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Mr. Weimer/ Ch 7

Quiz 7.1 #1: Within a country ethnicities can occur on three scales (True or False). False
#2: This American ethnicity is clustered strongest in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Hispanic Americans
#3: This American ethnicity is clustered strongest in cities and urban areas. African Americans
#4: This American ethnicity made a major migration to the northern part of the country. African Americans
#5: In the Unites States there are three major ethnic groups (True or False). True
#6: The belief that race is the primary determinant of humane traits and capacities. Racism
#7: A person who subscribes to the belief from #6. Racist
#8: The name for laws in the South that segregated Whites from Blacks. Jim Crow
#9: The physical separation of races into different geographic areas. Aparthied
#10: The nation that was famous for the term from #9. South Africa
SA #11: In plessy v. Ferguson (1896) did the Supreme Court rule that Louisiana's law of segregation was constitutional or unconstitutional? Why did it reach that conclusion? What is the famous phrase used to describe their ruling? -Constitutional -Because people thought that whites were given a higher authority -"separate but equal"
SA #12: What was the result of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)? -It ruled that segregation was illegal and that schools must be integrated.
SA #13: Describe Blockbusting -When real estate agents tell whites that they better hurry up and sell there house (for cheap) or their neighborhood will be taken over by Blacks, then selling it to Blacks at high prices.
Quiz 7.2 #1: A group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country. Nationality
#2: The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves. Self-determination
#3: A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality. Nation-state
#4: Loyalty and devotion to a nationality. Nationalism
#5: An attitude tat tends to unify people and enhance support for a state Centripetal Force
#6: A state that contains more than one ethnicity. Multi-ethnic State
#7: Nation with more than one ethnicity that agree to co-exist peacefully by recognizing each other as a distinct nationality. Multinational State
#8: The largest multinational state. Russia
#9: A good example of a nation state carved out of the former Yugoslavia in Eastern Europe. Slovania
#10: This Baltic state most closely fits the definition of a nation state. Lithuainia
SA #11: Name the four main nationalities of the United Kingdom. -Wales -England -Scotland -Northern Ireland
SA #12: List and describe two ways a nation state fosters the idea of nationalism. -songs. The unifying of a song is very powerful, especially to elders and those who have served in the armed forces. -flags. One of the forms of political protest is to burn a states flag, and there is support in the US to make burning the flag illegal.
SA #13: The united states forged a nation not through traditional means but through sharing the values of what three things? -US Constitution -Bill of Rights -Declaration of independence
Quiz 7.3 #1: This nation was captured by Italy in the 1930s before World War II. Ethiopia
#2: Sudan's civil war and problems came from this division among it's population. Religion
#3: This Arab nation had a mixed population of different ethnicities and religions, but was broken up by a civil war in 1975 Lebanon
#4: This nation controlled India as a colony from the early 1800s to 1947. Great Britain
#5: This nation was split into two parts based on religion, and what was the northern part called? Pakistan
#6: The religion of the northern part from question #5 was primarily this religion. Islam
#7: This is a great source of nationality unity in India. Hinduism
#8: This is the name of the border region between the countries in question #5. Kashmir
#9: This group only comprises 2% of the total Indian population but as an ethnicity seeks self-determination. Gikhs
#10: This happened in 1983 and resulted in the US pulling out of Lebanon. Bombing the Barracks in Beirut.
#11: This eastern African nation lost some 300,000 of the population due to starvation in the early 1990s. Solamia
#12: In 2006 the nation from #11 was taken over by this group. Islamist Militias
#13: Area of Sudan in which an ethnic war erupted in 2003. Over 450,000 have been killed from it. Darfur
#14: This group controls Ethiopia. Combination of ethnic groups
#15: Communist leaders in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union used this to discourage ethnicities from expressing their cultural uniqueness. Centripetal Force
#16: This nation has had a civil war that has raged since the 1980s and is between Black Christians and Animist forces in the south and the Arab-Muslim dominated government forces in the North. Sudan
#17: This nation has adopted law to segregate the sexes in public, including barriers used at weddings, parties and picnics. Sudan
#18: A leading Hindu advocate of nonviolence with Indian Muslims who was assassinated in 1948. Gandhi
Created by: ambrecooper
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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