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Mr. Stickler's Liberty Christian World Civ "Ancient Rome" Test Flashcards 2021

What four (4) seas bordered ancient Italy? Tyrrhenian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, & Mediterranean Sea.
Ancient Rome was founded on the banks of which river? The Tiber River.
Why did Roman Jews paint pictures of desert scenes - including date palm trees - in catacombs they built? To symbolize that they were Jews first, not Romans and to represent their time in exile in the desert.
What type of land mass is Italy? A peninsula.
Why did large fountains (like the ones we saw in the video) symbolize that ancient Rome was a great city? Because it showed that the Romans were concerned with personal hygiene and that they could harness water.
Why were Roman Jews able to dig new catacombs - or expand existing ones - with the use of simple tools? Because the ground where they were digging was called 'toofa' - a mixture of dirt and volcanic ash that was not very compact.
How did ancient Romans purify the water that they used for drinking and bathing? The water poured into large 'cisterns' made of a porous concrete mixture. The walls of the cistern allowed water to slowly seep through, but did not let larger particles like dirt and debris through.
What is the name of the first tribe of people to settle in the area that is now the city of Rome? The Latins settled in the area that is now called Rome. They moved there over a 500 year period between 1500 - 1000 B.C.E.
What tribe of people ". . . most influenced the early development of Rome"? The Etruscans most influenced Rome.
Complete this sentence: "The Roman historian _______________ provided a number of stories to teach Romans that he made Rome great." Livy.
List the names of the Roman social classes in order from highest (most powerful) to lowest (least powerful) according to our textbook. 1.) Patricians (wealthy landowners); 2.) Plebians (less wealthy landowners, small farmers, craftspeople, & merchants).
List the names of the two (2) "chief executive officers of the Roman republic." 1.) Consuls; 2.) Praetors.
Explain the purpose that each of the two (2) "chief executive officers of the Roman republic". (In other words, what did each of them do?) 1.) Consuls = They ran the government & led the Roman army into battle; 2.) Praetors = In charge of civil law (as applied to Roman citizens).
List the names of the three (3) leaders who made up the First Triumvirate. 1.) Crassus; 2.) Pompey; 3.) Julius Caesar.
Explain which member of the First Triumvirate became dictator and how it happened. Julius Caesar became dictator after Crassus was killed in battle and Caesar defeated Pompey and his soldiers. The Senate, fearing Caesar's popularity, asked him to give up his command and he refused, which caused the battle with Crassus.
List the names of the three (3) leaders who made up the Second Triumvirate. 1.) Octavian; 2.) Antony; 3.) Lepidus.
Explain which member of the Second Triumvirate became dictator and how it happened. After Lepidus died, Antony allied himself with Queen Cleopatra VII (7th) of Egypt to try to defeat Octavian. Despite their alliance, Octavian defeated Antony & Cleopatra's forces at the Battle of Actium. Octavian then took power.
What are the "Twelve Tables"? These were the first written set of laws that were publicly displayed in Rome.
Why did the First Punic War begin? This war began because Romans were nervous about having Carthaginians living in Sicily, which is an island that is very close to the Italian coast.
How were the Romans finally able to win the First Punic War? They were able to win this war because they ended up building a navy that was large enough to defeat the Carthaginian navy. Siciliy became the first Roman province when the First Punic War ended.
How did the Second Punic War begin? This war began when Hannibal, the "greatest Carthaginian general" attacked Rome after the Romans encouraged one of Carthage's Spanish allies to revolt against Carthage.
How was Rome able to win the Second Punic War? Rome was able to win this war by attacking Carthage itself instead of trying to defeat Hannibal and his forces in a head-to-head battle.
What happened during the Third Punic War? During this war, the Roman army was sent to destroy Carthage after a number of prominent Roman citizens had called for its destruction. Soldiers burned & demolished the city for 10 days & sold its citizens into slavery.
