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Classical Greece 4.4

Chapter 4.4 Culture of Classical Greece - World History CP - Folsom

ritual a ceremony or rite
oracle in ancient Greece, a sacred shrine where a god or goddess was said to reveal the future through a priest or priestess
tragedy a form of drama that portrays a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force and having a protagonist who is brought to ruin or extreme sorrow, especially as a result of a fatal flaw
philosophy an organized system of thought, from the Greek for "love of wisdom"
Socratic Method the method of teaching, used by the Greek philosopher Socrates, it employs a question-and-answer format to lead pupils to see things for themselves by using their own reason
Aeschylus great Athenian playwright, wrote the only complete trilogy we have today called the Oresteia
Sophocles great Athenian playwright, wrote Oedipus Rex
Euripides a great Athenian playwright,plots more complex, controversial, portrayed war as brutal, showed compassion for women and children who suffered because of war
Pythagoras sixth century philosopher, taught that the essence of the universe could be found in music and numbers
Socrates fifth century philosopher, believed the goal of education was only to improve the individual, critic of the Sophists, did not write down his thoughts
What was the philosophy of the Sophists? group of traveling teachers in ancient Greece who rejected the ideas of Pythagoras; argued that it was simply beyond the reach of the human mind to understand the universe
Plato student of Socrates, wrote down a great deal of his thoughts, fascinated with the question of reality, believed a higher world of eternal,unchanging Forms has always existed, founded a school in Athens, distrusted democracy, wrote The Republic: the ideal
Aristotle studied at the Academy, school founded by Plato, for twenty years; did not accept Plato's theory of ideal forms, thought of forms as part of things themselves: by examining objects we could perceive their forms, analyzed and classified things based on obs
Thucydides an Athenian general who fought the Great Peloponnesian War and was defeated, was sent into exile and wrote History of the Great Peloponnesian War
What were some of the common themes of Greek tragedies? Some of the common themes of Greek tragedies are the nature of good and evil, the rights of the individual, the nature of divine forces, and the nature of human beings.
How did Socrates get in trouble with the authorities and what happened to him? Socrates questioned authority. He was accused and convicted of corrupting the youth of Athens by teaching them to think for themselves. An Athenian jury sentenced him to die by drinking hemlock, a poison.
What was likely the real cause of the Trojan War? Some historians speculate that conflict over trade routes, rather than Helen's legendary beauty, may have sparked the Trojan War.
What is significant about the strait called the Dardanelles? Troys location at the mouth of the Dardanelles, the strait that Homer called Hellespont, gave it command of the water route into central Asia. From this vantage point, the historical Trojans traded skillfully throughout central Asia.
Created by: ldorso
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