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Chapter 13 Blood

Blood System

Leuk/o White
-apheresis removal, a carrying away
-blast immature cell, embryonic
-globulin protein
-globin protein
-phoresis carrying, transmission
anis unequal
chrom/o color
coagul/o clotting
cyt/o cell
eosin/o red, dawm, rosey
erythr/o red
myel/o bone marrow
poikil/o varied, irregular
sider/o iron
-poiesis formation
bas/o base (alkaline, the opposite of acid)
granul/o granules
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hemoglobin/o hemoglobin
is/o same, equal
kary/o nucleus
mon/o one, single
morph/o shape, form
neutr/o neutral (neither base nor acid)
nucle/o nucleus
phag/o eat, swallow
spher/o globe, round
thromb/o clot
-cytosis abnormal condition of cells (increase in cells)
-emia blood condition
-globulin protein
-lytic pertaining to destruction
-oid derived from
-osis abnormal condition
-penia deficiency
-phage eat, swallow
-philia attraction for (an increase in cell numbers)
-stasis stop, control
Electrophoresis Method of separating out plasma proteins by electrical charge
Hemochromatosis Excessive deposits of iron throughout the body
Excessive bleeding caused by haredetary lack of one of the protein substances (either factor VIII of factor IX) Hemophilia
Multiple pinpoint hemorrhage and accumulation of blood under the skin Purpura
Leukemia Increase in cancerous white blood cells
Granulocytosis An abnormally large number of granulocytes in the blood.
Mononucleosis An infectious disease marked by increased number of leukocytes and enlarged cervical lymph nodes
Multiple myeloma A malignant neoplasm of the bone marrow
CBC Complete Blood (cell) Count
RBC Red Blood Cell Count
WBC White Blood Cell
Apheresis Separation of blood into component parts and removal of select part from the blood
Hematopoetic stem cell transplant Peripheral stem cells from a compatible donor are administered into a recipient's vein.
Anemia- A reduction in the concentration of hemoglobin or erythrocytes in the blood to levels below normal.
Aplastic Pertaining to aplasia; anatomically undeveloped from the stem cell or primordium.
Hemolytic Producing, pertaining to, or characterized by hemolysis.
Sickle cell A heredetary conditioned by abnormal sickle shape of erythrocytes
Antigens Foreign material that invades the body and simulates the production of an antibody.
Thalassemia Inherited defect in ability to produce hemoglobin
Hematocrit Sample of blood is spun in a test tube so that red cells fall to the bottom and percentage of RBCs is taken
Sideropenia occurs causing deficient production of hemoglobin Iron-deficiency anemia
White blood cell with reddish granules; numbers increase in allergic reactions Eosinophil
Created by: trabowman
Popular Medical sets




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