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Urinary Reverse Defs

lithotriptor a devise that destroys urinary stones with laser technology
cystoscope a long, thin flexible instrument with a light at the end used to examine the bladder. It is inserted through the urethra and threaded up into the bladder
urethra a tube that discharges urine from the bladder
ureter a slender tube that conveys urine from the kidney to the bladder
nephrotomography a study in which several planes of the kidney are visualized
hydronephrosis abnormal dilation of the renal pelvis and the calyces of one or both kidneys due to pressure from accumulated urine that cannot flow past an obstruction in the urinary tract.
fistula abnormal passage from a hollow organ to the surface or from one organ to another
anuria absence of urine production or output
(MSU) mid-stream urine also called clean catch urine specimen; a ruine specimen collected after cleansing oneself and discarding the first part of the urine stream in order to avoid contamination; used for culture and sensitivity tests
renal pelvis an enlarged funnel-shaped extension of the ureter
bladder an expandable hollow organ which acts as a temporary reservoir for urine
ureteropyelostomy anastomosis of ureter an renal pelvis
(ESRD) end-stage renal disease any type of kidney disease in which there is little or no remaining kidney function, requiring the patient to undergo dialysis or kidney transplant for survival
(BNO) bladder neck obstruction blockage at the base of the bladder that reduces or prevents urine from passing into the urethra
hematuria blood in the urine, when lesions present
renal artery carries waste laden blood to the tubules within the kidney for purification
(IC) interstitial cystitis chronic inflammation of the bladder wall that is not caused by bacterial infection and is not responsive to conventional antibiotic therapy; also called painful bladder syndrome
calculi or kidney stones commonly called stones; usually composed of mineral salts
antispasmodics decrease spasms in the urethra and bladder by relaxing the smooth muscles lining their walls, thus allowing normal emptying of the bladder
(BUN) blood urea nitrogen determines the amount of nitrogen in blood that comes from urea, a waste product of protein metabolism
(C&S) culture and sensitivity determines the causative organism of an infection and identifies how the organism responds to various antibiotics
ureterectasis dilation of the ureter
(VUR) vesicoureteral reflux disorder caused by failure of urine to pass through the ureters to the bladder, usually due to impairment of the valve between the ureter and bladder or obstruction in the ureter
urinary system eliminates harmful products in the blood and filters them through urination
cystoscopy (cysto) examination of the urinary bladder for evidence of pathology, obtaining biopsies of tumours or other growths, and removal of polyps using a specialized endoscope
cystectomy excision of the bladder
nephron filtering units located in the kidney tissue that continually adjust body conditions to add or remove substances from the blood
kidney fist-sized organs in the abdominal cavity whose function is to cleanse or purify the blood
nephropexy fixation of a floating or mobile kidney
filtrate fluid that passes from the blood through the capillary walls of the glomeruli into the Bowman capsule
kidney stones or calculi hard objects build up from salts and minerals in the urinary tract
(US) ultrasonography high-frequency waves are directed at soft tissue and reflected as "echoes" to produce an image on a monitor of an internal body structure; also called ultrasound, sonography, and echo
(IVP) intravenous pyelography imaging of the urinary tract after IV injections of a contrast medium; also called excretory urography (EU)
neurogenic bladder impairment of bladder control due to brain or nerve conduction
incontinence inability to control urine elimination or bowel function
retention inability to void urine which is present in the bladder
urethrotomy incision of a urethral stricture
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
pyelitis inflammation of the renal pelvis
urethritis inflammation of the urethra
(PKD) polycystic kidney disease inherited disease in which sacs of fluid called cysts develop int eh kidneys
stent placement insertion of a mesh tube into a natural passage conduit in the body to prevent, or counteract a disease-induced, localized flow constriction
ureteral stent placement insertion of a thin narrow tube into the ureter to prevent or treat obstruction of urine flow from the kidney
enuresis involuntary discharge of urine; also called incontinence
nephrolith kidney stone
indwelling left in place
