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Stack #220069

Surgical Pharmacology & Anesthesia - Chpt 9 - AST Surg Tech

Pharmacology is: the study of medications and their actions, including drug origins, properties and usage.
Drug is defined as: a substance used as medicine for the dianosis, treatment, cure, mitigation, or prevention of disease or condition.
Contraindictions are: a list of circumstances or medical condtitions under which the medication should not be used.
An agonist is: a drug that stimulates or prolongs the response of a drug or a physiologic action
An antagonist: binds to the agonist's receptor site, preventing the agonist from binding there and causing its desired effect.
The prefix that designates 1000 times in the metric system is: Kilo
The basic unit of measure for weight in the metric system is the: gram
The number of milliliters in an ounce is: 30 ml
The number of milliters in a cup is: 240 ml
Medication used to relieve pain is a/an: analgesic
A drug for high potential additiona and abuse is a/an: controlled substance
Anesthesia produced by marked cooling is: Cryoansethesia
An example of a type of drug used to prevent disease is a/an: vaccine
The route of administration that produces the most immediate action is: IV
Saying that a drug is to be given hs means that: it should be taken at bedtime
The needle gauge most appropriate for local infiltration is: 25 gauge
A contrast medium used when performing a cholangiogram is: diatrizoate sodium (Hypaque)
Amnesia is: lack of recall
Anaphylaxis is: immediate manifestation of a hypersensitivity to a specific substance, usually resulting in respiratory distress and vascular collapse
Anesthesia is: lack of sensation
Antagonist is: a drug that blocks the action of another drug or physiologic action without producing any effect of its own
Antimuscarinic means: (formerly known as anticholinergic) agents that block cholinergic (parasympathetic) effects, such as salivation and bradycardia
Aspiration as applies to anethesia means: inadvertent inhalation of gastric contents or a foreign body into the lungs
Biotechnology is: source of drugs that are genetically engineered in the laboratory; also referred to as recombinant DNA technology
Buccal refers to the cheek; buccal medication administration is considered topical; the medication is placed between the cheek and the teeth and allowed to dissolve and/or be absorbed
Capnography system for monitoring the exhaled amount of carbon dioxide
Contraindication: a reason why a specific procedure or drug may be undesirable or improper in a particular situation
Doppler ultrasonic device used to identify and assess vascular status of peripheral arteries and veins by magnifying the sound of the blood moving through the vessel
Drug: 13. a substance used as medicine for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, mitigation, or prevention (prophylaxis) of disease or a condition
Generic: 14. nonproprietary name for a drug that is a shortened version of the chemical name or gives a reference to the intended use
Homeostasis stable physiologic state
Hypnosis altered state of consciousness in relation to the patient’s perception of the surgical environment and surgical procedure
Iatrogenic an unavoidable effect or disease induced by pharmacologic therapy
Indication a reason to perform a specific procedure or prescribe a certain drug
Induction: The second stage of anesthesia in which the patient is given induction drugs and intubated. The patient's level of consciousness changes from alert to unconscious; reflexes are depressed.
