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Chapter 4

Chapter 4 genitals and urinary tract medical terms

Aneurysm Abnormal swelling in a blood vessel
Angioblast Germ cell from which vessels develop
Angiosclerosis Hardening of a vessel
Anomaly Deviation from normal
Apnea Temporary pause in breathing
Arteriosclerosis Hardening of an artery
Arteriospasm Spasm or twitching of an artery
Colporrhaphy Surgical repair of the vagina
Colposcopy Examination of the vagina
Cryptorchidism Failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum
Cystorrhagia Rapid bleeding from the bladder
Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation
Dyspepsia Difficult, painful digestion
Dyspnea Difficult or labored breathing
Hemangiitis Inflammation of a blood vessel
Hematologist Specialist in the science of blood
Hemolysis Dissolution (separation) of blood cells
Hernia Protrusion of an organ, or part of an organ through the wall of the cavity that contains it
Hysteropexy Surgical fixation of the uterus
Hysterospasm Spasm of the uterus
Hysterotomy Incision into the uterus
Kinesialgia Pain caused by movement
Kinesiology Study of muscular movements
Myosclerosis Hardening of muscle tissue
Myospasm Spasm of muscle
Nephritis Inflammation of the kidneys
Nephrolith Kidney stone
Nephromegaly Enlarged kidney
Nephroptosis Kidney sagging from its normal position
Neurofibroma Tumor containing fibrous connective tissue
Neurolysis Destructive of nerve tissue
O-oblast A female germ cell from which a mature ovum is developed
Oophoropexy Surgical fixation of an ovary
Orchidotomy Surgical incision into a testicle or testes
Pyelitis Inflammation of the pelvis
Pyeloplasty Reconstructive surgery of the pelvis of the kidney
Salpingectomy Surgical excision of the fallopian tubes
Salpingo-oophorectomy Surgical removal of an ovary and its fallopian tubes
Salpingoscopy Examination of the fallopian tubes
Spermatoblast Immature male germ cell
Spermatoid Resembling sperm
Ureterolithotomy Incision into the ureter for the removal of a stone
Ureterorrhaphy Suturing of the ureter
Ureterotomy Incision into the ureter
Urethralgia Pain of the urethra
Urethrotomy Incision into the urethra
Created by: cubovich
Popular Medical sets




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