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WH Part 1 and 2

1. What do historians call the earliest period of human history? 2. Paleolithic Period
3. What allowed early villages to support a growing population? 4. Food surpluses
5. What was the top social class in ancient societies usually made up of? 6. Priests and nobles
7. What do you call people who move from one place to another to search for food? 8. Nomads
9. What do you call simple drawings representing an object that was an early step toward writing? 10. Pictographs
11. What kind of religion was most common among ancient people? 12. Polytheism
13. What kind of religion believes in one god? 14. Monotheism
15. What kind of religion believes in many gods? 16. Polytheism
17. What is the name of the earliest writing system and what people invented it? 18. Cuneiform was invented by the Sumerians
19. What is a system of managing government through specialized departments? 20. Bureaucracies
21. What is a hierarchy? 22. Any system that ranks things from more important to less important
23. What do we call Sumerian step-pyramid temples? 24. Ziggurats
25. What civilization built the Great Pyramids? 26. Old Kingdom Egypt
27. What is the first historical religion that can be classified as ethical monotheism? 28. Judaism
29. These writings are the source of most of what we know about the ancient Aryans who settled in India? 30. The Vedas
31. What is the term for the idea of rebirth of the soul into another body after death? 32. Reincarnation
33. What is the name of the Hindu all-powerful spiritual and creative force? 34. brahman
35. What is an accomplishment of Zhou China? 36. They invented paper and made the first books
37. Who was the Chinese philosopher who believed that good government required a strong social order? 38. Confucius
39. What do we call the Confucian Chinese respect for parents above all other duties? 40. Filial piety
41. What is the main focus of Daoism? 42. Living in harmony with nature
43. What was the first Aegean civilization? 44. Minoans
45. What Greek people dominated the Aegean world from 1400 B.C. to 1200 B.C.? 46. Mycenaeans
47. What kind of governments did the Mycenaeans have? 48. Aristocracies of noble landowners
49. What is another name for a Greek city-state? 50. Polis
51. What is the name of the Greek high city, the fortified home of temples to gods and goddesses? 52. Acropolis
53. Who was the First Emperor of Rome permanently ending the Roman Republic? 54. Augustus
55. What do we call the Two Century period of Roman peace and prosperity? 56. Pax Romana
57. What was the name of the landowning upper class of Rome? 58. Patricians
59. What was the name of the lower class of Rome? 60. Plebeians
61. What was the root of Jesus’ religious teachings? 62. Jewish religion
63. What was the purpose of the Kiva in Pueblo villages? 64. Religious rituals
65. What Central American civilization is famous for extensive practice of human sacrifice? 66. Aztecs
67. How did the Inca keep their empire? 68. Partly by building extensive road systems
69. What Native American civilization is responsible for ancient towns in Cahokia, Illinois and Spiro, Oklahoma? 70. Moundbuilders
Created by: Mr McNair
Popular World History sets




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