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Pharmacology abbrevs
Term | Definition |
aa; a.a. | of each; affected area |
ad | up to |
a.c.; ac | before meals |
a.d. | right ear |
ad lib. | use as much as one desires; freely |
app (admov.) | apply |
AIDS | acquire immune deficiency syndrome |
alt. h. | every other hour |
a.m. | morning, before noon |
amp | ampule |
amt | amount |
antidepressants (class of) | monoamine oxidase selective serotonin |
app | apply |
aq | water |
a.l., a.s., AS | left ear |
A.S.A.P. | as soon as possible |
A.T.C. | around the clock |
a.u. | both ears |
bcp | birth control pills |
bis | twice |
b.i.d.; bid | twice daily |
B.M. | bowel movement |
bol. | as a large single does (usually intravenously) |
B.S. | blood sugar |
B.S.A. | body surface area |
cap., caps. | capsule |
c | with (usually written with a line on top of the "c") |
c | food |
cc(in ml) | with food (but also cubic centimetre) |
cf | with food |
coal tar | liquid carbonis detergens |
comp. | compound |
CPS | Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties |
cr., crm | cream |
D5W | dextrose 5% solution (sometimes written as D5W) |
D5NS | dextrose 5% in normal saline (0.9%) |
D.A.W. | dispense as written |
dc, D/C, disc | discontinue |
dieb. alt. | every other day |
dil. | dilute |
disp. | dispense |
Diss. | dissolve |
div. | divide |
d.t.d. | give of such doses |
D.W. | distilled water |
EEG | electroencephalogram (graphy) |
ECK; EKG | electrocardiogram (graphy) |
elix. | elixir (always has alcohol) |
e.m.p. | as directed |
emuls. | emulsion |
et | and |
ex. aq. / ex aq. | in water |
f | for |
fl. fld. | fluid |
ft. | make; let it be made |
f __(# of days) d | for (__#) of days |
g | gram; give |
gr | grain |
gtt(s) | drop(s) |
H | hypodermic |
h, hr | hour |
h.s.; hs | at bedtime |
ic | between meals |
ID | intradermal |
i, ii | one, two |
IM | intramuscular (with respect to injections) |
inj. | injection |
instill. | instillation |
IP | intraperitoneal |
IT | intrathecal (remove spinal fluid) |
IV | intravenous |
IVP | intravenous push |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback |
L.A.S. | label as such |
LCD | coal tar solution |
lin | liniment |
liq | solution |
lot. | lotion |
M. | mix |
md | as directed |
m, min | minimum |
mcg | microgram |
mEq | milliequivalent |
mg | milligram |
mist. | mix |
mitte | send; give |
mL | millilitre |
nebul | a spray |
N.M.T. | not more than |
NPO; npo; n.p.o. | nothing by mouth |
noct. | at night |
non rep. | no repeats |
NS | normal saline (0.9%) |
NSAID | non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
1/2NS | half normal saline (0.45%) |
N.T.E. | not to exceed |
n/v | nausea and vomiting |
OBD | Ontario Drug Benefit |
o_2 | both eyes, sometimes written as o2 |
od | once daily |
o.d. | right eye |
oint | ointment |
o.s. | left eye |
o.u. | both eyes |
oz | ounce |
p.a. | pain |
per | by or through |
p.c.; pc | after meals |
p.m. | evening or afternoon |
prn | as needed |
p.o. | by mouth or orally |
p.r. | by rectum |
pulv. | powder |
q | every |
q.a.d. | every other day |
q.a.m. | every day before noon (means "morning") |
q_h | every (#) hours |
q.h. | every hour |
q.h.s.; qhs | every night at bedtime |
q.1h | every 1 hour (can replace 1 with another number) |
q.d.; QD | every day |
q,i.d.; qid | 4 times a day |
q.o.d. | every other day |
q.p.m. | every night |
qqh | every 4 hours |
q.s. | a sufficient quantity |
R | rectal |
rep., rept | repeats |
RL, R/L | Ringer's lacate |
s | without (usually written with a bar on top of the "s") |
s.a. | use your judgement |
SC, subc, subq, subcut; SQ | subcutaneous |
scr. | scruple (twenty grains = 1.296g) |
SERM | selective estrogen receptor modulator |