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Defense and Coping Mechanisms

Id primarily unconscious; immediate gratification of the drives
Superego conscious and unconscious components; what should and shouldn't be done
Ego mediator between the id and superego; person vs. reality
Perception collection, identification, organization, and interpretation of sensory information to represent and understand the environment
Learning acquisition of new, modifying, and reinforcing existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences
Reality Testing ego's capacity to distinguish what is occurring in one's own mind from what is occurring in the external world
Thinking ability to have logical, coherent, and abstract thoughts
Comperehension ability to understand; action of grasping with intellect
Affect experience of feeling or emotion
Judgment capability to make decisions after careful thoughts; discernment
Denial reality ignored to avoid painful feelings and memories
Distortion altering one's perception of the environment by replacing reality with a more acceptable version in order to suit the inner needs
Projection casting out unacceptable thoughts or feelings into others
Acting Out performing an extreme behavior in order to express thoughts or feelings the person feels incapable of otherwise expressing
Passive-Aggressive Behavior expression of hostile feelings in a non-aggressive or non-confrontational manner
Regression attempt to go back to an earlier phase of functioning in an attempt to avoid current tension
Schizoid Fantasy retreating into one's private internal world to avoid anxiety
Somatization converting emotional pain into physical symptoms and focusing one's attention on somatic rather than intrapsychic concerns
Hypochondriasis exaggerating or overmphasizing an illness for the purpose of evasion and regression
Displacement transferring an emotion association to another where the expression is more permitted, less forbidden, and more acceptable
Intellectualization overemphasis on thinking to deal with emotional issues; avoidance of expression of emotion
Rationalization offering rational explanations in an attempt to justify beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors or failures that is otherwise unacceptable or intolerable
Isolation of Affect separating an idea from its associated emotion
Reaction Formation unacceptable wishes are transformed into the complete opposite
Repression expelling or excluding acceptable ideas or impulses or blocking them from entering consciousness
Sexualization colored with sexual overtones that were either not there, or if present, were subtle
Altruism committing oneself to the needs of others over and above one's own needs
Anticipation delaying immediate gratification by planning and thinking about future achievements and accomplishment
Ascetism attempt to eliminate pleasurable aspects of experiences
Humor finding something comic in difficult situations to reduce unpleasant affect and personal discomfot
Sublimation channeling of unacceptable impulse, thoughts, and emotions into acceptable ones
Suppression conscious decision to delay paying attention to an emotion or need in order to cope with the present reality
Identification internalizing the qualities of another person and becoming like the person
Undoing an attempt to take back an unconscious behavior or thought that is unacceptable or hurtful
Narcissistic, Immature, Mature, Neurotic classifications of defense mechanisms
Defense Deregulation Level characterized by failure of defensive regulation to contain the individual's reaction to stressors, leading to a pronounced break with objective reality
Action Level characterized by defensive functioning that deals with internal or external stressors by action or withdrawal
Major Image Distorting Level characterized by gross distortion or misattribution of the image of self or others
Disavowal Level characterized by keeping unpleasant or unacceptable stressors, impulses, ideas, affects, or responsibility out of awareness with or without a misattribtuion of these to external causes
Minor Image Distorting Level characterized by distortions in the image of the self, body, or others that may be employed to regulate self-esteem
Mental Inhibitions Level compromise formation; keeps potentially threatening ideas, feelings, memories, wishes, or fears our of awareness
High Adaptive Level results in optimal adaptation in the handling of stressors; usually maximize gratification and allow the conscious awareness of feelings, ideas, and their consequences; promote optimum balance among conflicting motives
Created by: 545028586
Popular Medical sets




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