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Biceps femoris Ischial tuberosity Lateral tibial condyle and lateral head of fibula Flex knee, extend hip, stabilise knee when extended and slight Outward rotation when flexed
Semimembranosus Ischial tuberosity Medial tibial condyle Flex knee, extend hip, stabilise knee when extended and slight Inward rotation when flexed
Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity Medial tibial condyle Flex knee, extend hip, stabilise knee when extended and slight Inward rotation when flexed
Gastrocnemius Posterior, medial and lateral fermoral condyles via Achilles tendon to posterior calcaneum Plantaflexes foot and flex knee
Soleus Upper 2/3 of posterior tibia and fibula via Achilles tendon to posterior calcaneum Plantaflexes foot
Gluteus maximus Medial iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx and Sacrotuberous Ligament Proximal Part ITB Distal part Gluteal tuberosity of femur Extend and outwardly rotates hip Proximal Part: Slight Abduction Distal Part: Slight Adduction
Gluteus medius Upper posterior surface of ilium Great trochanter of femur Abducts the Hip Anterior: flexes and inward rotation hip, Posterior: Extends and outward rotation hip
Gluteus minimus Lower Posterior surface of ilium Great trochanter of femur Abducts and inwardly rotates hip
Piriformis Anterior lateral surface of sacrum Great trochanter of femur Outwardly rotates and abducts hip
Obturator internus Ilium, ischium and pubis Great trochanter of femur Outwardly rotates and abducts hip
Obturator externus Lower surface of ilium and Pubis Great trochanter of femur Outwardly rotates and adducts hip
Quadratus femoris Ischial tuberosity Posterior, inferior to great trochanter Outwardly rotates hip
Popliteus Posterior, lateral femoral condyle and posterior lateral meniscus Superior, posterior tibia Flexes knee and Slight Inward rotation
Plantaris Above the lateral femoral condyle Via long tendon to the medial, posterior calcaneum Flexes knee and plantaflexes foot
Tibialis posterior Upper half of tibia and fibula and interosseous membrane Plantar side of tarsals and metatarsals Plantaflexes and inverts foot
Flexor digitorum longus Upper half of tibia and fibula and interosseous membrane Distal phalanx of 4 outer toes Plantaflexes foot and toes, inverts foot
Flexor hallucis longus Upper half of tibia and fibula and interosseous membrane Distal phalanx of big toe Plantaflexes foot and big toe. Inverts foot
Flexor digitorum brevis Calcaneum Middle phalanges of 4 outer toes Flexes toes
Abductor hallucis Medial calcaneum Metatarsal/phalangeal joint (big toe) Abducts and flexes big toe and maintains foot arch
Flexor hallucis brevis Lateral cubeiform and cuboid Metatarsal/phalangeal joint (big toe) Flexes big toe
Abductor digiti minimi Posterior, lateral calcaneum Phalanx of 5th toe Abducts 5th toe
Extensor digitorum brevis Calcaneum 2nd to 4th toe Dorsiflexes toe
Extensor hallucis brevis Calcaneum Big toe Dorsiflexes big toe
Psoas major and minor T12 to L4/5 Lesser trochanter of femur Flexes hip, assists side-bending and inward rotation of thigh
Iliacus Anterior, inferior iliac spine and Iliac Fossa Lesser trochanter of femur Flexes hip, assists side-bending and inward rotation of thigh
Rectus femoris Anterior, inferior iliac spine Via patella and infapatella tendon to tibial tuberosity Flexes hip and extends knee
Vastas lateralis upper part of Femur Patellar, border and patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity Extends knee
Vastas intermedialis Upper part of Femur Patellar, border and patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity Extends knee
Vastas medialis Upper part of Femur Patellar, border and patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity Extends knee
Sartorius Anterior, superior iliac spine (ASIS) Upper, medial tibial shaft c Flexes hip and knee, outwardly rotates and abducts hip and inwardly rotates knee
Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) Anterior iliac crest via Iliotibial band to lateral tibial condyle Abducts hip. Also slight flexion and inward rotation
