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World History

Final Review Quarter 1 Chapter 5&6 Ancient India & Ancient China

Describe the caste system and how it is connected to Hinduism. History of the Aryan People dividing society into varnas or social groups. Caste System becomes the social class system connected to Hinduism. The belief in the goal to reach Brahmin status and gain Moksha or enlightenment.
Describe the development of the Maurya Empire. Conquest and expansion
Describe the development of the Gupta Empire. Golden Age of India. Trade
How did trade help to expand and spread Buddhism? Buddhist missionaries traveled trade routes establishing rest houses.
Who was Asoka and how did he influence the spread of Buddhism? Grandson of Chandragupta. Leader of Maurya Empire. Set out to expand but realized conquest was not what he wanted. Converted to Buddhism and established edicts across his Empire. Sent missionaries to spread his belief in non-violence.
What was the social structure of the Caste System? Social Ranking: 1- Brahmins (priestly class) 2- Kshatriyas (warriors) 3- Vaisyas (commoners) 4- Sudras (peasants/ servants) Lowest caste = Untouchables
How was the Caste System tied to Hinduism? How does it follow the social order of Varnas? Varnas-Aryan division of people
Explain Buddhism. physical surroundings of humans-the material world-were simply illusions
Who was Siddhartha Gautama? Hindu Prince that eventually will found Buddhism
Explain the belief and importance of reincarnation in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Both believe in reincarnation to reach enlightenment or Moksha/Nirvana
Explain the differences in Hinduism and Buddhism. Hinduism-a person’s status in society is not a matter of chance. Based on Caste System and dharma/karma/moksha/ahimsa. Buddhism=No caste system. Individual. Nirvana
Explain how Gupta rulers became prosperous. They become prosperous through mining and over time earn large profits from religious trade
What was the Golden Age of Ancient India? Gupta Empire
Explain the migration of the Aryan people. Moved south into India from the Caucasus Mountains
Explain the role of the Silk Road. Expand trade to the East. Also expanded Buddhism
What was the Confucian concept of duty? “The duty of children to their parents is the foundations, whence all other virtues spring.” If each individual worked hard to fulfill his or her duties, then the affairs of society as a whole would prosper as well.
According to Confucius, what was the Golden Age of China? Zhou Dynasty
Describe trade during the Han Dynasty. Long distance via caravan and ocean travel
What were civil service exams and how were they used? Exams used to determine ability for government jobs. Education becomes highly valued.
What are the five constant relationships? Ruler-Subject Father-son Older Brother-Younger Brother Husband-Wife Older friend-Younger friend
Why did Legalists believe in harsh laws and strict punishments? Humans are not capable of doing good
Identify Qin Shihuangdi and his ruling style. Leader of the Qin Dynasty. Very harsh and strict
Explain the rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty. Dynastic cycle; Qin united China—created single monetary system and built roads throughout the empire. Many Chinese people were angered by the harsh treatment under the Legalist Qin. After the emperor died, his dynasty was overthrown.
Explain the rise and fall of the Han Dynasty.
Explain the Warring States Period in China.
What were the 3 Legal Codes and why were they developed? What were the characteristics of each legal code? (Part 1 of 2) Legalism=strict rule and code of laws with harsh punishments Confucianism=Confucius taught 5 principal relationships-follow these and society will flourish. Valued education
What were the 3 Legal Codes and why were they developed? What were the characteristics of each legal code? (Part 2 of 2) Daoism=The universe has a strict order and if humans mess with that order life falls into chaos. Thus, no government involvement or leadership. Follow “the way” and become one with nature
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