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Stack #19263

Chapter 27

pacifism opposition to all war
Alfred Nobel Nobel peace prize
1899 First Universal Peace Conference: Hague Tribunal, Netherlands
Pan-Slavism all Slavic people held a common nationality
militarism the glorification of the military
entente nonbinding agreement to follow comon policies
Allies France, Britain, Russia
Triple Alliance, 1882 Germany, Itlay, Austra-Hungary
Central Powers, 1914 Germany, Austra-Hungary
Kaiser William II head of Germany
June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary shot in Sarajevo
ultimatum final set of demands
July 28, 1914 Austria declares war on Serbia
mobilize prepare its military forces for war
Germany, Austra, versus Serbia,Russia, Germany
neutrality policy of supporting neither side in a war
Schlieffen Plan avoid 2 front war:
Germany invades first Belgium, who is neutral
The Guns of August Barbara Tuchman
The Great War WWI
Battle of the Marne Brits and French pushed back German offensive
stalemate deadlock in which neither side is able to win
no man's land between opposing trenches
over the top charge across no man's land to attack enemy
Battle of Verdun 1916, Germany vs France
zeppelins large gas filled baloons to bomb
u-boats german submarines
convoys groups of merchant ships protected by warships
new weapons: poison gas, armored tank, airplanes
Battle of Tannenburg 1914, Russia defeat by Germany
Caporetto Italian defeat by Austrians/Germans
Japan allied with Britain took German outposts in China and Pacific
Battle of Gallipoli Allies defeated by Turks
Lawrence of Arabia Brit Col. defeated Ottoman empire in Middle East
total war channeling of a nation's entire resources into war effort
conscription draft of young men to serve in army
propaganda spreading of ideas to promote cause or to damage opposing cause
atrocities horrible acts against innocent people
impact of war on women war industries, armed forces, nurses
March 1917 bread riots in Petersberg, Russia
V.I. Lenin revolutionary who brought down Russian monarchy
Treaty of Brest-Litovak 1918, ends Russia's participation in war
Edith Clavell Brit nurse executed for spying by Germans
Self-determination the right of people to choose their own form of government
Armistice agreement to end fighting
Pandemic the spread of a disease across an entire country, continent, or the whole world.
Reparations payments for war damage.
Collective security A system in whihc a group of nations act as one to preserve the peace of all.
Mandates territories administered by western powers
Lusitania Brit liner that German uboats sunk in 1915
US declares war on Germany 1917
Woodrow Wlson Pres during WWI
Zimmerman note German foreign minister note to Mexico
Nov 11, 1918 Armistice Day, WWI ends
The Big Three US, Britian, France
Fourteen Points Wilson's demands for peace
Treaty of Versailles 1919
goal of Treaty of Vers weaken Germany
Paris Peace Conference 1919
Created by: Flexfive
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