Iliotibial Band (IT) Tensor fascia lata (muscle) Below lateral tibial condyle Stabilise lateral side of knee
Gracilis Lower pubis Upper, medial tibial shaft (per anserinus) Adducts leg, flex knee
Pectineus Upper pubis Linea aspera of femur Adduct and Flex hip and slight inward rotatation
Adductor brevis From pubis to ischium Full length of medial border of femur Adduct leg and slight outward rotatation
Adductor longus From pubis to ischium Full length of medial border of femur Adduct leg and slight outward rotatation
Adductor magnus From pubis to ischium Full length of medial border of femur Adduct leg and slight outward rotatation
Adductor minimus From pubis to ischium Full length of medial border of femur Adduct leg and slight outward rotatation
Tibialis anterior Lateral surface of tibia and interosseus membrane Planter surface of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform Dorsiflexes foot and slight supinator
Extensor digitorum longus Lateral tibial condyle and head of Fibula 2nd to 5th toes Dorsiflexes foot and toes
Extensor hallucis longus Fibula and interosseous membrane Distal phalanx of big toe Extends and dorsiflexes big toe and supinate foot
Peroneus longus Head and Lateral aspect of fibula Base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuniform Pronate foot and assist plantaflexion
Peroneus brevis Lateral surface of fibula Lateral, proximal aspect of 5th metatarsal Pronate foot and assist in plantaflexion
Iliocostals Sacrum, iliac crest and ribs Ribs and cervical vertebrae Bilaterally: extends spine. Unilaterally: side-flex spine. Extends and rotates head
Longissimus Sacrum, lower thoracic and lumber vertebrae Cervical and lower thoracic vertebrae, and mastoid process Bilaterally: extends spine. Unilaterally: side-flex spine. Extends and rotates head
Spinalis Connects transverse and spinous processes Connects transverse and spinous processes Bilaterally: extends spine. Unilaterally: side-flex spine. Extends and rotates head
Interspinalis Connects transverse and spinous processes Connects transverse and spinous processes All intervertebral movements
Multifides Connects transverse and spinous processes Connects transverse and spinous processes All intervertebral movements
Semispinalis Connects transverse and spinous processes Connects transverse and spinous processes All intervertebral movements
Quadratus lumborum Iliac crest and Iliolumbarligament 12 rib L1 to L4/5 transverse processes Bilaterally: extends lower back. Unilaterally side-bends trunk
Spenius capitis C7 to T3/4 Mastoid process, occiput, transverse process of atlas Extends and rotates head
Splenius cervicus T4 to T6 Mastoid process, occiput, transverse process of atlas Extends and rotates head
Semispinalis C3/4 to T5 Occiptal Extends and rotates head
Capitis Transverse and spinous process of atlas and axis Occiput Extends and rotates head
Scalenes anterior, medius, posterior C2 to C7 transverse Processes 1st and 2nd rib Flex and rotate head. raises ribs on inspiration
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Sternum and clavicle Mastiod process Flex, rotates and side-bends head
External obliques Lateral surface of 5th to 12th ribs (running diagonally downwards) Abdominal aponeurosis and lower three ribs and Illiac Crest Rotates, flexes and side-bends trunk. Supports viscera and assists exhalation
Internal obliques Iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia and inguinal ligament (mostly running diagonally upwards) Abdominal aponeurosis Rotates, flexes and side-bends trunk. Supports viscera and assists exhalation
Transverse obliques 7th to 12th ribs, thorcolumbar fascia and iliac crest and inguinal ligament (running horizontally) Abdominal aponeurosis Rotates, flexes and side-bends trunk. Supports viscera and assists exhalation
Rectus abdominus Pubic Crest Cartilage of 5th to 7th ribs and xiphoid process Flexes trunk
Diaphragm Sternum, Xiphoid Process, costal cartilage, 7th to 12 ribs, upper L2/3 Cenral tendon Inhalation the uppward domed muscle is drawn downeard creating a vacuum in the chest cavity.
