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Shang Dynasty earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records Oracle bones
Zhou Dynasty dynasty that took over the dominant position in north China from the Shang and created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven
Qin Dynasty Shihangdi unifier of china
Han Finishes the Great Wall of China and mostly smooths china out.
Confucius as a code of conduct for government officials
Mandate of Heaven Created in Zhou Dynasty in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source
Shihuangdi Emperor of the Qin Dynasty and known for his ruthless conquests of rival states, standardization, the great wall, and his Terra Cotta army
Classical Civilization civilizations that had strong central governments, developed trade networks, and made major contributions to our modern world
1600 B.C.E. - 1050 B.C.E Shang Dynasty
1046 B.C.E. 256 B.C. E Zhou Dynasty
500 B.C.E. - 221 B.C.E Warring States
221 - 206 B.C.E Qin Dynasty
206 B.C.E. - 220 C.E Han Dynasty
Sui Dynasty between the Han and the Tang dynasty strengthened the government, and introduced Buddhism to China
Feudalism social system that developed during the Middle Ages; nobles offered protection and land in return for service
Zoroastrianism religion that saw material existence as a battle between the forces of good and evil
Alexander the Great conquered Persian Empire and advanced to borders of India; attempted to combine Greek and Persian culture; taught by Aristotle
Yellow Turbans Chinese Daoists who launched a revolt in 184 C.E, promising a golden age to be brought about by divine magic.
Darius Persian ruler who brought order to the Persian Empire. He also built roads; established a postal system; and standardized weights, measures, and coinage.
Cyrus Founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire
Persian empire Of or relating to Iran or its people or language or culture
Parthians Persian dynasty very heavy calvary
Persian Wars Conflicts between Greek city-states and the Persian Empire
Han Wudi expanded the Empire in all directions; created the Civil Service System based upon Confucian learning; established Imperial University; promoted the Silk Roads
Confucianism system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct
Daoism Daoists believe that the world is always changing and is devoid of absolute morality or meaning.
Ashoka extended conquests of the dynasty; converted to Buddhism and sponsored its spread throughout his empire.
Chandra Gupta foundations for the Gupta empire, he forged alliances with powerful families in the Ganges Region and established a dynamic kingdom about the year 320 C.E. Golden Age
White Huns Nomadic invaders from central Asia; invaded India; disrupted Gupta administration
Buddhism religion or philosophy based on the teaching of the Buddha that a state of enlightenment can be attained by suppressing worldly desire
Aristotle Greek philosopher
Sparta Greek city-state that was ruled by an oligarchy, focused on military, used slaves for agriculture, discouraged the arts
Plebeians Members of the lower class of Ancient Rome including farmers, merchants, artisans and traders
Pax Romana A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180
Silk roads Trade routes stretching from China to the Mediterranean, which allowed for the exchange of goods and ideas from China to the Roman Empire
patricians the wealthy class in Roman society; landowners
Twelve Tables the earliest written collection of Roman laws, drawn up by patricians about 450B.C., that became the foundation of Roman law
Athens the capital and largest city of Greece
Pericles Athenian statesman whose leadership contributed to Athen
socrates Greek philosopher; sentenced to death for corrupting Athens youth
Buddha Buddha Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who renounced his wealth and social position
Hinduism wide variety of beliefs and ritual practices that have developed in the Indian subcontinent since antiquity
Judaism A religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people.
City- State An urban center and the agricultural land around it under its control
Civil Service In China, started by the Han, based on Confucius teachings
Franks Germanic people who lived and held power in Gaul. Their leader was Clovis and he would later bring Christianity to the region.
Islam Monotheistic religion beginning in the Middle East; Muslims believe that Allah transmitted his words to the faithful through Muhammad
Theocracy A government ruled by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as being divinely guided
Mongol Empire Largest land empire in the history of the world, spanning from Eastern Europe across Asia; split into hordes
Maya Mesoamerican civilization concentrated in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and in Guatemala and Honduras
Aztec Empire in central Mexico with the capital city of Tenochtitlan
Inca Empire in the Andes Mountains of South America; capital at Cuzco; expansionist policy
Athenian democracy comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica. Athens is one of the first known democracies.
Hellenistic Period Ancient Period for the European and Near Asian space. The use of this period is justified by the extent of the Hellenic culture in most of these areas.
