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Chapters. 1-8 Study Questions

What did Savonarola dislike about the Medici leaders? He thought they were disrespectful.
How did he attempt to govern Florence when he was in charge? He did it very strictly, killed people didn’t dress nicely.
How did Venice become a powerful city? At one point they were the city of art, and was the place to trade.
Did Machiavelli believe that rulers should always keep their word and tell the truth? If not, what did he believe? No he did not believe that and should do that when keeping it os not to his advantage.
What does it mean when we hear someone described as “Machiavellian?” You mean that person is crafty, sneaky, power hungry and willing to use any means to achieve his ends.
Which age was more concerned about manners, the Middle Ages or the Renaissance? The Renaissance were more concerned about manners.
What is sprezzatura? Sprezzatura is somebody who makes everything look easy.
How did Leonardo Da Vinci began his career? He started his career by being an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio who was a painter and sculptor.
What were Leonardo’s hobbies? And what did he develop them for? Leonardo loved science and developed ideas for parachutes and helicopters.
What are Michelangelo’s two most famous sculptures? Michelangelo’s most 2 famous sculptures were “ALEXANDER THE GREAT” and “DAVID.”
What is a pieta? The pieta is the sculpture of Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus. on her lap.
Why did Michelangelo’s Last Judgment scandalize some clergymen? Michelangelo’s Last Judgment scandalized some clergymen because they were offended.
What architectural project did Michelangelo supervise? The architectural project that Michelangelo supervize was The Pieta.
Created by: sydneylugo
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