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Renaissance BB

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What was a patron? Patrons were merchnts who paid artists and others to make art and books for them. They supplied the needed supplies to the artists.
Where did artists get their money? Artists got their money from rich merchants who wanted art.
What were the major accomplishments of Cosimo and Lorenzo de Medici? Some major accomplishments were that they collected art made the Platonic Academy, taught and shared their knowledge.
What experiences led Machiavelli to write The Prince? When he saw the pope fighting he thought about how a prince should rule.
In Machiavelli’s opinion, what is the chief goal of a prince? The chief goal of a Prince is to stay in power no matter what they have to do.
In what ways was Cesare Borgia a Machiavellian prince? Cesare was a Machiavellian prince because he would stay in power even if it meant betraying a friend.
What is sprezzatura? Sprezzatura is the act of making whatever you do look so easy, Castiglione said that you should be sprezzatura if you are a courtier
What is a courtier? A courtier is someone who lives in the court of royalty and entertains, the royal court. Castiglione said a perfect courtier could do backflips and would have a strong body.
Who was Leonardo da Vinci? He started his career by being an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio who was a painter and sculptor
Why did the Last Supper take a long time to paint? In the the Last Supper Leonardo depicts the reaction of the 12 apostles when Jesus says “One of you will betray me.” It took him two years because he couldn't find the right face for Judas.
What art technique did Leonardo use in the Last Supper? He used perspective in the Last Supper on the walls and lines on the ceiling.
What did Leonardo do other than art? Leonardo loved science and developed ideas for parachutes and helicopters.
What was Leonardo's most famous painting? What technique did he use? His most famous painting is called The Mona Lisa. Sfumato is the technique he used to paint the background.
What were some of the problems that sprang up between Michelangelo and Julius II? Some of the problems include michelangelo stopped getting paid, he moved back to rome and the was threatened if he did not go back to florence and Julius II rushed him on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling.
What were some of the problems that sprang up between Michelangelo and Julius II? Some of the problems include michelangelo stopped getting paid, he moved back to rome and the was threatened if he did not go back to florence and Julius II rushed him on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling.
What architectural project did Michelangelo supervise? Michelangelo supervised part of the St.Peters Basilica, including the huge dome which was related to Brunelleschi’s dome idea.
What kind of music was most important during the Middle Ages? Peoples attitudes changed about music because now there was fun music, not only church music.
What was the single most important change in music to happen during the Renaissance? Polyphony, which is when two or more people sing at the same time at different notes.
What were common topics of secular music in the Renaissance? Common topics of secular music were funny stories and love.
Name at least two famous Renaissance composers and describe the music they wrote. Josquin Desprez wrote a secular piece called “I need Money” and Palestrina who wrote sacred pieces.
What is a pavane? What is a galliard? What is the difference between the two? A pavane is a slow, formal dance and a galliard is a fun, peppy dance.
What type of book was Cervantes making fun of when he wrote DonQuixote? Cervantes was making fun of the romances of chivalry when he wrote Don Quixote.
What are the title of some of his plays? Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Nights Dream and many more.
What is a bard, and why is Shakespeare sometimes called “The Bard of Avon?” A bard is a poet, and Shakespeare is called “The Bard of Avon” because he was born in Avon, England.
Created by: bbialer
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