What changes did Marius make regarding recruiting soldiers into the army in 107 B.C.E.? Marius began recruiting soldiers from the urban & rural poor who had no property. He promised them land in return for their service & had them pledge an oath of loyalty to their general, not the Roman state.
What was the "legacy" left by Marius' new method of recruiting soldiers? After making these changes, individual generals held a lot more power than they had previously.
What was one reason that the "bad emperors" earned this nickname? One reason that they earned this nickname is because each one took more & more power from the Senate. As they became more powerful, they became more corrupt.
Complete the following sentence: "The five (5) 'good emperors' concluded an era called the _____________ __________________, which lasted for almost 200 years." Pax Romana.
List one (1) of the reasons that the Roman Senate decided to build a huge network of roads that spanned the entire Roman Empire. One reason they chose to do this is so that their armies could march from on part of the empire to another more quickly.
What job was the chief occupation among Roman citizens at the height of the Roman empire period? Farming was the chief occupation of Romans during this period.
What three (3) architecture techniques did the Romans invent that are still in use today? 1.) Arches; 2.) Domes; 3.) Vaults (for vaulted ceilings inside buildings).
What does the term "paterfamilias" mean? This term was the name given to the dominant male of each Roman family.
What was the Circus Maximum and what was it used for? This was an outdoor track where chariot races and some gladiator battles took place to entertain Roman citizens. (PowerPoint notes)
Which Roman emperor became the first Christian emperor? Constantine became the first Christian emperor.
Which Roman emperor made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire? Theodosius the Great made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
What was the first event that began the collapse of the Roman Empire? Many Goths (a Germanic tribe) were allowed to move to the city of Rome and become Roman citizens. Some joined the Roman Legions and became well trained as warriors. They used these skills later against Rome.
When did the Roman Empire officially fall? The Roman Empire fell in 476 C.E.
When was the Roman Empire divided in half into an "eastern empire" and "western empire" and who was responsible for this split? The Roman Empire was divided in half in the year 285 C.E. by the emperor Diocletian.
List the first 6 Roman emperors (these do not have to be in order). 1. Julius Caesar, 2. Augustus, 3. Tiberius, 4. Nero, 5. Caligula, 6. Nero
Who was the last Roman emperor? Romulus Augustulus.
What was the subject of the primary source reading that we did during this unit? The subject was a mutiny among the Roman soldiers on the German frontier that occurred after Tiberius became emperor. ("The Annals of Imperial Rome", by Tacitus)
List the two (2) main places where Romans could go for entertainment. 1. The Colosseum, 2. The Circus Maximus.
Complete the following sentence: "The Roman Republic period lasted from _______________ to _____________________." 509 B.C.E. - 27 B.C.E.
What was the name of the representative body that stood for the plebeian (social) class? The Assembly.
List two (2) architectural inventions that Romans created and are still in use today. 1. Sewer systems, 2. City Planning Methods.
Complete the following sentence: "The Roman Empire period lasted from _____________ to _______________." 27 B.C.E. - 476 C.E.
How were Roman Legions able to move quickly from one part of the empire to another to face border threats? They built a very durable system of roads that crisscrossed the entire empire.
List three (3) things that led to a weakened Roman Imperial government. 1.) Had poor leaders; 2.) There were frequent fights for power; 3.) There was political corruption (politicians took bribes).
List three (3) things that led to an agricultural decline in the Roman Empire. 1.) High taxes led farmers to abandon their farms; 2.) Farmland destroyed by warfare; 3.) The soil was overworked due to "over farming".
What two (2) economic problems did the Roman Empire face during the Late Imperial Period? 1.) Inflation & lack of work caused income and wages to fall; 2.) Wealthy Romans stopped paying taxes.
What areas of the world became part of the Western Roman Empire? Europe and North Africa.
What areas of the world became part of the Eastern Roman Empire? Turkey and Asia.
Why did the Germanic Tribes seek to destroy Rome? The tribes wanted a warmer area, Roman riches, and to flee the Huns.
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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