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Anatomy Final

Summary of Anatomy

How long can sperm survive? 144 hours
Liquid portion is made out of Plasma
A blood Function O2 to tissues
Most abundent protein in plasma? Albumein
Part of Plasma that forms fiberin? Fibrogen
Fibrogen used to? Clot blood
Hemoglobin used to transport oxogen
Blood cells made in Bone marrow
Blood cells spend most of life in Blood vessels
Blood cells die in spleen
Manaocytes make macrophages
Platelets (thrombocytes)are fragements of cells,
Thrombocytes adhere to connective tissue, and clot
Hemophilia blood dosen't clot
Order of cogulation: 1. activation of factor 7 2. formation fo prothrombinsae 3. prothombinase turns into thrombin 4. fibrogen turns to fibren
Heparin anticagulate
Thrombis attacted to blood vessel
How many chambers in the heart? four
epicardium covers surface
visieral pericardium also known as aka epidirum
Myocardium forms muscles forms muscles of heart
Pericardial fluid does what? keeps heart lubricated
myocardial infarction is? slow down or blockage of cardiarey artery to myocardium
Balloon in artery procedure aka angoplast
Chest pain also known as ingina pectoralis
av vaulve located in heart
essay node works like pacemaker
systole is a contraction of ventricle (heart)
Epinehirum does what to heart? increases heart rate
medulla oblongata controls cardiac regulatory center
venilation is a movement of air
major function of colon/larger intestines makes feces out of chyme
feces made out of water, dead epintherium cells, undigested food, and bateria
Insulin increases increases sugar abosorbtion
duodenum absordse most nuterients
Lipo-protein that holds most cholesterol LDL
End product of protein digestion amino acids
sperm produced in testes and seminfus tubuler
sperm matured in epididymus
Sperm flow order: 1. stocks in retestes 2. efribnt ductiles 3. epidermis 4. vas deferan 5. ejacultory duct
semen is made of sperm, secretion of accsesory fluid
PSA prostate specific antigen
gnrh released with LH and FSH released from hypothalamus
Ligament hold the uterus in place
primary ooctye stays in ovary
secondary oocyes stays in ovaries and realeases
Zygote is a fertilized oocyte
Order of fertilized oocyte: 1. iumnitim 2. infundibulum 3. ambulla 4. isthimus
pap smear used to detect ovarian cancer
endonithrium layer of uterine wall
secretory sacs of mammary gland called alveolis
mammary glands: 1. modified sweat glan 2. large amount of adiopose 3. attacted to pectoralis major 4. milk production
Order of Pathway of sperm to fertilzation: 1. vagina 2. cervix 3. uteris 4. falopian tubes
fertilization takes place in uterine tube
aptopic is condtion where pregany other than uterus
internal respiration excahnge of cellualr level
syptium nasal is a divided nasal cavity
upper respitory located in mouth to pharynx
lower respitory located below pharnyx
nasal lacramil duct why nose runs when cry
alfactory epithlium located in top of nasal cavity
air comes in order of: 1. nasal 2. pharynx 3. laronyx 4. trachea
epigothis does what? keeps food from larnyx
gas exchange located alveoli
How many chambers in left lung three
too major mucsles to increase air diapram and exterintercoasta
process of exchange (gases)called diffusion
bicarbonate-oxide carries cabon-dioxide away
carbon dioxide determines amount of oxogen
alimentary canal consists mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
secretions of digestive parts break down food
Process of digestion: 1. ingestion 2. digestion 3. apsorbtion 4. elimenation
saliva breaks down starches
Why does milk come out of nose? when laughing soft palette relaxes
esphagus muscles are two spinctor muscles
cyphalic phase anticipating food
gastric phase started by distension
semi-liquid digestion chyme
villia and microvillia increases absorbtion through surface area
bile stored in gall bladder
liver has how many chambers 2 major and 2 minor
bile breaks down adipose
liver functions production of blood protein, endocrine version of nuterients, removes toxins, makes bile
heptacytes (in liver) phagicide cells, makes pee, vitiamen D
order of Colons: 1. ascending colon 2. transverse 3. desending 4. signal
pancrease makes digestive enyzmes
Created by: angel2668
Popular Medical sets




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