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Allen School chapt 1

Medical terminology word parts and suffixes

ex- out
cis to cut
-ion process
mal- bad
format a shape
chem/o chemical
-therapy treatment
centi- one hundred, one hundredth
-grade a step
-meter measure
uterus Latin word for one of the organs of the female reproductive system, the womb
metr/i uterus (womb)
endo- within
-osis condition
adhes stuck to
micro- small
-scope instrument for examining
abate to lessen, cease, decrease
ante- before, forward
anti- against
ecto- out, outside, outer
hyper- above, beyond, excessive
hypo- bellow, under, deficient
inter- between
intra- within
para- beside, alongside, abnormal
peri- around
per- through
pre- before, in front of
pro- before
super- above, beyond
supra- above, beyond
-poiesis formation
-ptosis prolapse, drooping, sagging, falling down
-ptysis spitting
-rrhagia to burst forth, bursting forth
-rrhage to burst forth, bursting forth
-rrhaphy suture
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-scopy visual examination, to view, examine
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy incision
-tripsy crushing
-trophy nourishment, development
necr/o death
cardi/o heart
-ology the study of
gastr/o stomach
enter/o intestine
ab- away from
norm rule
-al pertaining to
abnormal pertaining to away form the norm or rule. a condition that is considered not normal.
abcess a localized collection of pus, which may occur in any part of the body
acute (ac) sudden, sharp, severe; used to describe a disease that has a sudden onset severe symptoms and a short course
afferent carrying impulses toward a center
ambulatory condition of being able to walk, not carried in a bed
antidote substance given to counteract poisons and their effects
pyret fever
-ic pertaining to
antipyretic pertaining to an agent used to lower an elevated body temperature (fever)
sept putrefaction
antiseptic pertaining to an agent that works against sepsis (putrefaction); a technique or product used to prevent or limit infections
tuss cough
-ive nature of, quality of
antitussive pertaining to an agent that works against coughing
apathy condition in which one lacks feelings and emotions and is indifferent
-sepsis decay
asepsis without decay; sterile, free from all living microorganisms
autoclave an apparatus that sterilizes instruments and items using steam and pressure (under 15 pounds of pressure per square inch) to reach a heat of 250 F to 254 F for a specified time such as 30 min for single wrapped items
axill armpit
-ary pertaining to
axillary (ax) pertaining to the armpit
bi/o life
-opsy to vie
biopsy (Bx) surgical removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination; used to determine a diagnosis of cancer or other disease process in the body
cac- bad
-hexia condition
cachexia a condition of ill health, malnutrition, and wasting. It may occur in chronic diseases such as cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis.
centr/i center
-fuge to flee
centrifuge devise used in a laboratory to separate solids from liquids
chemotheraphy the use of chemical agents in treatment in disease, specifically drugs used in cancer therapy
chronic pertaining to time; denotes a disease with little change or slow progression; the opposite of acute
dia- through
-gnosis knowledge
diagnosis (Dx) determination of the cause and nature of a disease, which is most often determined through the process of knowledge
-phoresis carry
diaphoresis to carry through sweat glands; profuse sweating
disease literally means lack of ease; a pathological condition of the body that presents with a series of symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings peculiar to it and sets it apart from the norm or other abnormal body states
dis- apart
infect to infect
-ant forming
disinfectant chemical substance that can be applied to objects to destroy pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria
efferent carrying impulses away from a center
empathy the ability to sense intellectually and emotionally the feelings of another person
epi- upon
dem people
epidemic pertaining to upon the people; the rapid widespread occurrence of an infectious disease that can be spread by any pathological organism transmitted by or to humans, birds, insects, etc.
eti/o cause
etiology the study of the cause(s) of disease
excision the process of cutting out, surgical removal
febrile pertaining to a fever, sustained body temperature above 98.6 F
gram (g) a unit of weight in the metric system; a cubic centimeter or milliliter of water is equal to the weight of a gram
hetero- different
gene formation, produce
-ous pertaining to
heterogeneous literally means pertaining to a different formation; composed of unlike substances; the opposite of homogeneous
illness the state of being sick
in- in, into
