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Lowry Test #1(4Q)

Who was Mazzini? A national leader in Europe.(activist)
Who was Garibaldi? Leader of the "red shirts".
Who was Cavour? Prime Minister.
Who unified Germany? Napoleon partially unified Germany and those states gained freedom from France and started demanding a unified Germany. At this time Austria controlled Germany. William I, the King of Prussia power. It needed to later unify Germany. Otto Von Bismark...
became the prime minister and was critical in the following events. He allied with Austria in 1864 to defeat Denmark and then Austria became a threat, he turned around and faught Austria in the Austro- Prussian war in 1866. Prussia then went on to defeat
France in France Prussian war. All these wars led to increase of Prussian pre state, power and annexed North German states. Bismark finally united Germany under Prussian rule.
What was the Crimean War? Result of a long term struggle over the Balkans between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Russia needed to control Balkans in order to have a warm water port, and in 1853 invaded the Ottoman controlled Balkans. Great Britain and France feared a stronger
Russia so they joined the Ottomans. Eventually heavy losses cause the Russians to seek peace. Effects- The Crimean War marked the end of the "Concert of Europe"
Who was Auguste Comte? French Philosopher who developed positivism(father of sociology)
Russia so they joined the Ottomans. Eventually heavy losses cause the Russians to seek peace. Effects- The Crimean War marked the end of the "Concert of Europe"
Who was Auguste Comte? French Philosopher who developed positivism(father of sociology)
What was positivism? A philosophy of human intellectual. That only knowledge is scientific proven knowledge
What was relativity? A theory by developed by Albert Einstein, where he said that time and space don't exist separately but in a combined continuum
What is papal Infallibility?
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