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Final 2nd semester

Comitern Encouraged world-wide communist revolution
Kulaks Were a class of wealthy farmers whom Stalin destroyed
Kellog-Briand Pact Renounced war as an instrument of policy
Gestapo Nazi secret police or Brown Shirts
Totalitarian State Is a one-party dictatorship that tries to regulate all aspects of its citizens' lives
Kristallnacht "Night of Broken Glass"
Black Shirts Were militant supporters of Benito Mussolini
Flappers Were liberated young women of the Jazz Age
Surrealism Was an artistic movement that attempts to portray the workings of the unconscious
Gulag A system of over 90 brutal Russian labor camps
Harlem Renaissance An African American cultural awakening
Prohibition U.S. ban on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
New Deal A massive package of economic and social programs
Benito Mussolini Italian fascist leader
Third Reich Hitler believed his German government would rule Europe for a thousand years
Nuremberg Laws Revoked Jews' German citizenship
What was the result of prohibition, which was made law in the United States in 1919? An increase in organized crime.
How did the League of Nations respond when Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931? It condemned Japan's actions but did nothing to stop it.
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a massive package of depression relief called the New Deal.
What was the key characteristics of fascism in the 1920s and 1930s? Supremacy of the state.
On Stalin's collectives, The government provided tractors, fertilizers, and seed/
Stalin attempted to make the cultural life of the Soviet Union more Russian by promoting a policy of Russification
What 1924 agreement reduced German reparations and provided U.S. loans to Germany? Dawes Plan
In 1935, the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws which Deprived Jews of German citizenship
Which statement best characterizes the mood of much of the world at the end of World War I? The sense of optimism has been shattered.
The country that emerged from World War I in the best financial shape was United States
One important cause of the Great Depression was Overproduction and falling demand in the United States.
What 1929 event aggravated the economic decline in the United States? The stock market crash
One appeal of Fascism to Italians was its Promise of an independent judicial system
In what ways did Fascists differ from Communists? Communists wanted to spread communism internationally, Fascists wanted to strengthen their own nation.
How did Hitler come to power? He was elected
Site of Allied war strategy meeting Yalta
The state of tension after WWII Cold War
Name for the German airforce Luftwaffe
Program to develop the Atomic bomb Manhattan Project
The Soviet Union formed a military alliance by this name Warsaw Pact
Location of the first U.S. atomic bombing Hiroshima
German cities in which Allies held war crime trials Nuremberg
Germany, Italy, and Japan Axis Powers
Giving into an aggressor's demands to maintain peace Appeasement
Military alliance of the United States, Canada, and nine European Allies NATO
Women factory workers Rosie the Riviter
Allowed the U.S. president to aid the American allies Lend-Lease Act
The Allied Invasion of France D-Day
"Lightning War" Blitzkrieg
Site of the major Russian victory over German troops Stalingrad
Hitler's plan for the Union of Austria and Germany Anschluss
What was the one reason giver for dropping the atomic bomb on Japan? To end the war without invading Japan
Why did Germany invade the Soviet Union? Hitler wanted the country's natural resources
What was important about the Battle of the Bulge? It delayed the Allied advance from the west
The U.S. strategy of "island-hopping" in the Pacific Allowed the U.S. to gradually move north toward Japan
Hitler's blitzkrieg tactics Allowed Germany to take over much of Europe by 1940
The Truman Doctrine stated the United States would help rebuild Western Europe
How did Germany's location affect it's chances to win the war? It had to fight on several fronts
"The Big Three" were Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill
Hitler's "Final Solution" was his plan to Ruthlessly murder all European Jews
Midway and the Coral Sea were Sites of the United States victories over Japan
What events marked the beginning of WWII? The German invasion of Poland
What was one of Stalin's major goals in Eastern Europe after World War II? To create a protective buffer zone of friendly governments
The belief that one communist victory would lead to many others Domino Theory
Nations that are stronger than other powerful nations Superpowers
American-supported ruler of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem
Communist ruler of North Vietnam after 1954 Ho Chi Minh
Brought on high taxes and greater government regulation Welfare state
Seen as a particular threat to the balance of terror during the SALT talks Anti-ballistic missiles
Led the Cuban Revolution in 1959 Fidel Castro
The Soviet leader after Stalin Nikita Khrushchev
Brought the world to brink of nuclear war in 1962 Cuban missile crisis
A relaxaqtion of tensions Detente
What aspect of the Cold War arms race made it so terrifying? The weapons were more powerful than ever before.
A "red scare" was the fear of Communists in the United States.
After World War II, the United States offered assistance to war-torn European nations through which of the following? The Marshall Plan
The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were social reform programs led by which leader? Mao Zedong
What was the result of Gorbachev's perestroika? Shortages grew worse and prices soared
During the Korean War, which nation provided hundreds of thousands of troops to help North Korea? China
Which alliance was dedicated to the security of communist nations in Europe during the Cold War? The Warsaw Pact
The purpose of the SALT talks and the START treaty was To limit the number of nuclear weapons help by the superpowers
The American strategy under detente was to Restrain the Soviets through diplomatic agreements
What kind of government did Japan adopt after World War II? A parliamentary democrady
When the North Koreans overran South Korea in the summer of 1950, United Nations forces stopped their advance at The Pusan Perimeter
During the Vietnam War. the Tet Offensive Turned American public opinion against the war
The Khmer Rouge was responsible for Committing genocide in Cambodia
What conflict was called the Soviet Union's "Vietnam"? The war in Afghanistan
After the Soviet Union split up and communism was defeated in Easter Europe, China accelerated its embrace of Capitalism
Created by: Coachwinter
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