Caesar Augustus first emperor of the Roman Empire after Julius Caesar died
Maurya Empire geographically extensive Iron Age historical power in ancient India
Social ranking system Rank you get depending on your social class. Social test
Indus Flourished the longest out of all the others
Civ drop Pop drop
Roman laungage Latin
Wudi Civil service system
social mobility Test to move you up in social classes(China)
Romes army Well trained, well fed, and well rewarded
Rome now Italy
Alexander united Greece
Greek citizen Man, landowning,free
Athens had Direct Democracy
Harem Place where the women go
Dynastic cycle Rise and fall of dynasties
Persepolis Persian Capital
Empire Take land by force
China Technological change
Merchants were Risk takers
the change between second and third wave not much happened
3 waves First, second, and third
Rationalism belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response
Christianity the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices
Greek Geography Island and mountain isolated
Herodotus Greek historian whose writings, chiefly concerning the Persian Wars, are the earliest known examples of narrative history
Justinian code A compilation of Roman imperial law made by order of Justinian I, forming part of the Corpus Juris Civilis
Minoan Prosperous civilization on the Aegean island of Crete in the second millennium B.C.E.
Shaft Graves Graves A term used for the burial sites of elite members of Mycenaean Greek society in the mid-second millennium B.C.E.
Phoenicians Semitic-speaking Canaanites living on the coast of modern Lebanon and Syria in the first millennium B.C.E.
Satrap The governor of a province in the Achaemenid Persian Empire, often a relative of the king.
Polis A city-state in ancient Greece
Hoplite Heavily armored Greek infantryman of the Archaic and Classical periods who fought in the close-packed phalanx formation.
Peloponnesian War A protracted and costly conflict between the Athenian and Spartan alliance systems that convulsed most of the Greek world.
Assyrians ethnic group whose origins lie in ancient northern Mesopotamia. They are a Semitic people who speak, read, and write distinct dialects of Eastern Aramaic exclusive to northern Mesopotamia and its immediate surroundings.
Babylon was originally a Semitic Akkadian city dating from the period of the Akkadian Empire c. 2300 BC.
industrialization process in which a society or country transforms itself from a primarily agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services.
panoramic with a wide view surrounding the observer; sweeping
helot a member of a class of serfs in ancient Sparta, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens.
kshatriya a member of the second of the four great Hindu castes, the military caste.
Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC. At the time, they were probably the largest wars that had ever taken place.
twelve tables is like Hammurabis code
pax romana 200 years of what? Piece
Rome From republic to divine empire
Qin Dynasty starts Unity
Ming Dyanasty
leagalism excessive adherence to law or formula.
Ban Zhao Scholar from the Han Dynasty
Vedas the most ancient Hindu scriptures
Upanishads series of Hindu sacred treatises expounding the Vedas in predominantly mystical and monistic terms
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
Theravada one of the two the major traditions of Buddhism more conservative of the two major traditions of Buddhism
Mahayana one of the two major traditions of Buddhism, now practiced in a variety of forms especially in China, Tibet, Japan, and Korea
Bhagavad Gita sacred Hindu text
Greek rationalism Greek rationalism deals with trying to understand the world using logic and observation
Socrates Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy
Plato philosopher as well as mathematician in Classical Greece
Jesus Major person in Christianity teaches the word of his god.
Nazareth Nazareth is the largest city in the North District of Israel
Jesus Believed in after life taught for 3 years until crucified he is a reformer.
Both Jesus and Buddha Believed in "being good", Love not war, and both were just a normal guy at first, then evolved into a deity.
Buddha Started off poor, was a prince, 40 years of teaching until death, and fixed hinduism
Women can be nuns but cant be a preacher
house churches Church that was in someones house
Fractio Panis Roman catacomb
Roman empire doesn't like Christianity when Jesus is around
Theodosius the empire that makes everyone one switch to Christianity
no Hierarchy means no Violent Slpits
Hierarchy system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other
Buddhism always focused on improving yourself.
Wang Shugu Chinese artist
Legalism brings what back together China
Filial Piety Family is holy
Bodhi tree Where Buddha meditated
Dharma The job that you are suppose to do.
