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Vatican II Quiz

Introduction to Vatican II Quiz

Pastor Aeternus First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ
Dei Verbum Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
Dignitatis Humanae On Religious Liberty
Gaudium et Spes Pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world
Lumen Gentium Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
Nostra Aetate Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
Sacrosanctum Concilium Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
Unitatis Redintegratio Decree on Ecumenism
The years of the council 1962-1965
How many texts the council promulgated 16
How many three-month sessions the council had 4
Approximately how many bishops were at the council 2,200
Cardina Bea Member of the Central Preparatory Commission, President of the Secretariat for Christian Unity. Leader of the Majority.
Cardinal De Smedt Vice President of the Secretariat for Christian Unity, spokesman especially on the Declaration on Religious Unity. Critical of De Ecclesia
Cardinal Frings Member of the CPC, member of the Council of Presidents, brought Ratzinger. Strong voice for the majority. Dissatisfied with draft texts.
Cardinal Konig Member of CPC, elected to Doctrinal Commission in Oct. 1962. Supporter of Nostra Aetate, named Rahner as his theologian.
Cardinal Lefebvre Member of the CPC, founding member of the Group/Coetus, strong member of the Minority. Excommunicated in '88
Cardinal Montini Member of CPC, elected as Paul VI in 1963
Cardinal Ottaviani Secretary of Holy Office, member of CPC, president of Preparatory Theological Commission and of the Doctrinal Commission. Leading figure of the Minority, especially in the beginning of the council.
Cardinal Ruffini Member of CPC, member of the Council of Presidents. Frequent spokesman for the Minority. Wanted the agenda to reaffirm Leo XIII through Pius XII. Spoke the most at the council.
Cardinal Suenens Member of the CPC and of the Coordinating Commission Moderator one of the most influential Leader of the Majority, proposed a plan for the scope of the council in Dec 1962- 3 dialogues with its own membership, ecumenical, and modern world Close to JXXIII
Gerard Philips Priest, Theologian at Louvain, consultant to the CPC, Peritus, one of the most important theologians at the council. Worked on Lumen Gentium and Nota Explicative Praevia. Favored by Majority, conciliatory
Joseph Ratzinger Theologian to Cardinal Frings, Council Peritus in the Second Period (beginning in 1963). Carried weight with the German Bishops. Pope. Eventually head of CDF
Karl Rahner Under suspicion at beginning of VII. Consultant to Preparatory Commission on the Sacraments, personal theologian to Konig.
Patriarch Maximos IV Melkite Patriarch of Syria, member of CPC, member of the Commission on the Oriental Churches. Outspoken, in French.
Angelo Roncalli John XXIII, Convoked council, made some procedural changes, but let it go pretty much. Agreed with the path of the council, but gave it freedom.
Other Documents SEPRPLMM Social Communication Eastern Rite Pastoral Office of Bishops Religious Life Priestly Training Christian Education Laity Mission Activity Ministry of Priests
Created by: esxlott
Popular Religion sets




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