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Ch2 & 3 Rubenstein
Ch2/3 Rubenstein Vocab
Question | Answer |
Demography | The scientific study of population characteristics |
Ecumene | A portion of the Earth occupied by permanent human settlement |
Arithmetic Density | Total number of people divided by the total land area |
Physiological Density | Number of people per unit of land suitable for agriculture |
Agricultural Density | Number of farmers per unit of land suitable for agriculture |
Crude Birth Rate (CBR) | Total number of live births per year for every 1,000 people alive |
Crude Death Rate (CDR) | Total number of deaths per year for every 1,000 people alive |
Natural Increase Rate (NIR) | The percentage by which a population grows each year |
Doubling Time | Number of years needed to double a population |
Infant Mortallity Rate (IMR) | Annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age per 1000 people in the population |
Life Expectancy | The average number of years a newborn can hope to live at birth |
Demographic Transition | Similar processes of change in society's population broken down into 4 stages |
Agricultural Revolution | Burst of population growth around 8000 B.C. where humans domesticated plants and animals. |
Emigration | Migration FROM a location |
Zero Population Growth (ZPG) | When birth rate equals death rate |
Population Pyramid | Graphic that shows percentage of the total population by age group and gender |
Dependency Ratio | Ratio of the number of people to old or young to work compared to people in productive years |
Chain Migration | Migration of people to a specific location because relatives previously migrated there |
Age-sex Distribution | percent of total population or population of each sex, at each age. |
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) | Average number of children a woman will have during childbearing years |
Medical Revolution | Late 20th century push of countries into stage 2 caused by new medical technology |
Epidemiologic Transition | Focuses on distinctive causes of death in each demographic transition model |
Immigration | Migration INTO a location |
Overpopulation | The number of people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living |
Industrial Revolution | A conjunction of major industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods and delivering them to market-1750 |
Carrying Capacity | The number of people a region can support based on amount of available resources |
Neo-Malthusian | Supporter of Thomas Malthus's theory |
Thomas Malthus | Proposed theory about population growth: population grows more rapidly than food supply. |
Interregional Migration | Permanent movement within a particular country |
International Migration | Permanent movement from one country to another |
Intraregional Migration | Permanent movement within a region of a country |
Net Migration | difference between the level of immigration and emigration |
Pull factors | induces people to move into a new location |
Push factors | induces people to move out of a location |
Refugees | people who have been forced to migrate from their homes and cannot return because of fear of persecution of race, religion, nationality, membership in a group, or political opinion |
Brain Drain | Large-scale emigration by talented people |