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Anatomy & Physiology

Chapter 13: Sensory System

Involves rods and cones, the retina and Cranial Nerves (CN II) Sight
Involves the organ of corti and Cranial Nerves (CN VIII) Hearing
Is the Olfactory Sense; uses chemorecptors Smell
Uses mechanoreceptors. sensory information transmitted by the vestibular branch of Cranial Nerves (CN VIII) Balance
Gustatory Sensation Taste
From photoreceptors to the occipital lobe Sight
From receptors to auditory cortex Hearing
The layer of the eyeball that contains the photoreceptors Retina
The colored muscle portion of the eye that determines the size of the pupil Iris
The shape of the structure determined by the ciliary muscles; refracts light Lens
Layer of the eyeball that provides the blood supply for the retina Choroid
Secreted by the ciliary body and drained by the canal of schlemm Aqueous humor
Gel-like substance in the posterior cavity; maintains the shape of the eye and helps hold the retina in place Vitreous humor
Contains the radial and circular muscels; mydriasis and miosis Iris
The window of the eye; avascular structure Cornea
Includes the macula lutea Retina
Inner lining of the lids "pink eye" Conjunctiva
Contains the malleus, incus, and stapes Middle ear
Connected to the pharynx by the eustachian tubes Middle ear
Home of cerumen External ear
Location of the organ of corti and Cranial Nerve (CN VIII) Inner ear
Chochlea, semicircular canals, and vestibule Inner ear
Endolymph and perilymph; mechanoreceptors Inner ear
Separated from the middle ear by the tympanic membrane External ear
Separated from the inner ear by the oval window Middle ear
Bone conduction deafness Middle ear
Nerve conduction deafness Inner ear
The retina _________________ contains rods and cones
What is the consequence of diminished blood flow to the choroid? the retina dies
A drug or effect that is described as mydriatic ______________ dilates pupil
Which of the following does not describe the middle ear? it is the location of the organ corti
The organ of corti_______________________ is the receptor for hearing
Touch, pressure, pain, and temperature are _____________________ classified as general senses
Cranial Nerves III, IV, and VI____________________ innervate the extrinsic eye muscles
Which of the following is not a sense? Lacrimation
Which of the following best describes theses structures: superior oblique, inferior oblique, superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus and lateral rectus? Extrinsic eye muscles
Which of the following is least related to the eyelids? optic nerve
Light waves pass through the _____, the avascular extension of the sclera. The light goes through the opening in the iris called___and then through a refracting structure called the ________. cornea, pupil, lens
In daylight, the light waves focus on the ____the area of most acute vision because of the high numbers of ___, the waves are scattered along the periphery of the retina, stimulating the ___ the photoreceptors for color vision. fovea centralis (macula lutea), cones
In dim light,the light waves are scattered along the periphery of the retina, stimulating the _, the photoreceptors for night vision. Action potential(nerve impulses) are formed by the stimulated photorecptors located in the inner layer of the eye, called rods, retina
The nerve impulses travel along the _____ nerve to the ______ lobe of the cerebrum. optic, occipital
Sound waves travel through the external auditory canal and bump into the ___ causing the "drum" to vibrate. The vibration is transmitted to the three tiny ossicles called ___, ____, and _____. tympanic membrane, mallus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrups)
The ___ vibrates against the oval window, causing the fluid within the inner ear to move. The inner ear fluid, called ___, bends the hairlike projections of the receptors, called ___. cochlear, endolymph, and organ of corti
When the hairs are bent, action potentials are fired; the nerve impulses travel the ____ branch of the CN VIII to the ____ love of the cerebrum. cochlear and temporal
Created by: Bearlover
Popular Medical sets




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