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LOM Chapter 4

Language of Medicine 7th edition

apnea Not breathing.
anoxia Without oxygen (decrease in tissues).
abnormal Pertaining to-away from the norm (rule); not regular.
abductor One who (muscle which) leads away from the body.
abduct To carry away by force; kidnap
admit To send toward or permit entrance
adductor One who (muscle which) leads toward the body.
adrenal glands Endocrine glands located above (toward) the kidneys.
anabolism Process of casting (building up materials (proteins) within cells.
analysis To separate(apart).
ante cibum Before meals.
anteflexion Bending forward.
antepartum Before birth.
antisepsis Condition against infection.
antibiotic Pertaining to against life (germ life).
antigen A substance (usually foreign) that stimulates the production of antibodies).
antibody Protein substance made in the body to destroy foreign antigens.
antitoxin A substance (antibody) produced in response to and capable of neutralizing antitoxin specific for an animal or insect venom.
autoimmune Related to making antibodies (immune substances) against one's own cells and tissues.
bifurcation Forking (branching) into two; as the trachea bifurcates into two individual tubes.
bilateral Pertaining to two sides.
bradycardia Condition of a slow heart.
catabolism Process of casting down materials (sugar) to release energy in cells.
congenital anomaly Irregularity at birth.
connective To tie (bind) together. A conference (con- connect) (fer- bring together) is where people gather together or meet.
contraidictation To point out against; as reasons why a drug should not be taken.
contralateral Pertaining to the opposite side.
dehydration Condition of lack of water.
diameter To measure through; as the diameter of a circle.
diarrhea To flow through; water is not properly absorbed through the walls of the colon.
dialysis Complete separation; two types
dyspnea Difficult breathing.
dysplasia Abnormal ("bad") development or formation.
ectopic pregnancy Pregnancy out of the normal place (usually in hte fallopian tubes).
endocardium Inner lining (membrane) with in the heart.
endoscope Instrument to view within the body; gastroscope, brinchoscope, laparoscope.
endotracheal Pertaining to within the trachea.
epithelium Skin cell. Literally, "upon a nipple".
euphoria Good feeling, "high." A eulogy is a speech saying good things about a person after his or her death.
euthyroid Normal thyroid function.
exophthalmos Eyeballs that protrude.
hemiglossectomy Removal of half the tongue.
hyperglycemia Increase in blood sugar.
hyperplasia Condition of increased formation (increase in number of cells)
hypertrophy Increase in development; increase in size of cells.
hypodermic Pertaining to below the skin.
hypoglycemia Decrease in blood sugar.
insomniac Pertaining to inability to sleep.
incision Process of cutting into; sectioning.
infracostal Pertaining to below ribs.
intercostal Pertaining to between the ribs.
intravenous Pertaining to within a vein.
macrocephaly Pertaining to a enlarged head. A congenital anomaly.
malignant Harmful, bad, cancerous condition.
malaise Feeling of discomfort; "bad feeling."
metacarpal bones Five hand bones (beyond the wrist).
metamorphosis Condition of change of shape or form.
metastasis Beyond control; spreading of a cancerous tumor.
microscope Instrument to view small objects.
neonatal Pertaining to a newborn (infant).
neoplasm New growth; new formation.
pancytopenia Condition of decrease in all cells (blood cells).
paralysis Abnormal destruction (of nerves) leading to loss of muscle function.
parathyroid glands Endocrine glands located near (on the dorsal side of) the thyroid gland.
percutaneous Pertaining to through the skin.
pericardium Membrane surrounding the heart.
periosteum Membrane surround the bone.
polymorphonuclear Pertaining to a many-shaped nucleus; a type of white blood cell.
polyneuritis Inflammation of many nerves.
postmortem After death.
precancerous Pertaining to before cancer; a lesion that may become cancerous.
prenatal Pertaining to before birth.
prodome Symptoms that appear before the onset of a more severe illness.
prolapse Sliding forward of downward.
pseudocyesis State of false pregnancy.
relapse A sliding back; recurrence of symptoms of disease.
remission To send back; disappearance of symptoms of disease.
recombinant DNA Inserting a gene (region of DNA) from one organism into the DNA of another organism.
retroperitioneal Pertaining to behind the peritoneum.
retroflexion Bending backward.
subcutaneous Pertaining to under the skin.
suprapubic Pertaining to above the pubic bone (part of the pelvic bone).
syndactyly Condition of webbed (held together) fingers or toes; a congenital anomaly
synthesis To put, place together, as in protein synthesis or photosynthesis.
syndrome A group of symptoms that run (occur) together.
symbiosis Condition or state of "life together"; two organisms living together for mutual benefit or not (parasitism).
symmetry State of "measurement together"; equality of parts; mirror images.
symphysis To grow together; bones that grow together at the joint.
trachypnea Rapid breathing.
transfusion To pour across, as in transferring blood from one person to another.
transurethral Pertaining to through the urethra.
ultrasonography Process of recording ultrasound (beyond the normal range) waves.
unilateral Pertaining to one side.
carp/o wrist bones
cib/o meals
cis/o to cut
cost/o rib
cutane/o skin
dactyl/o fingers, toes
duct/o to lead, carry
flex/o to bend
furc/o forking, branching
gloss/o tongue
glyc/o sugar
immun/o protection
morph/o shape, form
mort/o death
nat/i birth
nect/o to bind, tie, connect
norm/o rule, order
ox/o oxygen
pub/o pubis (pubic bone); anterior portion of the pelvic or hipbone
seps/o infection
somn/o sleep
son/o sound
the/o to put, place
thel/o nipple
thyr/o shield
top/o place, position, location
tox/o poison
trache/o windpipe, trachea
urethr/o urethra
blast/o ebryonic, immature
-cyesis pregnancy
-drome to run
-fusion coming together; to pour
-gen producing, forming
-lapse to slide, fall, sag
-lysis breakdown, separation, loosening
-meter to measure
-mission to send
-or one who
-phoria to bear, carry; feeling
-partum birth, labor
-physis to grow
-plasia development, formation
-plasm development, formation
-pnea breathing
-ptosis droop, sag, prolapse
-rrhea flow, discharge
-stasis stop, control; place
-trophy nourishment, development
a, an- no, not, without
ab- away from
ad- toward
ana- up, apart
ante- before, forward
anti- against
auto- self, own
bi- two
brady- slow
cata- down
con- with, together
contra- against, opposite
de- down, lack of
dia- through, complete
dys- bad, painful, difficult, abnormal
ec-, ecto- out, outside
en-, endo- in, within
epi- upon, on, above
eu- good, normal
ex- out, away from
hemi- half
hyper- excessive, above
hypo- dificient, under
in- not
in- (2) into, within
infra- beneath
inter- between
intra- into, within
macro- large
mal- bad
meta- beyond, change
micro- small
neo- new
pan- all
para- abnormal, beside, near
per- through
peri- surrounding
poly- many, much
post- after, behind
pre- before, in front of
pro before, forward
pseudo- false
re- back, again
retro- behind, backward
sub- under
supra- above, upper
syn-, sym- together, with
tachy- fast
trans- across, through
ultra- beyond, excess
uni- one
Created by: gosomonoro
Popular Medical sets




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