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MT Test 4 Review

MT Test 4 Review (Ch 7-10 & 12)

Asbest/o asbestos (insulation particles)
Aer/o air
Angi/o blood vessel
Anthrac/o coal dust
Atel/o incomplete
Bronch/o bronchus
Capn/o carbon dioxide
Carcin/o cancer
Caus/o burning
Chem/o chemical
Col/o colon (large intestine)
Coni/o dust
Cyan/o blue
Cyst/o bladder
Cyt/o cell
Duoden/o duodenum (1st section of the small intestine)
Electr/o electric
Encephal/o brain
Enter/o small intestines
Gastr/o stomach
Hem/o or Hemat/o blood
Ile/o ileum (2nd section of the small intestines)
Immun/o protected/safe
Klept/o to steal
Laryng/o larynx (voicebox)
Leuk/o white
Lith/o or –lith stone
Lymphaden/o lymph node (gland)
Lymphangi/o lymph vessel
Lymphocyt/o lymph cell
My/o muscle
Myc/o fungus
Nephr/o kidney
Olig/o scanty
Ot/o ear
Ox/i oxygen
Palat/o palate
Pneum/o or Pneumon/o lung
Phag/o eat/swallow
Pharyng/o pharynx
Phon/o voice
Proct/o rectum
Pulmon/o lung
Py/o pus
Pyel/o renal pelvis
Pyr/o fire/burning
Rhin/o nose
Sarc/o flesh
Spir/o to breathe
Stomat/o or –stomia mouth
Thromb/o clot
Trache/o trachea (windpipe)
Trichotill/o hair pulling
Ur/o or –uria urine/urination
Ureter/o ureter (tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder)
Urethr/o urethra (tube that carries urine from the bladder to be excreted out of the body)
Xer/o dry
-algia pain
-cele hernia/protrusion
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-cyte cell
-ectasis stretching
-edema swelling
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood condition
-esthesia sensation/feeling
-genesis creation
-gram picture or record
-graphy process of producing a picture/record
-ia condition
-itis inflammation
-lithiasis presence of stones
-mania madness
-meter means to measure
-ologist or –iatrist specialist
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-ostomy surgical creation of an artificial opening
-otomy surgical incision
-pepsia digestion
-phagia swallowing
-plasm formative material
-plastic pertaining to formation
-plasty surgical repair
-pnea breathing
-poetic formation
-ptosis prolapse/drooping/sagging
-pytsis spitting
-rrhagia bleeding
-rrhea abnormal flow or discharge
-scopy visual examination
-stasis control
-therapy treatment
-thorax chest
-toxic pertaining to poison
-tripsy to crush
A- without/absence
Anti- against
Brachy- short
Brady- slow
Dys- bad/difficult/painful
Hyper- excessive/increased
Hypo- deficient/decreased
Neo- new or strange
Tachy- fast
Tele- far
Aspiration Pneumonia type of pneumonia that occurs when a foreign substance is inhaled into the lungs
Asthma chronic allergic disease characterized by episodes of bronchospasms and wheezing
Cystic Fibrosis genetic disorder in which there is an accumulation of mucus in the lungs and digestive tract
Bariatrics branch of medicine concerned with the prevention and treatment of obesity
Bulemia eating disorder characterized by binge eating and self-induced vomiting
Anorexia eating disorder characterized by starvation and excessive exercise
Obesity accumulation of excessive fat in the body
Eructation the act of burping/belching
Regurgitation the return of swallow contents into the esophagus/mouth
Crohn’s Disease chronic autoimmune disease with inflammation/irritation in the deep layers of the large intestines (sporadic; cobblestone appearance)
Ulcerative Colitis chronic disease with inflammation/irritation in the surface layers of the large intestines; continuous)
Diverticulitis inflammation of the small pouches (within the small intestines)
Volvulus twisting of the intestines on itself
Intussusception telescoping of the intestines on itself
Melena black and tarry stools containing digested blood
Enuresis involuntary urination
Diuresis increased output of urination
Incontinence involuntary excretion of urine/feces
Catheterization procedure in which a tube is inserted into the urethra to remove urine from the bladder
Ultrasonography process of producing a 3D picture using soundwaves
Echoencephalography process of producing a 2D picture of the brain using soundwaves
Anesthesiologist physician qualified to administer anesthetic agents
Anesthetist RN qualified to administer anesthetic agents
Local Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia in a specific area
Regional Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia in a large area
General Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia that affects the entire brain and body
Antipsychotic medication that works against psychotic disorders
Anxiolytic medication that works against anxiety (sedative
Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia
Hemorrhagic Stroke disruption of brain flow caused by a bleed
Ischemic Stroke disruption of brain flow caused by a blockage
Syncope fainting
Lethargy lowered level of consciousness (drowsiness/apathy/reduced activity)
Coma deep state of unconsciousness without spontaneous eye movement/response to pain
Concussion violent shaking (jarring) of the brain
Contusion bruising of brain tissue
Hematoma a collection of blood trapped in the tissues of the brain
Dementia general decline in mental abilities
Alzheimer’s Disease progressive deterioration of the brain structures that affect thought/memory
Parkinson’s Disease progressive loss of control over muscle movements (tremors/bradykinesia/shuffling gait)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis progressive deterioration of muscle related to the loss of nerve function
Multiple Sclerosis autoimmune disease caused by the deterioration or demyelination of the myelin sheath of nerves
Guillain-Barre Syndrome autoimmune illness that causes a temporary paralysis related to the inflammation of the myelin sheath of nerves
Trigeminal Neuralgia temporary lightning-like pain that occurs suddenly to one side of the face
Bell’s Palsy temporary paralysis on one side of the face
Psychologist specialist of the mind
Psychiatrist physician specialist of the min who CAN prescribe medications
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder characterized by recurrent/unwanted obsessions and compulsions (impulses to act)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms of anxiety/sleep disorders/difficulty concentrating/emotional disturbances that may develop after a traumatic event
Panic Attack intense emotional feelings (fear/terror) with physical symptoms
Hypochondriasis fear that one has a serious illness despite appropriate medical evaluation
Factitious Disorder condition in which an individual acts as if he/she has a physical illness when he/she is not really sick. This may include self-inflicted symptoms
Schizophrenia characterized by withdrawal from reality and disorganized thinking (with delusions and hallucinations)
Chol/e bile, gall
Bulla large blister (contains watery fluid)
Cicatrix normal scar
Keloid abnormally raised or thickened scar
Onychcryptosis abnormal condition of hidden nail (ingrown toenail)
Onychomycosis abnormal condition of nail fungus
Onychophagia condition of nail eating (nail biting)
Melanosis abnormal condition of black (pigmentation on different parts of the body)
Vitiligo loss of pigment in areas of the skin resulting in milk-white patches (destruction of melanocytes)
Macule discolored flat spot that is less than 1cm in diameter (freckles or flat moles)
Pustule small elevation of skin containing pus (pimple)
Vesicle small blister (contains a watery fluid)
Lupus Erythematosus autoimmune disorder with a red-scaly rash on the face and upper trunk (also attacks other body tissues)
Scleroderma autoimmune disorder in which the tissues become thick and hardened
Nevi Moles
Psoriasis autoimmune disease where there are flare-ups with silvery plaques
Created by: vorachekt
Popular Medical sets




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