue
Malabsorption poor absorption of nutrients
Pachycephaly Abnormal thickness of the skull
Tachypnea Rapid Breathing
Xeroderma Dryness of the skin
neuralgia pain in a nerve
gastro'cele' hernia of the stomach
karyo'clasis' breaking of the nucleus
Cyst'itis' Inflammation of the urinary bladder
Hepato'megaly' enlargement of the liver
Ur'odynia' Pain on urination
Lip'oma' Tumor of fat cells
Nephro'pathy' any disease of the kidney
Hemor'rhage' Profuse flow of blood
Pyor'rhea' discharge of pus
amnior'rhexis' rupture of the amniotic sac
retino'schisis' splitting of the retina of the eye
Vaso'dilation' widening of blood vessels
Gastr'ectasia' Dilation of the stomach
Cephal'edema' Swelling of the head
Dia'lysis' Separation of substances by passage through a membrane
Osteo'malacia' softening of the bone
Cardio'necrosis' death of heart tissue
Blepharo'ptosis' drooping of the eyelid
Phlebo'sclerosis' hardening of veins
Arterio'spasm' spasm of an artery
Meno'stasis' suppression of menstrual flow
Broncho'stenosis' narrowing of a bronchus
Nephro'toxin' substance poisonous or harmful for the kidneys
'staphyl'ococcus a round bacterium that forms clusters
'strept'obacillus a rod shaped bacterium that forms chains
'bacill'uria bacilli in the urine
'bacteri'static stopping the growth of bacteria
'myc'otic pertaining of a fungus
'vir'emia presence of viruses in the blood
Acid-fast stain A laboratory staining procedure used mainly to identify the tuberculosis organism
Communicable Capable of passing from one person to another, such as an infectious disease
Endemic Occurring at a low level but continuously in a given region, such as the common cold
Epidemic Affecting many people in a given region at the same time; a disease that breaks out in a large proportion of a population at a given time
Exacerbation Worsening of disease; increase in severity of a disease or its symptoms
Iatrogenic Caused by the effects of treatment
Idiopathic Having no known cause
In Situ Localized, noninvasive (literally “in position”)
Normal Flora The microorganisms that normally live on or in the body.
Nosocomial Describing an infection acquired in a hospital
Opportunistic Describing an infection that occurs because of a host's poor or altered condition
Pandemic Describing a disease that is prevalent throughout an entire region or the world
Remission A lessening of disease symptoms; the period during which such lessening occurs
Septicemia Presence of pathogenic bacteria in the blood; blood poisonin
Systemic Pertaining to the whole body
Abscess a localized collection of pus
Adhesion A uniting of two surfaces or parts that may normally be separated
Anaplasia Lack of normal differentiation, as shown by cancer cells
Ascites Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
Cellulitis A spreading inflammation of tissue
Effusion Escape of fluid into a cavity or other body part
Exudate Material that escapes from blood vessels as a result of tissue injury
Fissure a groove/ split
Fistula An abnormal passage between two organs or from an organ to the surface of the body
Gangrene Death of tissue, usually caused by lack of blood supply; may be associated with bacterial infection and decomposition
Hyperplasia Excessive growth of normal cells in normal arrangement
Hypertrophy An increase in size of an organ without increase in the number of cells; may result from an increase in activity, as in muscles
Induration Hardening; an abnormally hard spot or place
Metaplasia Conversion of cells to a form that is not normal for that tissue
Polyp A tumor attached by a thin stalk
Purulent Forming or containing pus
Suppuration pus formation
CA Cancer
CIS Cancer In Situ
FUO Fever of unknown origin
MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
VRSA Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
PID Pelvic Inflammatory disease
Created by: srbkaur
Popular Medical sets




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