incision the process of cutting into
kil/o thousand
-gram weight
kilogram (kg) unit of weight in the metric system; 1000 g; a kilograms is equal to 2.2 pounds
liter (L) unit of volume in the metric system; 1000 mL; a liter is equal to 33.8 fl oz or 1.0567 qt
macr/o large
scop to examine
macroscopic pertaining to objects large enough to be seen my the naked eye
malaise a general feeling of discomfort, uneasiness; often felt by a patient who has a chronic disease
malformation literally means a process of being badly shaped, deformed; a structural defect that fails to form normal shape and therefore can affect function; eg. cleft palate
malign bad kind
malignant literally means formation of a bad kind; growing worse, harmful, cancerous
maxim greatest
maximal pertaining to the greatest possible quantity, number, or degree
microgram (mcg) unit of weight in the metric system; one millionth of a gram or one thousandth of a milligram
minim least
minimal pertaining to the least possible quantity, number, or degree
multi- many, much
multiform occurring in or having many shapes; an object that has more than one defined shape
necrosis abnormal condition of tissue death
neo- new
-pathy disease
neopathy new disease;
onc/o tumor
oncology literally means the study of tumors; the study of etiology, the characteristics, treatment, etc. of cancer
pallor paleness, lack of color
palm palm
-ar pertaining to
palmar pertaining to the palm
-centesis surgical puncture
paracentesis surgical puncture of a body cavity for fluid removal
prognosis literally means a state of foreknowledge; prediction of the course of a disease and the recovery rate of the affected person
prophylact guard
prophylactic pertaining to preventing or protecting against disease or pregnancy
pyr/o heat, fire
genic formation, produce
pyrogenic pertaining to the production of heat; a fever
radi/o ray, x-ray
radiology the study of x-rays and other imaging modalities that use x-rays
rapport relationship of understanding between two individuals, especially the patient and physician.
syn- together, with
-drome that which runs together
syndrome a group of signs and symptoms occurring together that characterize a specific disease or pathological condition
therm/o hot, heat
thermometer an instrument used to measure degree of heat, especially the temperature of a person
top/o place
-graphy recording
topography description of a body part in relation to the anatomic region in which it is located
triage a system of prioritizing and classifying patient injuries to determine the priority of need and treatment
immun/o immune
bar weight, pressure
an- without
esthesi/o feeling
-ist one who specializes
-ician specialist, physcian
iatr treatment
dermat/o skin
crin/o secrete
demi/o people
geront/o old age
gynec/o female
hemat/o blood
intern within
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
obstetr the Latin word element obstetrix means midwife
ophthalm/o eye
orth/o straight
ped child
ot/o ear
rhin/o nose
laryng/o larynx
path/o disease
phys nature
proct/o anus, rectum
psych/o mind
pulmon/o lung
rheumat/o rheumatism
ur/o urination
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
OCR Office for Civil Rights
EHR Electronic Health Record
Hx medical history
Px physical examination
TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
BP Blood Pressure
Dx Diagnosis
SOAP Subject, Objective, Assessment, Plan
ABMS American Board of Medical Specialties
C centigrade, Celsius
cm centimeter
Derm dermatology
DOB Date of Birth
ENT Ears, Nose, Throat (larynx)
FACP Fellow of American College of Physicans
FACS Fellow of American College of Surgeons
FP Family Practice
GYN Gynecology
Ht height
mL, ml milliliter
Neuro Neurology
ABMS American Board of Medical Specialties
ac acute
ax axillary
BP Blood Pressure
Bx Biopsy
C centigrade, Celsius
CC Chief Complaint
cm centimeter
CV Cardiovascular
Derm Dermatology
DOB Date of Birth
Dx Diagnosis
EHR Electronic Health Record
ENR Ear, Nose, Throat (larynx) (otorhinolaryngology)
FACP Fellow of the American College of Physicians
FACS Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
FP Family Practice
g gram
GYN Gynecology
HHS the department of Health and Human Services
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
Ht Height
Hx History
kg kilogram
L Liter
mcg microgram
mg millagram
mL, ml millaliter
Neuro Neurology
OB Obstretrics
OCR Office for Civil Rights
Orth Orthopedics
P Pulse
Path Pathology
PE Physical Examination
Peds Pediatrics
PHI Protected Health Information
Psych Psychiatry, Psychology
R Respiration
SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
SS Social Security
T Temperature
TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
Wt Weight
y/o year(s) old
Created by: huntessluna
Popular Medical sets




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