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HIST 10 Ck In Quiz 7

Mr. Stickler's Liberty Christian HIST 10 Check In Quiz #7 Flashcards

Why did Buddhism fall out of favor with the Chinese government during the later Tang Dynasty? Buddhists believed that the world was not real, but an illusion. This went against the Confucian teachings of hard work & devotion to family, which the government was founded on. (Pg. 273)
Why did the government end up giving its support to neo-Confucianism? Because neo-Confucianism taught that the world was real - not an illusion - and that fulfillment comes from participation in the world. (Pg. 273)
How and when was the Buddhist religion brought to China in the first place? It was brought to China in the 1st century C.E. (100 C.E.) by merchants and missionaries from India. (Pg. 273)
What was the goal of neo-Confucianism and how was it achieved? The goal was to move beyond the material world to reach union with the "Supreme Ultimate". This is done by carefully examining the moral principles that rule the universe. (Pg. 273)
What was the name of the Mongol Dynasty in China? The Yuan Dynasty. The word "yuan" means "Mongol" in Chinese. (Pg. 271)
What were "khanates"? This was the name for the separate territories that the Mongol Empire was divided into. (Pg. 270)
Who was Genghis Khan? His real name was Temujin. He was the ruler of the Mongols beginning in 1206 C.E. (when he was elected). He gradually unified the Mongols. (Pg. 270)
Who was Kublai Khan? He was Genghis Khan's grandson. In 1279 he completed the conquest of the Song Dynasty Chinese, beginning the Yuan Dynasty. (Pg. 271)
What 3 things helped to end the Yuan Dynasty in China, allowing a Chinese ruler to retake the country? 1.) Too much spending on foreign conquests; 2.) Corruption at court; and 3.) Growing internal instability. (Pg. 272)
What does the term "Bushido code" mean? This term means "the way of the warrior". It is the code that the samurai warriors lived by. (Pg. 280)
What does the term "shogun" mean? This term means "general". It's the name given to the military generals who were in charge of the government. The emperor had no actual power, instead, shoguns ruled. (Pg. 281)
What does the term "Shinto" mean? The term means "the sacred way" or "the way of the gods".
List two (2) of the beliefs that the Shinto religion held. 1.) That spirits (called "kami") lived in the streams, mountains, trees, & rivers; 2.) That the spirits of their ancestors were present in the air around them. (Pg. 282)
What were the first three (3) Chinese dynasties that we learned about in chapter 8? 1.) Sui; 2.) Tang; 3.) Song. (Pgs. 264 - 266)
What does the term "scholar - gentry" mean? This term is the name of the class of landed gentry (people who owned lots of land) who controlled most of the land and provided most of the candidates for the civil service during the Tang & Song dynasties. (Pg. 269)
Who was Marco Polo? He was an Italian merchant who visited the capital city of Hangzhou during the Song dynasty. He wrote a book about his travels in Asia & described the city in that book. (Pg. 269)
What is the difference between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism? Theravada Buddhists believed that they were following the original intent of the Buddha; they see Buddhism as a way of life & not a religion. Mahayana Buddhists believed it was a religion & that the Buddha was a divine figure. (Pg. 284)
Who were the Moguls? A group of nomadic people from the north of India who threatened to take control of the control after Temur Lenk's death. (Pg. 286)
What is an archipelago? An archipelago is a chain of islands. (Pg. 290)
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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