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chapter 21

bourgeoisie urban middle class / top of third estate
louis xvi succeeded louis XV as king. married Marie Antoinette, French resented them
Marie Antoinette daughter of Austrian empress Maria Theresa wife of King Louis XVI beheaded
Olympe de Gouges Group of women led by playwright wrote own document"Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizenesses. National Assembly rejected. no equality for women.
Declaration of the Rights of Man document dealt with basic human rights and political powers Did not include women. Liberty, equality, fraternity
Old Regime Society devided into three estates or classes
privileged estates First estate was clergy of Roman Catholic Church, Wealthy, paid no taxes Second Estate, nobility few taxes, collected dues, held positions in army and government, Third estate "Bourgeoisie" urban middle class
Discontent Growing rfamilies needed more money and food, Estates 1 ,2 took more money from peasants, poor paid taxes, Merchants wanted to do business with out interference, liberty and equality
Financial Crisis French Monarchs stoked fired of public anger, 20 yrs of peace under Louis XV, debt rose under Louis XIV, Louis XV habits left the next king in debt and did not care
Louis XIV debt grew because helped US during American Revolution. Tried to raise tax againwith a meeting of General Estates
Meeting of Estates General The estates had always voted seperately, the first against the 2nd and third. Told to meet seperatly and vote as one body. Third estate refused and declared itself National Assembly and invited everyone to work together. Beginning of French Revolution
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes clergy who became a revolutionary talked about the complaints of the Third Estate
Spread of Revolution pg. 512 People of Paris captured the Bastille prison looted and destroyed.
General Lafayette French hero who had fought in the American Revolution formed National Guard, new flag red, white, and blue
Great Fear peasants thought the nobles were going to try to stop them, got angrier because food got scarcer, peasants attacked local manor houses and monasteries, burned documents, feudal dues, and other recorded obligations.
End of Old Regime Members of National Assembly thought could stop violence through reform. outlawed tithe, canceled feudal dues, removed priviledges from 1 and 2 estates. National Assembly did away with Feudalism in France.
Emigres and royalists nobles fled to Great Britain, Switzerland, and Germany. tried to over throw the revolution.
Emigres French for emigrants was trouble for france for many years. Some nobles stayed with louis XVI insulteed National Assembly, women went to the palace and took the King and Marie Antoinette to Paris.
Reforms of Government National Assembly passed laws to correct past abuses and set up new government.Divided country into 83 equal districts also took land owned by the catholic church sold to public used money to pay down debt.
Departments equal districts in France
Civil Constitution of the Clergy people in parishes and dioceses would elect own clergy, Governement paid clergy, the pope forbid this be accepted, because the CC of the Clergy put control under French Governement many cathoics did not like the Revolution
Constitution of 1791 page 514
Created by: dodobird595
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