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HI 104 final

World history

World War II began in Europe when Germany invaded Poland
World War II began in the Pacific when Japan invaded China
Prominent economist who argued that during the 1930s that government spending programs could moderate the worse effects of the great depression John Maynard Keynes
Cause of WWI was Naval arms race between? Britain and Germany
military and political alliance that emerged in post WWII Europe, and was designed to protect Europe against renewed German aggression and the threat of communism from the Socviet Union NATO
Treaty that ended WWI Treaty of Versailles
FDR's response to the great depression formed a complex of programs referred collectively as New Deal
WWI lead to the collapse of what empires? German, Austria-Hungarian, Russian, and Ottoman
Coined the principle of "national self-determination" Woodrow Wilson
US effort that included the expenditure of 12 billion dollars to rebuild shattered European economies after WWII Marshall Plan
Chinese Nationalist Party The Guomindang
Designed the Great Leap Forward and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Mao Zedong
Carried out the Great Purges Stalin
Implemented Perestroika and glasnost policies Gorbachev
Pursued a state policy of collectivization of agriculture Stalin and Mao Zedong
Military Alliance of communist states led by the Soviet Union to counter the threat posed by western capitalist societies Warsaw Pact
Referred to a "coalition of the armed forces, military research laboratories, and private defense industries" as a"military industrial complex" Eisenhower
Came to power in the Russian Revolution of 1917 Bolsheviks
In this country a Communist movement led by Josef Broz (Tito) played a significant role in struggling against Nazi occupation, and subsequently came to power Yugoslavia
Name given to a wave of anticommunism, swept the United States in 1950s McCarthyism
in 1950s, policies to end rule of terror that had characterized the leadership of the previous ruler, and to begin partial liberalization of Soviet Society, was implemented by who? Khrushchev
after defeat by communist forces, the Chinese nationalists fled to Taiwan
Triple Alliance Germany, Italy, Austo-Hungarian Empire
Triple Entente Russia, France, Britain
Treaty of Versailles conditions Germany lost colonial empires and 15% of its European territory. Had to pay winners reparations. Military had to be regulated and accepted sole responsibility
League of Nations - Woodrow Wilson committed to the principle of "Collective Security"
Great Depression Farms and Factories were producing too many goods than could be sold. Unequal Distribution of, people could not afford to buy products made by American Factories. Europeans producing their own goods had little demand for American products
Import Substitution Industrialization Economic independence by manufacturing domestic market goods previously imported
New Deal's goal Pump economy and reduce unemployment. Social Security and Minimum wage introduced
Benito Mussolini's private army Black Shirts
Cherry Blossom Society Japanese extreme nationalism
Rape of Nanjing 200,000 - 300,000 civilians killed
Germany's reparations from WWII Borrowed Money from US to pay England and France, which circulated back to the US
Leader of Bolsheviks Lenin
After Russian Revolution 100,000 wives of soldiers in St. Petersburg demonstrated for bread and peace Tsar Nicholas II lost all support, ending Romanov dynasty
Chinese Communist Party Lead by Mao Zedong
Guomindang Opposed CCP, led by Chiang Kai-Shek
Great Purges Many communist killed, or arrested and sent to camps known as the Gulag
Austria-Hungary Backed by Germany
Serbia Backed by Russia
Industrialized Militarism's contribution to WWII Military men held great social prestige, Britain relied on draft Naval Arms Race- Germany and Britain Tension between military powers - developed "war plans" New array of weapons including, Subs, tanks, airplanes, poison gas, machine guns, barbed wire
Created by: bradygannon
Popular World History sets




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