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Prehistory to 1500


What does Neolithic mean? New Stone
What does Paleolithic mean? Old Stone
What does Australopithecines mean and its nickname? Southern Ape & Lucy
Homo sapiens lived 120000 years ago
Where was Lucy founded Africa
What are we considered as humans Homo sapiens sapiens
All humans can trace their heritage to Africa
Nomads travel to follow food
When was the Neolithic Age? 8000 to 5000 BCE
A civilization is A surplus in food Advanced cities Advanced technology Hard workers Government and religion System of writing/record keeping
Mesopotamia is also known as the middle of rivers
The birthplace of civilization Mesopotamia
Where is the Mesopotamia located Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Where is modern day Mesopotamia Iraq
With a sense of safety, what did this give people time to do Think
What determines race Climate. The closer to the equator the darker the skin.
When did people first cross the Bearing Straight 25000 BCE
Spread means to Take over
Men________, women________ Men hunted, women gathered
What was the most important event in history Neolithic Age
Why are rivers where early civilizations start? They have fertile land with minerals
When did Hammurabi reign? 1700s BCE
What empire ruled most of Mesopotamia? Babylonian Empire
The code of Hammurabi was Eye for an eye
Ancient Egypt begins in 3100 BCE
How did Ancient Egypt write Hieroglyphics
The Nile Flows north about 4000 miles
The Harappa is Ancient India
What river was founded in India in 3000 BCE Indus River
European nomads did what Migrated there Brought caste system Controlled natives
The Caste System had a rigid social ______ Hierarchy
Caste means Social level
The levels in the caste system were 1. Priests 2. Warriors ^Aryans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Workers (Natives) Dravidians
People outside of the caste system are called Untouchables. They are considered sub human.
Mesoamerica's geography was considered bad because They had mountains and deserts.
1200 BCE - Mexico Olmec
300-900 CE - Mexico Maya
1100s CE - Mexico Aztec
1400s CE - Peru Inca
Beasts of burden were Pack animals
Silk road was what and what was is used for Trade routes for India's empire; changing luxury items like silk, jewelry, and other foreign things
How many Chinese dynasty's were there 13
What was the first Chinese Dynasty Shang
The Zhou dynasty included Mandate of Heaven which means the ruler can keep ruling if they are fair
The Qin dynasty built The Great Wall of China which kept the nomads out
The Greeks were not one big country they were City states
Homer wrote Odyssey and Iliad
Athens were The source of Western culture
Sparta was all about War
Athens were all about Democracy
Alexander the Great conquered most of The Medierranean by age 20
Philosophers beleived in Love of Wisdom or rational thought
Philosophers wanted to explain nature without saying The Gods did it
Socrates beleived in _______ instead of trial for corrupting youth Suicide
Socrates tought Plato
Plato taught Aristotle
Aristotle taught Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great started the Hellenistic (golden) Age
Sparta government was Isolated, two kings
Athens lost to who in the Peloponnesian War Sparta
The Romans were ruled by _____, then ______ Kings, Republic
Patricians are Upper class, land owners
Plebeians are Lower class, poor, peasents
The senate did what Made laws (Patricians)
12 tables were First set of Roman laws
Roman Jews were Jews in Israel that resisted Romans
Jesus of Nazareth Born in 1 CE, some Jews all him the Messiah
What happened after Jesus' death in 33 CE Branch of Judism developed into Christianity
Mali is also known as West Africa
Capital of Mali is Timbucktu
Went to Mecca as A Muslim
Brought tons of Gold
The Mongls had the largest Land empire ever
Which army conquered Russia Golden Horde
What stops the Mongols Kamikaze (divine winds)
Genghis Kahn (grandpa) did what Started and spread the empire
Japanese Beginnings were small tribes, not Just one big country
Used _____ land system Feudal
Kublai Kahn (grandson) did what Took China and called it Yuan Dynasty
Aristocrats hire Samuris or military servants
One motive for the crusades was Muslim invasion of "Christian" territories
Another moive for the crusades was Knights get penance for kill count or dying on a crusade
Muslims preserved Greek and Roman texs
European interactions with Muslims eventually lead to Renaissance (cultural rebirth)
The only people who could marry were Orthodox priests
Orthodox bibles were in ______, not Latin Greek
Another name for the black plague is The bubonic plague
Black plague came from ______ by _______ Middle East, traders
How much of Europes pop. did the black plague kill About 1/2
Loss of faith in Church to protect people led to -Decline in churches power -Mass burials -Vampire rumors -Medical advancements
Pope (papa) and Patriarch of Constantinople ________each other, caused rift, exists today Excommunicated
Renaisance led to advancements in Science, technological advancements, mathematical advancements, and banking
Pope Urban II sent knights to Reclaim land
Crusades brought back texts from Plato & Socrates
Bubonic plague was transmitted by Rodents, fleas, bacteria, human to human
Pope outlawing praying to icons which was called Iconoclasm
Catholic also means Universal
What the two sides fight for The two holy lands
What is a scism Split
Black plague produced Medical advancements
Created by: 1415lucasgentry
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