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*chapter 6

Chapter 6 Roman test swaller

Describe Romes rebublic. A form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote and to select their leaders.
Who were the Patricians and Plebians? Patricians-aristocratic land owners and held the most power. Plebians-common farmers,artisans,and merchants (majority of population)
Who protected the rights of Plebians? Tribunes
Who were Consuls? Commanded army and directed government (two consuls had power at the same time)
What were the 12 tables? Potection under law
Who came to power in times of crisis? Dictators
Who was Hannibal? Brilliant military strategist
Who fought in the punic wars? Why were they fought? Rome and Carthage. They were fought for control of land.
What did Hannibal's army consist of? 50,000 infantry, 9,000 calvary, and 60 elephants
What was trade like during the Pax Romana? It was bustling =)
How did trade and wealth decline in Rome? Tribes and Pirates disrupted trade
What is the biggest problem the Roman Empire faced? Inflation
During the decline of Rome, What group was influencial in Roman Government Military
Even though Rome was declining, how long did it survive and how? 1000-preserved heritage of Greek and Roman culture
How did Diocletion keep the empire intact? He governed as an absolute ruler, and limited personal freedoms
Which half of the Roman empire was wealthier and survived the longest? East
Where did Constantine move the capital to? Constantinople
Name at least 2 reasons why the western empire failed. invasions,inflation
What happened to the east empire? it flourished
What was the most serious problem due to the Punic Wars and Romes's increasing wealth? widening gap beetween rich and poor
Why were the Tiberas and Gaius Gracchus killed? they attempted to help the poor
The period of Roman peace is known as? Pax Romana
Julius had many reforms name one. He created jobs for the poor
Who succedded Julius Ceasar? Augustus Ceasar
Wealthy landowners lived on large estates call what? latifundia
What was Romans most inmportant industry? agriculture
How long did the Pax Romana last? 207 years
What was the paterfamilias? eldest male in the family and he ruled the household
What is a Triumvirate? a group of 3 rulers
Mixing of elements from Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman culture produced a new culture called.. Greco-Roman culture
What ruined city preserved the best example of Roman paintings? Pompeii
What Roman author wrote light-hearted, witty literature offering relationship advice? Ovid
What mordern structure in todays society mirrors the Roman Colosseum ? stadium
Name on element from Roman law that is present in our legal system. A person is considered inncent until proven guilty
What is the term that refers to the dispersal of Jews? diaspora
How did Christian's pose a problem for Roman rulers? they refused to worship Roman gods
Name one reason Christianity was/is appealing. gave hope to the powerless
What did the Edict of Milan grant Christian's? freedom to practice Christianity
Who was Constintine? He was Roman Emperor who accepted Christianity
Who was born in Bethleham and started the religion of Christianity? Jesus
What is the term for any teachings that contridicted Christianity? Heresy
WHy was Jesus arrested? the governor thought he challenged the authority of Rome
What emperor persecuted the Christian's for blaming them for a fire? Nero
Desciribe the philosophy of Christianity. offered everyone a personal relationship with God, and if you accepted him he promised eternal life
Created by: Swaller
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