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Population Terms

Population and Migration Chapter 2 - Basic Terms of Population

World Population 6.5 billion people and rising
Population Explosion when population growth is taking place in areas, particularly in less developed countries, that are ill-prepared to handle growing numbers of people, leading to a population crisis
Underpopulation occurs due to climatic conditions or other factors
Demography study of population characteristics
Demography the scientific analysis of population trends and it predicts future occurrences based on present statistics
Population Growth and Demographics are important in setting political policy and allocating scarce resources
Two Major Factors in Demographics crude birth rate and crude death rate
Crude Birth Rate refers to the number of births per 1000 people in the population
Crude Death Rate refers to the number of deaths per 1000 people in the population
Overpopulation the lack of necessary resources to meet the needs of the population of a defined area
Necessary Resources food, water, and shelter
Desert the carrying capacity of the environment is far less than that of an agriculturally productive area
Carrying Capacity the ability of the land to sustain a certain number of people
More People Inhabit and Area the more likely they will reach the carriying capacity of the environment
Carrying Capacity is Reached the problems of overpopulation become apparent
Lack of Resources people begin to starve and many deaths occur due to lack of resources
Factors can alter an environment's carrying capacity
Factor technological innovations
Technological Innovations can increase food productivity
Green Revolution brought technological innovations that increased food productivity
Japan is a country living on a small percentage of its land. only 16 percent of its physical layout can support its population of 128 million. the rest of its topography is too hilly which leads it to be very densely populated
Ecumene habitable land
Ecumene includes land with adequate water sources, relatively flat terrain, and available human food sources
Seventy Percent of the World covered in water. Pacific, Atlantic, India, and Arctic Oceans
Underpopulated Great Plains of the United States
Great Plains breadbasket of the US, is sparsely populated and dominated by agriculture. yet water and food avaalibility are good.
Created by: torresj
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