Internal Intercostal Cross between adjacent ribs Cross between adjacent ribs Forced Exhalation
External intercostal Cross between adjacent ribs Cross between adjacent ribs Inhalation
Trapezius Occipital bone, ligaments of cervical spine and thoracic spine Clavicle amd spine of scapula Stabilises scapula, and some elevation and rotation of scapula
Levator scapula C1 to C4 Transverse processes Superior angle of scapula Raises scapula or rotates and side-bends head
Rhomboid minor C6 to C7 Medial border of scapula stabilises and rotates scapula and Retracts towards the spine
Rhomboid major T1 to T4 Spious Processes Medical border of scapula stabilises and Rotates scapula and Retracts towards the spine.
Serratus anterior Lateral surface of 1st to 9th ribs Anterior surface of medial border of scapula Protraction and rotation of Scapula
Latissimus dorsi T7 to T12, and via lumbar fascia to L1, L5 and iliac crest Bicipital grove of humerus Adducts, extends (draws back) and inwardly rotates arm
Teres major Lower lateral border of scapula Medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus Inwardly rotates, extend and adducts arm
Supraspinatus Upper posteria surface of scapula Great tuberosity of humerus initiates Shoulder Abduction
Infraspinatus Lower posterior surface of scapula Great tuberosity of humerus Outwardly rotates arm
Teres minor Lateral border of scapula Great tuberosity of humerus Outwardly rotates arm
Subscapularis Anterior surface of scapula Lesser tuberosity of humerus Inwardly rotates arm
Subclavicular Proximal end of 1st rib Inferior distal part of clavicle Pulls Clavical Down
Pectoralis major Clavicle, sternum, 1st to 6th ribs Lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus Horizontal adduction, adducts, flexes and inwardly rotates arm
Pectoralis minor 3rd to 5th ribs Coracoid process of scapula Draws scapula forward and down
Deltoid Clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula Deltoid tuberosity of humerus (midway along) Anterior: draw scapula forward and inwardly rotate. Lateral: abducts arm. Posterior: draws arm back (extends) and outwardly rotates
Coracobrachialis Coracoid process of scapula Medical borber of humerus Draws arm forward and inward
Biceps brachii coracoid process of scapula Long head: passes over top of joint laterally to scapula. via a strong tendon to radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis Strong: flexor and supinator of forearm. Weak; abducts (long head), Adducts (short head) the shoulder
Brachialis Lower anterior surface of humerus Ulnar tuberosity Flex Elbow
Triceps brachii Long head:infra-glenoid tubercle of scapula. Medial and lateral heads:posterior surface of humerus Through a flat tendon to the olecranon process of ulna Extends elbow. Long head: slight adduction of shoulder
Brachioradialis Distal, lateral edge of humerus Styloid process of radius Flexes forearm
Common extensors Lateral epicondyle of humerus Base of metacarpals and phalanges Extends and abducts/adducts wrist and hand
Pronator teres Above the medial epicondyle Midway along lateral radius Pronates and flexes forearm
Pronator quadratus Palmar surface of lower ulna Palmar surface of radius Pronates forearm
Common flexors Medial epicondyle of humerus. Upper and middle radius and ulna Metacarpals, aponeurosis and phalanges Flexes wrist, fingers and thumb
Supinator Lateral epicondyle of humorus and ulnar crest Lateral surface of upper radius Supinates forearm
Abductor pollicis longus Posterior surface of radius and ulna and interosseus membrane Base of first metacarpal bone Extends and abducts thumb, Radial abduction of wrist
Extensor pollicis brevis Poserior surface of radius and ulna and interosseus Membrane Proximal Phalanges of thumb Extends and abducts thumb Radial abduction of wrist
Extensor pollicis longus Posterior surface of radius and ulna and Inteosseus membrane Distal Phalanges of thumb Extends and abducts thumb radial abduction of wrist
(Thenar eminence) Pollicis muscles Lateral 3 metacarpals and flexor retinaculum Metacarpal and proximal phalanx (thumb) All inward movements of thumb
(Hypothenar eminence) Digit minimi Medial 2 metacarpals and flexor retinaculum Metacarpal and proximal phalanx (5th finger) All inward movement of the ulmnar border of hand
Created by: IARCHER
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