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Patient Education and Nutrition - Chapter 3 & 4

Anaphylactic a manifestation of immediate hypersensitivity in which exposure of a sensitived individual to a specific antigenor hapten results in life threatening respiratory distress, usually followed by vascular collaspe and shock. Treatement: Epinephrine
Aneurysm a weakening or out-pouching in the wall of an artery.
Asphyxia Suffocation, inability to breath.
Benign non-threatening, non-cancerous.
Cardiogenic pertaining to the heart. For example, shock related to heart failure.
Convulsions involuntary muscle contractions that may alternate between contraction and relaxtion of muscles. May be generalized or localized (focal) and may be followed by a period of unresponsiveness.
Dislocation separated joint; displacement of a part.
Epistaxis nosebleed; hemmorrhage from the nose.
Fracture the breaking of a part, especially a bone. A break or rupture in a bone.
Generalized involving the entire body or system; widespread.
Hypothermia low body temperature, such as from cold weather, or artificial induction to decrease metabolism and need for oxygen during surgical procedures. (32degrees C or 95 degrees F)
Infarction death of tissue, as in myocardial infaction or heart attack.
Localized limited to a definable area of the body, focal.
Myocardial heat muscle, especially referring to the ventricles.
Necrotic refers to death of tissue, such as occurs with venoms of pit vipers and the brown recluse spider.
Occult hidden, as in hidden bleeding.
Pathologic pertaining to a condition of disease or injury.
Perfusion the process of bathing cells in healthy blood which is rich in nutrients, especially oxygen and glucose.
Seizures sames as convulsions
Sprain a joint injury in which some of the fibers of a supporting ligament are ruptured but the continuity of the ligament remains intact.
Strain an overstrecthing or overexertion of some part of the muscularture.
Syncope sudden loss of consciousness, which may be transient. Also called fainting.
Systemic pertaining to the body as a whole; affects the entire body.
Triage to determine the priority for handling patients with severe conditions or injuries.
Affect a person's mood or emotional state
Allergen any substance that triggers an allergic reaction.
Asphxia suffocation; inability to breathe.
Bradycardic pertaining to an abnormally slow heart rate (< 60 beats/minute)
Ferrous containing iron
Gag Reflex closure of the glottis and constriction of its associated musculature in response to stimulation of the posterior pharynx by an object or substance in that area.
Hives peculiar raised patchesof skin surrounded by reddened areas, trigged by the release of histamine. Also called uticaria.
Inspiration Inhalation.
Non-Pleuritic not related to the pleura, or membrane that lubricate the outer surfaces of the lungs.
Orifices openings, especially naturally occuring body surface openings.
Periosteum a membrane that covers the shaft of a long bone; promotes growth and healing.
Reimplantation reattachment of a severed limb or portion of a severed limb.
Sublingual beneath the tongue.
Tidal Volume the volume of air inspired and expired during one normal respiratory cycle.
Xiphoid Process the piece of cartilage that forms the lowermost tip of the sternum, and which functions as a major point of attachment for the abdominal muscles.
Digestion the process by which food is broken down mechanically and chemically in the alimentary canal.
Hydrogenation a process of changing an unsaturated fat to a solid satuarated fat by the addition of hydrogen.
Ingested food or drink taken orally.
Monosaccharides a simple sugar that cannot be decomposed further, such as fructose, or glucose.
Nutrient food or any substance that supplies the body with elements necessary for metabolism.
Obesity an abnormal amount of fat on the body of an individual who is 20% over the average weight for his or her age, sex, height.
Predisposes the tendency or susceptibility to develop a certain disease or condition.
regimen a systematic plan of activities.
Created by: sgaston712
Popular Medical sets




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