4 noble means all life is suffering, suffering is from attachmetnt to people and things, there is a way, 8 Fold Path
8 Fold Path Be good
Nirvana Extinglish
Buddhist hate Brahmins
Male monks Female Nuns
Zoroastrianism First monotheistic religion
Persian is modern Iran
Judaism is about keeping Covenent
Spaa Plato, Socrates, Alexander, Aristatol
Roman Empire spread what culture Greek
Universal religion a religion that is adapted widely by outsiders. Like Buddhism, Christian, and islam
Pure leaders make good followers
meritocracy government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability
Book of The Analects Confucius book
Apology Defense
Socrates chooses death over what being banished from his village
Constantine Roman emperor and made Christianity a favored religion
Greek rationalism system of scientific and philosophic thought that developed in classical Greece
karma determining factor of the level at which the individual is reincarnated
Laozi Chinese philosopher founder of Daoism
nirvana The end goal of Buddhism wherein individual identity is "extinguished" into a state of serenity and great compassion
Saint Paul The first great person to make Christianity more popular
yin and yang Expression of the Chinese belief in the unity of opposites.
Zarathustra Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism
Roman Republic Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate.
aqueduct a conduit, either elevated or underground, using gravity to carry water from a souce to a location that needed it
Augustine Christian that made major contributions in incorporating elements of classical philosophy into Christianity
Benedict founder of monasticism in the former western half of the Roman Empire
bodhisattvas Buddhist holy men
animism eligious outlook that sees gods in many aspects of nature
Pythagoras Greek philosopher who believed that an unchanging mathematical order underlies the apparent chaos of the world.
Moksha liberation from separate existence and union with the Brahman
Atman The human soul, which in classic Hindu belief seeks union with Brahman
Ahura Mazda In Zoroastrianism, the good god who rules the world
Islam The religion of the Muslims
Pope Bishop of Rome head of Christian Church in western Europe
Who starts civil service exam Wu Di
Harijan Children of god
Po Chu Famous Poet from Tang Dynasty
Wang Mang Land Redistribution
Scholar-Gentry Smart-Old
Peasents are the Backbone
Xian Capital of Han China
Scholars are usually Sneaky
Lowest rank in the caste hierarchy Dalits
Varna 4 ranked classes. Brahmins-Priest, Kshatiya-Warriors, Vaisya-commoners, Sudras-native people
When caste restrictions tighten this became harder for Individuals to raise their social status
Dharma The principle or law that orders the universe
untouchables Lowest category in caste system.
Wudi Chinese emperor that started the civil service exame
Wang Mang Land redistribution
Peasent the back bone
scholar-gentry Smart-old
Capital of Han China Xian
Dravidian dark sin
Sudra Not allowed to learn how to read.
Untouchables aren't considered part of the Caste system
Brahmins cant eat _____ but warriors can Meat
The higher you are in your caste means The more pure your blood is
If you were valved you were respected
Caste keeps India Fragmented
Slavery is based off of domestication of animals, and men owning women animals and men owning women
Most slaves were P.O.Ws Prisoners of war
Everybody after the first wave civilizations pretty much had Slaves
Second wave slavery = Greece and Rome
In China if you were poor you could sell your childern
IF you are in dept, criminal, P.O.W, you were a slave
Slavery was minor in China and India
Manumisson Getting set free
In Rome slaves could be teachers, Poets, and even actors
When the Romans spread it causes Slavery
Evened Poor People had at least one or two Slaves
Slaves are sub-humman
Benevolent Being good to do good
Weapons of the Weak Slaves would sabotage the land by putting salt on it to get revenge on the masters
Haitian revolution Most successful slave revolt
Maya = Writing in america
Classical age = Rome and greece
Land in Africa wasn't good half was desert and half was rainforest
Africa had different climates none of them were good for growing crops
Meroe = Metal
Meroe failed because of Metal
Africa is about long distance Trade
Nubia converts to Coptic
Obelisks Stone towers came from Egypt
Axum was introduced to Christanity
Soil exhaustion and Islam bring down Axumite
citadels City center
Griots Early historians
Transshipment point two different ways to ship
Bantu is all about Diffusion
Bantu were slow and gradual in changing changing
Bananas came from Indonesia to Africa
Bantu had and was based on No queens or kings, kinship and lineage
Bantu are spritual
universal religion includes Christianity and Buddhism
Meso America is between Mexico and the tip of South America
Yucatan is were the Maya's Mostly were
Three sisters Maize, beans, squash
Hieroglyphic writing wasn't just in Egypt
Gupta and Maya = zero as a place holder
Teotihuacan dont know its goverment
Andes need to Terrace
Moche was governed by Warrior-Priest
Civilizations started on a body of water mostly rivers
Created by: 1415ethanelliott
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