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Neruoscience Exam 1

Exam 1

Cranial Nerve l Olfactory Nerve (Nose)
Cranial Nerve ll Optic Nerve (Vision)
Cranial Nerve lll Oculomotor Nerve ( Vision controls aspects of eye movement)
Cranial Nerve IV Trochlear Nerve
Cranial Nerve V Trigeminal Nerve
Cranial Nerve VI Abducens Nerve
Cranial Nerve VII Facial Nerve Nerve
Cranial Nerve VIII Vestibulocolear Nerve
Cranial Nerve IX Gloaaopharyngeal Nerve
Cranial Nerve X Vagus Nerve
Cranial Nerve XI Accessory Nerve
Cranial Nerve XII Hypoglossal Nerve
PET Positron Emission Tomography
Plegia Paralysis
Special views allow better viewing of some structures Contrast material can outline structures Conventional X-ray
Tomography Uses X-ray tube and Film rotation to create thin slices in one plane
Incidence The number of new cases per year in a given population
Paresis Weakness
Neurological disorder is an example of an extrapyramidal disease Parkinson's Disease
Egyptians believed that mental functions were located in .... Heart
Term refers to the total number of current cases in a given population at a point in time Prevalance
School of thought believes that the brain works as an integrative whole Holism
Inflammatory Disease Meningitis
Study of disease processes Pathology
Study of nervous system disease Neuropathology
Difficulty executing things like walking and eating Activity barriers
Theorized that language production was localized to the left frontal lobe Paul Broca
Prehistoric practice of creating a hole in the skull is known as Trephination
Approximately how many people in the world suffer from neurological disorders 1 billion and 1 in 6
Pioneer in neuroscience worked with a now famous patient Tan Paul Broca
Rhythmic Shaking Tremors
Patient Referes to having ringing in ears is a condition of Tinnitus
Tingling, Burning, Or Prickling sensations are known as Paresthesia
Paralysis on one side of the body is called Hemiplegia
loss of sensation Anesthesia
Athetosis means "like a dance" describes quick, dance-like movements of the hands and or feet False
What is your name? and Why are you here? is testing Mental Status
Tool used by a neurologist to test sensation in foot Pin
Rank of Spatial Resolution Techniques fMRI PET EEG
Saying "Pa Ta Ka" as fast as possible is testing Diadochokinetic Rate
Imaging technique shows brain activity based on the brain's glucose metabolism PET
Actual Physiological seizure even Ictal
An inability to smell Anosmia
Example of a symptom I have a headache
Functional neuroimaging shows brain anatomy while structural imaging shows rain physiology False
Slowed movements referred to Bradykinesia
Loss of vision in one visual field Hemianopsia
School of though believes humans are two substances a material body (brain) and an immaterial soul (mind) Dualism
Demyelinating disease of central nervous system multiple sclerosis
Temporal resolution neuroimaging techniques focus on time while spatial techniques focus on the location of activity in the brain True
Problems in body function or alterations in body structure, such as paralysis and blindness Function Barriers
Problems with involvement in any area of life, such as education and employments Participation Barriers
Based on the belief that bumps on the skull corresponded to certain brain areas and only those areas that performed certain mental functions Phrenology
Hyperosmia Abnormally Sensitive smell
Hyposmia Decreased sense of smell
Diplopia Double Vision
Fasciculation Muscle Twitches
Vertigo Dizziness
Hypokinesia Decreased Movement
Akinesia Absent Movement
Dystonia Distorted body postures
Athetosis Slow Twisting movements of the hands and feet
Chorea Quick movements of the hands and feet with dance like quality
Ballism Quick flinging of th elimbs
Myoclonus Suddent involuntary jerking movements
Gait Disorders Problems with walking
Anesthesia Loss of feeling; numbness
Computed Tomography a neuroimaging technique that passes x-rays through the human body that reflect off different densities of tissue,bone, and fluid in different ways that produce and image
structural Imaging Shows brains anatomy
functional imaging shows brains activity
Magnetic Resonance Imagine a neuroimagine technique that uses a magnetic current to flip protons within body's water molecules. The image is then formed into a 3D image
Spatial Resolution identifies the location of brain activity
temporal resolution time between a stimulus being introduced and the brains response
Positron Emission Tomography PET... Spatial resolution shows brain activity based on the brain's glucose metabolism
Temporal Resolution Best To Worst EEG fMRI PET
Electroencephalography EEG temporal resolution technique that measures the neuronal electrical activity through electrodes placed on the scalp. .. Low cost.. availability
Functional magnetic resonance imaging a neuroimaging technique that combines advantages of both MRI and PET shows both anatomy and physiology by measuring blood oxygenation
Central nervous system made up of the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system cranial and spinal nerves
Brain is made up of four parts Brainstem, cerebellum , diencephalon, cerebral hemispheres
Brain Stem consists of Medulla, Pons, Midbrain
Cerebellum Posterior to the pons... involved in the coordination and precision of fine motor movement.
What makes up the diencephalon Thalamus, subthalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
Thalamus relay station for sensory fibers
Subthalamus regulates and coordinates motor function
Hypothalamus regulates various body functions
epithalamus regulates genital development, the sleep/wake cycle and optic reflexes
Cerebral hemispheres Control higher cortical functions such as cognition and language as well as planing motor function and interpreting sensory experiences
Visceral sensory system entails general sensory information like stretch, pain, temperature, and irritation in the internal organs as well as sensations like nausea and hunger.
Autonomic nervous system involves body functions that happen automatically without conscious control
Sympathetic nervous system triggers what is known as our flight or flight response
Parasympathetic nervous system complements the sympathetic nervous system by doing the opposite or rest and digest calms and relaxes the body.
Enteric nervous system mangages gastrointestinal system functions independently of the brain.
Somatic nervous system voluntary conscious system that coordinates the body skeletal muscles for movement.
Bends and wraps around itself to form a tube from which the brain and spinal cord will develop Neural Tube
The process of forming the neural tube Neurulation
Ventral Induction Neurodevelopment period when the face and brain develop out of the superior end of the neural tube.
Prosencephalon Forebrain
Telencephalon Cerebral hemispheres
Mesencephalon Midbrain
Rhombencephalon includes pons, medulla, cerebellum referred to the hindbrain
Myelencephalon Medulla
Metencephalon Pons and cerebellum
Process involving the birth of new neurons Neurogenesis
Formation of synapses between neurons during the cortical organization Synaptogenesis
Created by: JenPotts
Popular Neuroscience sets




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