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Foy WH Ch. 2 Test

Foy Ch. 2 Test

What do historians rely on when studying prehistory? They rely on the work of archaeologists and anthropologists.
Who found the bones of hominids (early ancestors of humans) in East Africa? Mary and Louis Leakey
What time period did the first humans and their ancestors live in? Stone Age
What is the first part of the Stone Age called, during which people used stone tools? Paleolithic Era
Where were the earliest tools found? East Africa
What do scientists think the first tools were used for? mostly to cut and grind food
What material were improved tools made out of? flint
Once tools were improved, what was one advantage when hunting? People no longer had to stand next to the animals they were hunting and were able to kill larger animals from a distance.
What areas of culture did hunter-gatherers develop? language, religion, and art
Where did hunter-gatherers live, and with whom? They lived in small groups and in caves.
What was the time period where many places around the world began to experience long periods of freezing weather? ice ages
During the ice age, what was the strip of land connecting Asia and North America called? land bridge
Once early hominids migrated from Africa to Asia, where did they eventually spread? India, China, Southeast Asia, and Europe
Once humans began to migrate to South Asia around 100,000 years ago, where did they migrate next? Europe, North Asia, then North America
By 9,000 BC, humans live on all continents but which one? Antarctica
How did early people learn to adapt to new environments? by sewing clothing out of animal skins and finding new shelters
What types of new tools and technologies were found in the Mesolithic Era? hooks, fishing spear, bow and arrow, canoes, and pottery
What time period came after the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic Era)? Neolithic Era, or New Stone Age
During the Neolithic Era, what was the process used for making animals and plants more useful? domestication
When and where did the Neolithic Era begin and what skills did people learn how to do? It began as early as 10,000 years ago in Southwest Asia. They learned how to polish stones, make fire, and produce food.
Why did the Neolithic Era end around 5,000 years ago in Egypt and Southwest Asia? Toolmakers in those areas started using metal.
What did the domestication of plants lead to? the development of agriculture, or farming
What did learning to use animals to help with farming lead to? increasing people's chances of surviving
What did the creating of farming mean for people living in civilizations? People could focus on activities other than finding food.
What did domestication of plants and animals lead to? The use of fibers to make clothes
Since domestication led to the need to stay in one place, what happened to farming communities? They grew into towns.
Created by: lfoy8290
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