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PMI-Med Terms 10-3
Medical Terminology (Prefixes, Suffixes, Root Words)
Term | Definition |
aer | air |
angie | vessel |
arteri | artery |
bili | bile |
bucc | cheek |
cardi | heart |
coron | crown, circle |
cyan | blue |
cyt | cell |
cyte | cell |
derm | skin |
dermat | skin |
erythr | red |
fibrin | fiber |
gluc | sugar |
glyc | sugar |
hem | blood |
hemat | blood |
luek | white |
lip | fat |
my | muscle |
necr | death |
nephr | kidney |
onc | tumor |
path | disease |
phleb | vein |
ren | kideny |
scler | hard |
thorac | chest |
thromb | clot |
vas | vessle |
ven | vein |
an-,a-, ar- | without, away from |
aniso- | unequal |
anti- | against |
bi- | two |
brady- | slow |
cyan- | blue |
dys- | difficult |
endo- | in, within |
epi- | on, over, upon |
erthyr- | red |
extra- | outside |
homeo- | same |
hyper- | too much, high |
hypo- | low, under |
intra- | within |
inter- | between |
iso- | equal, same |
mal- | poor, bad |
per- | through |
supra- | above |
tachy- | rapid, fast |
-ac, -al | pertaining to |
-algia | pain |
-ctye | cell |
-ectomy | excision, removal |
-emia | blood condition |
-gram | recording, writing |
-itis | inflammation of |
-logist | specialist in the study of |
-logy | the study of |
-lysis | breakdown, destruction |
-oma | tumor |
-pathy | disease |
-penia | deficiency |
-rrhage | burst forth/excessive flow |
-spasm | twitch, involuntary muscle movement |
-stasis | controlling, stopping, standing |
-tomy | cutting, incision |