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Med Term Final

Final Exam Review

anterior front
posterior back
urethra tube leading from bladder to outside of body
ureter tube leading from kidney to bladder
hemoglobin hemo = blood, globin = protein blood protein
erythrocyte erythro = red, cyte = cell red cell
electrocardiogram record of electrical activity of heart
electroencephalogram record of electrical activity of brain
hematologist one who studies blood
pathologist one who studies disease
thrombosis blood clot
cerebral pertaining to brain
cephalo pertaining to head
ren/o kidney
nephr/o kidney
cardi/o heart
hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
aden/o gland
-itis inflammation
-osis abnormal condition
-algia pain
arthr/o joint
adip/o fat
lip/o fat
cervical neck (spine) or cervix (genitourinary)
lumbar low back (spine)
crani/o skull
rhin/o nose
lapar/o abdomen
-otomy cutting into
-scopy process of visually examining
-ectomy surgical removal
-plasty surgical repair
salping/o fallopian tube
oophor/o ovary
pleural pertaining to pleura / lung
brady slow
tachy fast
-megaly enlargement
adrenal glands located above each kidney
costal pertaining to rib
urinalysis lab test to examine urine
CBC blood test - complete blood count
subdural hematoma abnormal collection of blood below membrane covering brain
dura the tough outermost membrane enveloping the brain and spinal cord.
sub- below
epi- above, upon
proximal nearest to beginning of structure
distal furthest from beginning of structure
supine lie face up (p. 43)
prone lie face down (p. 43)
ventral belly (side of body)
dorsal back (side of body)
-rrhea discharge, flow
biopsy surgical procedure to remove piece of tissue to examine under microscope
hyper- excessive, more than normal
hypo- below, insufficient, less than normal
glycos/o sugar
thyroid gland
transverse plane divides body into upper and lower portions (p. 41)
frontal, coronal plane divides body into front and back portions (p. 40)
sagittal plane divides body into left and right portions (p. 40)
isch/o to keep back
ischemia a condition in which blood is held back from an organ
-emia blood
-oma tumor, mass
my/o muscle
myocardial infarction heart attack
infarct area of tissue necrosis that develops from ischemia
hyster/o uterus
GYN gyneco - women, female
scler/o hardening
prostate gland located between bladder and penis
-ostomy surgically create an opening
-penia too few
derm skin
integumentary system dermatology - skin, hair, nails
musculoskeletal system orthopedics - bones, muscles, joints
cardiovascular system cardiology - heart, blood vessels
hematology study of blood
immunology immune system - study of cells, tissues, and organs that work to protect the body against pathogens (viruses, bacteria, toxins, cancerous cells)
respiratory system pulmonology - includes trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleura
gastroenterology digestive system- mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestine, colon, rectum, anus, also liver, gallbladder, pancreas
genitourinary urology, nephrology - kidneys, bladder, reproductive organs
OB/GYN obstetrics & gynecology - female reproductive system
nervous system neurology - brain, spinal cord, nerves
endocrine system glands, hormones
opthalmology eye
otorhinolaryngology ENT - ears, nose, throat
Created by: kducey
Popular Medical sets




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