plasma liquid portion of blood that is filtered by the nephrons to remove dissolved wastes
nephrotic syndrome loss of large amounts of plasma protein, usually albumin, through urine due to an increased permeability of the glomerular membrane
(EMG) electromyography measures the contraction of muscles that control urination using electrodes placed in the rectum and urethra
dialysis mechanical filtering process used to cleanse the blood of toxic substances, such as nitrogenous wastes, when kidneys fail to function properly
electrolyte mineral salt (sodium, potassium, or calcium) that carries an electrical charge
renal nuclear scan nuclear scan of the kidneys used to determine their size, shape, and position
nonretention or straight catheter one inserted to drain urine and then removed
urologist one who specializes in the study of the urinary system
dysuria painful or difficult urination, commonly described as a "burning sensation" while urinating
Bowman capsule part of the renal corpuscle; surrounds the glomerulus of the nephron
residual pertaining to that which is left as a residue
renal pertaining to the kidney
nephrolithiasis presence of a kidney stone
nitrogenous waste product of protein metabolism that include urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, and ammonia
cystocele prolapsing or downward displacement of the bladder due to weakening of the supporting tissues between a woman's bladder and vagina
diuretics promote and increase the excretion of urine
pyruria pus in the urine
Wilms tumor rapidly developing malignant neoplasm of the kidney that usually occurs in children
ureterovesicoustomy reimplantation of a ureter into the bladder
pyelolithotomy removal of a stone from the renal pelvis by an incision
ureterectomy removal of a ureter
urethrectomy removal of the urethra
potassium supplements replace potassium due to depletion caused by diuretics
kidney transplant replacement of a diseased kidney with one that is supplied by a compatible donor
urgency sensation of the need to void immediately
peristaltic wave sequence of rhythmic contraction of smooth muscles of a hollow organ to force material forward and prevent backflow
peritoneum serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity and covers most of the organs within the cavity
renal vein structure which carries the blood away from the kidney
urethropexy surgical fixation of the urethra
cystectomy surgical removal of the urinary bladder
urethroplasty surgical repair of the urethra
nephrolysis surgical separation of an inflamed kidney from adhesions
pH symbol that expresses the alkalinity or acidity of a solution
nuclear scan technique in which a radiopharmaceutical called a tracer is introduced into the body and a specialized camera is used to produce images of organs and structures
calyx the cuplike division of the kidney pelvis
glomerulus the microscopic cluster of capillaries within the Bowman capsule of the nephron
stricture the narrowing of an opening, tube, or canal, such as the urethra or esophagus
nephrostomy the passage of a tube through the skin and into the renal pelvis to drain urine to a collecting receptacle outside the body when the ureters are unable to do so
excretion the process of expelling material from the body
hilum the recessed area of the kidney where the ureter and blood vessels enter
catheterization to insert a catheter into a cavity to remove body fluid
elimination to remove, get rid of, exclude; also to pass urine from the bladder or stool from the bowel
uremia toxic condition of nitrogenous wastes in the blood
antibiotics treat bacterial infections of the urinary tract by acting on the bacterial membrane or one of its metabolic processes
hemodialysis type of dialysis in which an artificial kidney machine receives waste-filled blood, filters the blood, and returns the dialyzed blood to the patient's bloodstream
peritoneal dialysis type of dialysis in which toxic substances are removed from the body by using the peritoneal membrane as the filter by perfusing (flushing) the peritoneal cavity with a warm, sterile chemical solution
urochrome urine colour
(UA) urinalysis urine screening test that includes physical observation, chemical tests, and microscopic evaluation
Bladder (US) ultrasonography US produces imagesof the bladder to measure pre- and post- void residual urine, thus determining bladder volume and, potentially identifying incomplete bladder emptying
urethroscopy visual examination of the urethra
micturition voiding/urination
(VCUG) voiding cystourethrography x-ray of the bladder and urethra performed before, during, and after voiding using a contrast medium to enhance imaging
Created by: deyoht_kwa
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