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Sem 1 Unit 2 Relig
Term | Definition |
virtue | Habitual and firm disposition to do good |
cardinal virtues | The “hinge” virtues from which all other virtues come – prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance |
theological virtues | Three important virtues bestowed on us at Baptism that relate us to God; faith, hope, charity |
revelation | The way God communicates his knowledge to humankind |
religion | The relationship between God and humans that results in a body of beliefs and a set of practices |
ecumenical council | A worldwide official assembly of the bishops under the direction of the Pope |
faith | personal belief in God |
magisterium | The official teaching authority of the Church |
catechism of the catholic church | A compendium on Catholic doctrine of faith and morals published in 1992 that serves Catholic which serves as “a norm for teaching the church” and “an authentic reference text” |
agnostic | People that claim God’s existence cannot be known |
atheist | Person that denies the existence of God |
deist | The belief that God created the universe but that he takes no further interest in it |
theist | belief in the existence in a divine reality |
monotheism | belief in only one god |
polytheism | belief in more than one god |
covenant | open ended contract of love between god and humans |
divine revelation | an insight or foresight purposely revealed by a deity; revelation given by God or his prophets to spiritually gifted persons |
dogma | a central truth of revelation that catholics are obliged to believe |
sacred scripture | the word of god written under the inspiration of the holy spirit |
sacred tradition | the living transmission of the church's gospel message found in the church's teaching, life, and worship |
trinity | god the father, son, and holy spirit |
apostles | one sent to be christs ambassador and continue his work |
inerrant | free from error; infalliable |
abba | father |
original sin | the fallen state of human nature to which all humans are born |
concupiscence | an inclination to commit sin that can be found in human desires and appetites as a result of original sin |
incarnation | the dogma that gods eternal son assumed a human nature and became man in jesus christ to save us from our sins |
gospel | good news |
annunciation | the announcement of the incarnation by the angel gabriel to mary |
messiah | promised and expected deliverer of the jewish people from sin |
parousia | the second coming of christ when the lord will judge the living and the dead |
paraclete | another name for the holy spirit means advocate, defender, consoler |
grace | god's gidt of friendship and life that enables us to share his life and love |
justification | The Holy Spirit’s gift that cleanses us from our sins through faith in Jesus Christ and Baptism; sanctifies us in the depth of our being |