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Ch.2 Geography Vocab


Acculturation picking up characteristics of a culture, but not the culture itself.
Artificial Boundary a political feature that is defined by treaty, war, etc...
Assimilation when a person absorbs a culture other than their own.
Command Economy where money, prices, and incomes are determined by the government.
Commercial Economy goods, services, and labour activities in an economy. Does not include child bearing, family care work, or other activities like so.
Communism a society where all property is publicly owned and each person works and is payed according to their abilities.
Culture Icon a symbol that represents culture.
Cultural Integration the process of culture gaining ideas, technology, and products.
Cultural Trait any trait of human activity acquired in social life.
Culture ideas or customs of a social society.
Democracy A system of government governed by the peoples elected representatives.
Demographics data related to population and growth within it.
Developed Nation a nation with a highly developed economy.
Developing country a nation that does not have a fully developed economy.
Dialect when a language is changed from the original language, by pronunciation or other factors.
Dictatorship a government that is ruled by one person.
diffusion the spread of ideas, goods, disease, etc, from one place to another.
Ethnicity belong to a certain social group
ethnocentrism evaluation of other cultures based on their values or standards.
Fertility rate average number of children that would be born to a women in a lifetime.
globalization interaction ans integration of people, companies and governments of different nations.
gross domestic product value of goods and services produced in one year by a country.
infant mortality rate number of deaths in children less than one year of age per 1000 live births.
infrastrutture the basic physical structures needed for the operation of a society.
innovation adapting an existing item to meet a new purpose.
market economy an economy in which desicions regarding investment, production, and distribution are based on supply and demand, and prices are based on a free price system.
migration the movement from one place in the world to another.
mixed economy an economic system providing public and free enterprise.
monarchy a government governed by a sovereign head of state.
nationalism patriotic feelings or effort.
natural boundary a boundary made of physical features.
per capita income the mean money income received in the past 12 months computed for every man, woman, and child in a geographic area.
population density how densely populated an area is.
primary activity farming
push-pull factors factors that make a person move from one country to another.
quality of life standard of happiness, health, and comfort in a group.
quaternary activity economic activity involving the collection, processing, and distribution of information.
rate of natural increase a natural increase is a population increase due to more births and less mortality.
refugees people who are forced out of their country with no place to go.
secondary activity economic activity involving the conversion of raw material into a product.
standard of living the standard of living is the amount of goods and services produced and available to purchase by a person, family, group, or nation.
subsistence agriculture subsistence agriculture is a traditional method of farming that relies less on modern technology and chemicals and more on hand tools and knowledge passed from one generation to the next.
suburbs an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one.
tertiary activity economic activity involving providing services such as banking or retail.
traditional economy economic system in which traditions, customs, and beliefs shape the goods and the services the economy produces.
urbanization an increase in population in cities.
xenophobia people who are afraid of people from other countries.
census an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.
crude birth rate number of live births occurring among the population of a given geographical area during a given year.
crude death rate number of deaths occurring among the population of a given geographical area during a given year.
demographic translation ransition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops.
demography the study of population patterns.
industrial revolution the transition to new manufacturing processes.
life expectancy the average period that a person may expect to live.
medical revolution advance in medical knowledge, resulting in major improvements in managing a particular group of diseases.
overpopulation a condition by which the population density enlarges to a limit that provokes the environmental deterioration.
pandemic an outbreak of a worldwide disease.
physiological density the number of people per unit area of land.
population pyramid graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population.
sex ratio the ratio of males to females in a population.
zero population growth the maintenance of a population at a constant level by limiting the number of live births to only what is needed to replace the existing population.
cultural convergence when cultures become more alike.
cultural divergence when a culture group disassociates from another.
invention creating something new
Created by: fisem119
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