Intra-articular within a joint
Larynogospasm 22. sudden, involuntary contraction of the larynx that is capable of causing partial or total occlusion of the larynx
Intrathecal within the subdural space
NPO nothing by mouth(Latin – nil per os)
PACU post anesthesia care unit
Parenteral other than enteral, by injection
Pharmacodynamics term describing the interaction of drug molecules with the target cells; the resulting action is biochemical and physiologic
Pharmacokinetics term used to describe the entire process of the drug’s activity within the body; the process of pharmacokinesis involves absorption, distribution, biotransformation (metabolism), and excretion
Pharmacology the study of drugs and their actions
Prophylaxis prevention of disease or a condition
Synergist action of one agent increase the action of the other agent when delivered together
Topical applied to the skin or mucous membrane to provide a localized or systemic effect
Volatile Agents group of liquids whose potent evaporative vapors, when inhaled, produce general anesthesia by depressing the CNS
C Celcius
m Meter, micrometer, or minim
kg Kilogram
L liter
mL microliter
F Fahrenheit
mm millimeter
mg milligram
g gram
ung microgram
lb pound
mcg microgram
oz ounce
cm centimeter
mEq milliequivalen
cc cubic centimeter
IV Intravenous
PO by mouth
IM intramuscular
DVT deep vein thrombosis
UTI urinary tract infection
PONV by mouth, nausea and vomiting
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome
LMA laryngeal mask airway
ETT endotracheal tube
SARA system for anesthetic and respiratory analysis
ABG arterial blood gas
PT prothrombin time
PTT partial thromboplastin time
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CNS central nervous system
USP United States Pharmacopeia
FDA Food and Drug Administration
BIS bispectral index monitor
1 m 36.37 inches
1 inch 2.54 cm
1 mL 1 cc
2 oz 60 cc
1 gram 1000 mg
1 kg 2.2 lbs
1 cc 14-15 minims
1 L 1000 cc
Boiling Point 212 degrees F 100 degrees C
1 minim 1 gtt
1 oz 30 cc
98.6 degrees F 37 degrees C
100 mL 100 cc
1 meter 1000 cm
analgesic relieves pain
anesthetic produces partial or complete loss of sensation
antibiotic prevents or treats infections
anticholinergic blocks parasympathetic impulses
anticoagulant prevents clots or thrombus formations
antiemetic prevents or treats nausea and vomiting
anti-inflammatory prevents or treats pain, redness, swelling or heat
antipyretic relieves fever
controlled substance drugs with the potential for addiction
contrast media appears radio paque on an x-ray
cycloplegic paralyzes the ciliary muscle of the eye
diuretic increases urine output or edema
dye colors or marks tissue
fibrinolytic dissolves clots or thrombus - enzyme
hemostatic enhances formation of clot or thrombus
hormone secretion of endrocrine gland
miotic constricts pupil
mydriatic dialates pupil
sedative reduces mental anxiety and promotes sleep
vasocontrictor increases blood pressure
lidocaine antiarrhythmia and anesthetic
dantrolene treatment for MH
epinephrine hormone vasoconstrictor
benzodiazepines preoperative sedative
atropine anticholinergic - drecreases musoucs secretions or treats bradycardia
nitrous oxide gas anesthetic may increase ear pressure
heparin anticoagulant use for vascular cases
thrombin hemostatic agent never given IV
mannitol osmotic diuretic
Bacitracin antibiotic
adrenaline/epinephrine Adrenergic/hormone/vasoconstrictor
Ancef/Cefazolin sodium Antibiotic/cephalosporin
Anectine/Succinylcholine chloride Neuromuscular blockage agent; depolarizing muscle relaxer
Benadryl/Diphenhydramine Antihistamine
Coumadin/Warfarin sodium Anticoagulant
Dantrium/Dantrolene sodium MH (malignant hyperthermia) antagonist
Decadron/Dexamethasone Anti-inflammatory/steroid
Demerol/Meperidine hcl Analgesic/narcotic analgesic
Flagyl/Metronidazole Antifungal/amebicide/antiprotozoal
Gelfoam/Absorbable hemostatic gelatin Hemostatic agent
Heparin/Heparin sodium Anticoagulant
Humulin/Insulin, human hormone
Kantrex/Kanamycin sulfate antibiotic
Lasix/Furosemide Diuretic
Lidocaine/Xylocaine hydrochloride Anti-arrythmic/anesthetic
Marcaine/Bupivicaine hcl Anesthetic/amide nerve blockade
Narcan/Naloxone hydrochloride Narcotic antagonist
Papverine/Papaverine hydrochloride Vasopressor/vasodilator
Pitocin/Oxytocin Hormone
Renografin Contrast media
Silvadene/Silver sulfadiazine Anti-infective/sulfonamide
Sodium pentothal/Thiopental sodium Anesthetic/induction agent
Solu-cortef/Hydrocortisone sodium succinate Steroid anti-inflammatory
Sublimaze/Fentanyl citrate Narcotic analgesic
Surgical/Oxycel/Oxidized cellulose Hemostatic agent
Tagamet/Cimetidine Antacid/histamine blocker
Toradol/Ketoralac tromethamine Nonnarcotic analgesic
Tracrium/Atracurium besylate Non-depolarizing muscle relaxer or neuromuscular blockage agent
Valium/Diazepam Sedative tranquilizer/ benzodiazepine
Versed/Midazolam hydrochloride Sedative tranquilizer/benzodiazepine
Wydase/Hyaluronidase Enzyme/anesthesia additive
Created by: muddie
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