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PMI First Aid

First Aid Worksheet

What four things do you need to remember when acting in an emergency? Make sure scene is safe. Call 911. Keep calm. Only give the care you were trained.
During an initial assessment of a victim, what six steps should be followed? Check for responsiveness. If unresponsive, call 911. Look for medical alert jewelry. Check pulse. Check for severe bleeding. Look for any other life threatening problems.
What is the "SAMPLE" history format? Signs, symptoms. Allergies. Medications. Past history. Last meal or last drink. Events leading up to.
Use the recovery position for any victim who is what? Unresponsive & breathing.
What kinds of disease could spread during first aid if you do not take precautions? Hepatitis B & C. HIV & AIDS
What things do you need to remember to prevent disease transmission? UP-universal precautions. Use gloves & other barrier devises. Proper hand washing and avoiding contact with body in fluids.
Generally, caring for a wound involves washing with ____and _____. If the wound continues to bleed, you should apply ________and a _____bandage. An impaled object should be __________and do not remove. Soap. Water. Pressure. Gauze. Stabilized.
The skin of a victim in shock is typically what? Cool, clammy and pale.
A victim in shock should lie down, and lift their what? Legs (8 to 10 inches)
Signs of a first degree burn include: The skin is red & not broken.
Signs of a second degree burn include: Red. Significant pain. Swollen/producing blisters. (watch for shock)
For second degree and third degree burns, stop the burning by removing the ____ source. Cool the burn with ____water. Remove constricting ________ and _______. Call 911. Heat. Cool. Clothing. Jewelry.
If you spill a chemical on you, what should you do? Flush with cool running water for 15-20 minutes.
For serious injuries to the spine, chest, abdomen, and hip; call ___ and prevent ________ of the injured area. Monitor _________ and treat for _____ 911. Movement. Breathing. Shock.
What are the signs and symptoms of bone or joint injury? Pain. Swelling. Inability to use.
What does rice stand for? Rest. Ice 20 minutes on, 30 minutes off (ice 1st 48 hrs). Compression. Elevate.
When do you splint an injury? You would only splint an injury if the victim needs to be moved or transported.
What are the signs of sudden illness? Skin color changes. Sweating. Nausea/vomiting. Dizziness, weakness, fatigue.
What is the symptom of a heart attack? Persistent chest pain.
What is the symptom of a stroke? One-sided weakness.
What is the symptom of a seizure? Convulsions.
What is the symptom of a diabetic emergency? Combative.
What is the symptom of a asthma? Wheezing.
For inhaled or swallowed poisons, call ________. Put unresponsive breathing victims in the _________ position. Poison control. Recovery.
What are the 8 symptoms of a scorpion sting? Burning pain. Numbness. Swelling. Tingling. Rash. Nausea/vomiting. Difficulty breathing. Hyper activity.
What are the signs and symptoms of hypothermia? Shivering. Confusion and labored breathing. Drowsiness. Pale, cool skin. Frost bite. Changing levels of responsiveness.
For an unresponsive victim with severe hypothermia, check for ________ and call ___. Then warm the victim using ______ or _________. Never warm with _______ or ______ Breathing. 911. Blankets. Warm body heat. Direct heat. Heating pads.
Heat exhaustion will elevate into heatstroke if not _______ and given _____ Cooled. Water.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include: Heavy sweating. Extreme thirst. Heat cramps. Headache. Fatigue. Dizziness. Nausea. Vomiting.
First aid for heat exhaustion include: Moving the victim to a cool/shaded area. Loosing clothes. Offer (cool) water. Place a cool cloth to four head, under arm pits or groin.
Move a victim only if: Fire or explosion. Poisonous fumes. Chance of structure collapse. Position person for CPR. In the way of another victim.
Created by: rosemariea1213
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