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SFDS CH 8 Rome

Chapter 8 Rome, SFDS

Key ItemDefinition
Republic A form of government in which the citizens elect representatives to make all government decisions.
Consul One of two chief officials who held office in ancient Rome.
Dictator A ruler with absolute power.
Senate A council of Representatives.
Patrician A descendant of Rome's earliest settlers, the upper class of Rome.
Plebeian A farmer, worker, merchant, or craftworker whose family came to ancient Rome later than the families of Patricians.
Tribune A plebeian official who could attend Senate meeting in ancient Rome
Veto To stop passage of law; from a Latin word meaning "I forbid."
Province A self-governing region.
Forum A public square in ancient Rome.
Policy A plan.
Census A count of a country's people.
Basilica A huge marble government building in ancient Rome.
Gladiator In ancient Rome, a slave or prisoner forved to fight, often to the death.
Aqueduct A system of bridges and canals that carries water from place to place.
Parable A story that teaches a religious idea.
Messiah A wise leader who would establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, according to Judaism.
Disciple Follower of a religion.
Crucifixion A type of execution in which a person is nailed to a cross and left to die.
Christianity The religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Apostle A person sent on a mission.
Persecute To punish people for their religious beliefs.
Martyr A person who willing suffers or dies for his or her beliefs.
Gospels The first four books of the New Testament which describe Jesus's life and actions.
New Testament The second part of the Christian Bible. It tells about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his followers.
Old Testament The Christian Bible's first part, which contains the same books as the Jewish Bible.
Romulus and Remus The two brothers who created Rome together. Raised by a wolf and rose to the status of kings. One day they got into a fight and Romulus killed Remus. Rome is named after Romulus.
Punic Wars A series of three wars between Rome and Carthage that lasted from 264 BC to 146 BC. Both cities wanted to control the trade across the Mediterranean Sea. Rome won all three wars. Because of these wars Rome wanted to conquer more land.
Carthage A city in Northern Africa that tried to defeat Rome for control of the Mediterraean Sea.
Hannibal A general from Carthage that led the Army and war elephants across the Alps to attack Rome during the second Punic War. Almost succeed in conquering Rome, but had to leave the city to defend Carthage itself. Was finally defeated at the Battle of Zama.
Scipio The Roman general who saved Rome but decided to attack Carthage to draw Hannibal away from Rome. Defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama.
Julius Caesar Was a Roman general who was elected to the position of Consul along with Pompey and Cicero. Was the Roman general who helped conquer Gaul. Marched his army into Rome after direct order not to and declared himself dictator. Made changes to help the poor
Octavian Augustus The grandnephew of Julius Caesar. Defeated Marc Antony and took over the Roman Empire. Instituted changes in Roman government and law that led Rome into Pax Romana, or the Roman Golden Age.
Marc Antony Was a general in the army when Caesar was dictator. Fell in love with Cleopatra Queen of Egypt. The two planned to defeat Octavian and rule the Empire together.
Cleopatra Queen of Egypt who fell in love with Caesar and Marc Antony. Planned to rule the empire with Marc Antony.
Pax Romana The Golden Age of Rome, means "Roman Peace." During this time Rome experience growth in size, arts, literature and entertainment. Huge monuments, basilicas,
Aeneid The story of Roman History written by Virgil. Augustus got the idea from Greece with the stories by Homer. Was supposed to create pride in Rome.
Virgil Wrote the Aeneid during Pax Romana, used to create pride in Rome.
Constantine Ruler of the Roman empire. At first persecuted the Christians, but converted to Christianity and made it the official religion of the empire with the Edict of Milan in 313 AD. Moved the capitol to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople.
Byzantium Became the capitol of the Roman Empire.
Decline of Rome 1. Capitol moved from Rome. 2. Empire split in two. 3. City of Rome attacked by the Visigoths.
Spartacus He was a Roman gladiator who led a slave revolt in Rome. It was quickly put down and the slaves never revolted again.
Created by: Mrs. Hastings
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