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Nervous System

Human Anatomy

The outermost covering of the brain, composed of tough fibrous connective tissue Dura mater
The innermost covering of the brain, delicate and vascular Pia mater
Structures that returncerbrospinal fluid to the venous blood in the dural sinuses Arachnoid villi
Middle meningeal layer, like a cobweb in structure Arachnoid
Its outer layer forns the periosteum of the skull Dura mater
The largest part of the human brain, paired Cerebral hemespheres
The other major subdivisions of the brain Brainstem and Cerebellum
The cavities found in the brain Ventrioles
Ventrioles contain________ CSF
An elevated ridge of cerebral cortex tissue Gyrus
The convolutions seen in the cerebrum are important because they increase the_________ SA
Gray matter is composed of____________ Nerves/unmyelinated
White matter is composed of___________, which provide for communication between different parts of the brain as well as with lower CNS centers. Myelinated
Site of regualtion of water balance and body temperature Hypothalamus
Contains reflex centers involved in regulation respiratory rhythm in conjunction with lower brain stem centers Pons
Important relay station for afferent fibers traveling to the sensory cortex for interpretation Thalamus
Contains autonomic centers, which regulate blood pressure and respiratory rhythm, as well as coughing and sneezing centers Medulla oblongata
Large fiber tract connection the cerebral hemispheres Corpus callosum
Connects the 3rd and 4th ventricles Cerebral aquaduct
Encloses the 3rd ventricle Thalamus
Forms the cerebrospinal fluid Choroid plexus
Midbrain area that is largely fiber tracts; bulges anteriorly Cerebral peduncle
Part of the limbic system; contains centers for many drives Hypothalamus
CSF is formed by capillary knots called___________ Chrodoid plexasus
Chrodoid plexasus hand into the_____________ of the brain Ventricles
CSF flows from the lateral ventricles to the 3rd ventricle and then through the__________ to the 4th ventricle Cerbral aquaduct
Some CSF continues down the______of the spinal cord Central canal
MOst CSF circulates in to______ by passing through 3 tiny openingsin the walls of the_________ Subarachnoid; 4th ventricle
CSF is formed and drained back into the venous blood at the same rate. If its drainage is blocked, a donditionn called______ occurs, which results in increased pressure on the brain. Usually in infants Hydrocephalus
Slight and transient brain injury Concussion
Traumatic injury that destroys brain tissue Contusion
Total nonresponsiveness to stimulation Coma
May cause medulla oblongata to be wedged into foramen lagnum by pressure of blood Intracranial hemorrhage
After head injury, retention of water by brain; compression of brain, herniation, lack of oxygen, swelling Cerebral edema
Results when a brain region is deprived of blood or exposed to prolonged ischemia Cerebrovascular accident
Progressive degeneration of the brain with abnormal protein deposits Alzheimer's disease
Autoimmune disorder with extensive demyelination Multiple sclerosis
A mini-stroke; fleeting symptoms of a CVA Transient Ischemic attack (TIA)
Thermoreceptors Detect temperature; more cold than hot; in dermis
Detect touch, pressure, vibration Tactile receptors
Detect pressure change in areas with gasses:walls of blood vessels, digestive organs, bladder, lungs Baroreceptors
Detect position of joints and muscles Proprioceptors
Gustatory Receptors Synapse in medulla oblongata for memory; sense sweet, sour, bitter, salty, also umami and water; begin with 20,000 taste buds
Olfactory Receptors In olfactory cerebral cortx, hypothalamus, limbic system; for smell, mood, behavior
Layers (tunics) of eye Fibrous-outermost, sclera(vitreous gel white dense fibrous) and cornea(transparent for light entrance)Vascular-intermediate, iris(color)Neural-innermost where nerves are
Outer layer of skin covering eye Conjunctiva
Corner of eye, lubricates and fights infection Lacromal gland
Peripheral photoreceptors, sensitive, black and white Rods
Red, blue, and green photoreceptor, only function in light, 2x as other Cones
Focusing too soon, farsighted Myopia
Focusing beyond normal point, nearsighted Hyperopia
Pain receptor, recognize potential tissue damage, usually reflex arcs Nociceptors
Pain receptor, different part of body senses pain for other part, tighteningie-panic attack, infection, heart attack Referred pain
Pain receptor, localized, quicklyie- leg asleep Fast (prickling) pain
Pain receptor, generalized slowie-heart burn Slow (burning) pain
Created by: emily34834
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